The use of mercury in the modern industry. Properties and characteristics of mercury


2020-05-21 00:20:20




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Mercury is an extremely important metal used in almost all industrial sectors. Therefore, many countries are rapidly developing mercury industry and expand the search of her fields. What is the use of mercury in modern industry – try to understand in this article.

What is mercury

Is a chemical element and the only metal that is liquid at normal temperature. Fluid substance of gray – here is mercury, a photo of which is shown below.


To Harden the mercury can only be at a very low temperature. Medieval alchemists could not achieve hardening of the metal. And only in 1759 Russian academicians Mikhail Lomonosov and I. A. brown were able to do it. The fact that in that year Russia was the extreme cold, and with the help of special mixtures, the scientists lowered the temperature to -56ºC. under these conditions, the mercury froze and became like metal. After a long time the other alchemists found mercury superconductive effect when lowered the temperature to -270ºC.

Mercury in human history

Mercury is known to man since ancient times. The first mention of it found in the records of the fifth century BC Very much examined the mercury in India and China. The most ancient Indian school of alchemy known as “Rasayana” or “the path of mercury”. She was engaged in the development of therapeutic drugs and different drugs.

Ancient people found mercury in nature in the form of cinnabar. They used her as a red dye. The name "vermilion" associated with an ancient legend and translates as “dragon's blood". This characteristic of mercury is associated with religious beliefs. At that time people believed that the blood of the slain in the mountains of the sacred beings – the dragon. Therefore, mercury was considered a medicinal substance that is able to treat patients. One of such remedies was used most often.


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The Ancient alchemists considered mercury the Foundation of all metals and their vitality. They were convinced that mercury and sulphur you can get the gold. But after numerous tests and experiments it became clear that none of the ideas will come. How many scientists died trying to discover the formula for creating gold. And these studies continued until the 30-ies of XX century, until science began to develop rapidly. In the result of radioactive decay, scientists have found mercury stable isotopes of gold, but they were very few. And the price of this metal is very high.

thermometer mercury price

How to get mercury

The Main and almost the only industrial source of mercury is the mineral cinnabar. It consists of 86% from sulphide of mercury, other components – admixture of other minerals. Cinnabar usually has the form of a continuous discharge, rich in impurities, and resembles a grain of irregular shape. Rare formed rhombohedral crystals, bipyramidal appearance. Sometimes mixed doubles.

characterization of mercury

Metallic mercury from cinnabar is produced by heating in an open tube which ensures the contact with oxygen. During heating tiny droplets of mercury flow down along the cold walls. Usually the ore bodies occur at shallow depths and confined to the quartzite, limestone, Dolomites and shales. The world's largest deposits of mercury are Spain, USA, Yugoslavia, Slovenia, Tajikistan, Kyrgyzstan. Large crystals of mercury ore mined in the southern part of China.

Basic properties of mercury

This mineral has unique properties that have made the use of mercury in the modern industry the important element. Mercury is considered poisonous and dangerous metal. But its physical and chemical properties in many spheres of human activity are indispensable.

Physical properties

Mercury is diamagnetic, as it can create hard alloys with other metals, and fluids – amalgam. The solidification temperature of mercury is -38,83ºC, and the boiling metal in 356,73 ºC. it Evaporates at room temperature. Another important characteristic of mercury – it is diamagnetic. This means that to collect the liquid metal balls conventional magnet cannot.

Chemical properties

Like precious metals, mercury is stable in dry air. It interacts with acids, salts, nonmetals. Water, alkalis and non-oxidising acids, mercury does not react. At temperatures above 300ºC, it reacts with oxygen to form mercuric oxide.

The Use of mercury in the modern industry

In the middle ages, the liquid metal is widely used in medicine for the amalgamation and the manufacture of different devices. Nowadays it is impossible to find a sector of the economy that does not use mercury. Properties and applications of this mineral described by scientists from around the world in numerous scientific papers.

So, mercury is used in agriculture to stain seeds. In chemical industry it is used as a catalyst for acetylene, of acetaldehyde. The use of mercury cathodes allows you to select from common salt caustic soda and chlorine.

the use of mercury in industry

Mercury is an essential component in the manufacture of paints for the underwater part of ships. The fact is that living in sea water micro-organisms attach themselves to ship bottoms and contribute to corrosion and wear of metal parts. Containing paint mercury under the influence of sea chlorine forms corrosive sublimate, which poisons harmful bacteria.

Mercury is used even in the production of felt. Available in its composition of salt perfectly degreased fluff. Safer substitutes, which would give the same effect is not found. Mercury serves as a catalyst during organic synthesis in the process of tanning.

As mentioned, mercury has always been used in medicine. Today, on its basis produce antiseptic and diuretics. And mercury ointment was prepared in ancient India, the recipe of which has been preserved to our days. Due to the property of dissolving other metals (tin, silver) mercury used for dental fillings.

The Use of mercury in industry is also linked to its ability to evaporate at room temperature. For example, to clean oil. Thus, the evaporation of the metal contributes to the regulation of the temperature of the oil refining processes.

the use of mercury in modern industry

Mercury devices

Physico-chemical properties are the main reason for which the use of mercury in different devices and machines. A pair of metal used in the mercury turbine. Such installations are particularly advantageous when the unit little water, and the cooling mechanism takes place exclusively by air.

In electrical engineering use rectifiers with a liquid mercury cathode. They allow you to convert household electric current into DC. Even astronomical purposes, is used mercury devices – horizons. They have a special vessel with liquid metal, the surface of which serves as a mirror during the observation space. Also, the use of mercury in the modern industry is manifested in the production of different diffusion pumps, breakers, thermometers.

In many branches of medicine use of mercury-quartz lamps, which are irradiated with ultraviolet rays. Also an indispensable medical tool is well-known thermometer to measure body temperature.

How much mercury: the price on the world market

The Price of mercury is formed on the same principle as for the other metals. Thus, the value of this mineral depends on the volume and purity of the offered mercury. On the world market, the price of mercury for the last six months have dropped significantly. So, if its average price at the end of 2014 was $ 75/kg in March 2015 - US $ 55/kg. But free to buy the liquid metal is almost impossible, because mercury is a chemically hazardous substances. Even for disposal of spilled mercury is necessary to pay a certain amount.

With regard to products that contain mercury, their value depends on the amount of the metal used and other production costs. For example, a very cheap thermometer mercury. Price at pharmacies ranges from 25 to 50 rubles.

The dangers of mercury for health

Despite the widespread use of mercury in industry, it is considered very dangerous chemical. According to the criteria of harm to the life and health of mercury refers to the first class of danger. Mercury usually enters the body by inhalation of its vapors, which are odorless. It mercury vapors pose the greatest danger.

mercury ointment

To cause severe poisoning and health problems, enough exposure to small amounts of mineral. During the intoxication to the greatest extent affects the lungs, kidneys, immune, nervous, digestive system, eyes and skin.

Depending on the reasons and nature of poisoning distinguish between mild, acute and chronic forms. Mild intoxication occurs when food poisoning. After the accidents at the enterprises of the chemical industry or due to the violation of safety is manifested in the acute form of poisoning. In this case, the patient has decreased mental alertness, exhaustion, may have convulsions, vision loss, hair loss and even complete paralysis. In severe cases, acute poisoning may lead to death. Chronic poisoning develops as a result of permanent contact with the mercury and can manifest long after cessation of work. People with this form of disease, increases the risk of hypertension, tuberculosis, and atherosclerosis. There are cases when chronic toxification causes mental disorders.

Carefully with the mercury instrument should apply to pregnant women. Mercury vapours are a major threat to fetal development. If you have children, better than the usual mercury thermometers to replace the electronics.

Recycling of waste containing mercury

The Wide use of mercury contributes to the high concentration of its vapors in the atmosphere of large cities. Now ubiquitous use fluorescent lamps, which contain from 30 to 300 mg of liquid metal. And in some lamps it several times more. According to statistics, every year about 100 million of these lamps become unusable and require recycling. Only a small fraction undergoes special disposal, and the rest just go to the dump, where due to the destruction of the integrity of the glass, the mercury enters the atmosphere.

In addition toalso, mercury used in the manufacture of batteries, which are mostly not recycled. In this way per year in a landfill gets about 40 tons of mercury. This figure is very high, so the problem of disposal of mercury-containing items is very serious. The uncontrolled handling of mercury waste, the irresponsible attitude to the devices containing the liquid metal, creates a threat to the health and lives of people. Everyone knows what kind of trouble can bring an ordinary mercury thermometer. The price of inept handling of them can even cost lives.

mercury properties and applications

Now all governments work on the issue of recycling mercury-containing wastes. For this purpose a special company dealing with the collection of unusable devices and mercury items. They divide them into components (bases, glass, metal) and recycle. Of each type of waste generated blocks that are packaged in special containers (pouches, plastic bags, cans) and are delivered to the place of processing.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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