Analysis of working capital of the company, its methods and indicators


2020-07-03 01:32:07




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The Economic situation of any enterprise largely depends on how quickly his investment in the development of production, turn into money. In economic science, this is “turning” is characterized by the concept of turnover, and therefore the analysis of working capital performs a very important factor in the economic success of economic activities. The reasons for this dependence are that the rate of turnover directly determines:

- the value of advanced capital;

- payment of interest on the loan;

- a need to attract additional investment resources;

- the sum of the costs of owning resources and their storage;

- the amount of taxes paid.

That is why, the analysis of current assets to ensure effective asset management, and is furthermore considered as a tool for timely response to needs in the field.

The duration of the period of turnover due to several factors, which include the scope of activities of the company and its industry, as well as the value of the enterprise

In General terms, current assets represent some part of total capital which is used to replenish current assets. This part of the capital is owned by subjects of labour, produced finished products, as well as being at this stage of the turnover funds. Their feature is that these resources usually have very high turnover parameters, and therefore significantly different from the core capital. Actually this explains their functionality – working capital primarily designed to serve the interests and needs of the current production. The fact still is that if we consider, for example, material components, the analysis of working capital must take into account that these elements in the production process lose their natural shape and are fully included in the cost of the final product.


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By Itself, the turnover of capital includes three main stages: procurement, production and distribution. As a rule, each economic activity starts with the money used to purchase a certain amount of resources for production or trade. At this stage, current resources are converted into production and pass from the material form in the production. In the production phase, resources are converted into marketable form, respectively, and working capital also. Oh, and finally, at the implementation stage, current resources are converted into cash. Just analysis of current assets and should establish what proportion of them is in the sphere of production, which in the sphere of circulation, it is designed to give a professional assessment of the value of products shipped, accounts receivable, in short all elements of the structure of working capital.

Good housekeeping is possible only on condition of its compliance with certain principles in the use of recycled resources: to ensure the optimal structure, economical use, stockpiling, rational distribution and redistribution, minimize the time spent in the reserves. These principles in fact and fix the problem, which aims to provide a modern methodology of analysis of working capital. For example, unbiased analyses of their structures can provide substantial savings in the funding requirements. Their assessments are as follows:

net assets for business needs in this resource, as working capital;

- liquidity indicators, reflecting the General financial condition in terms of potential working capital. They are some of the options are conditional, because to use them in the analysis of working capital with caution.

Working capital are the most important resource for effective the current operation of the business. In this operation the main components are the following stage of the economic process as production and sales. Analysis and indicators of effective use of working capital are designed to optimize these stages, first of all.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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