Officially Business Style Of Speech


2020-07-03 04:13:08




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In the sphere of official communication business areas, the most common styles of communication are officially business style of speech and scientific business style of speech. Among all styles of speech these two styles are most fully able to reveal the essence of communication and to reflect the realities  of the business world. The use of such styles of communication requires business etiquette of a Manager and workers of any serious organization.

The official style of speech – this is one of the major functional styles that make up the sphere of speech communication in the field of relations of an official nature about the management and legal communications.

The Scope of this style of speech are international relations, Economics, law, communication in official institutions, military industry, governmental activities, etc.

Especially widely this style is used for the compilation of official documents. Due to the generally accepted standards of drafting, the use of documents much easier. This speeds up business communication. All international treaties, legal laws, business papers, official correspondence, etc. are prepared using this style of speech.

This style of communication is particularly sustainability and insularity. Characteristically, exposed to the relative changes over time, it retains its basic features, the prevailing genres and specific vocabulary in its original form.

The official style of speech is replete with a variety of speech cliches – standards used in different situations. Unlike other styles of speech, where the templates are stylistic flaws, in this case, they are considered to be a natural and necessary part of the style of business communication.

 official-business style of speech is characterized by a number of distinctive features and features of all genres. These include conciseness of presentation, the mandatory use of the common clichés, standard, presentation and location of the material (especially in writing), the abundance of specific terminology, the use of special stationery and official phraseology, the use of abbreviations, narrative character speech, direct word order, the use of complex sentences, the minimum number of emotionally colored words and others.


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In connection with a huge variety of topics included in the discussion using the business style, there are two main types: documentary official and everyday and business style. In the first style executed legal documents of state bodies, diplomatic acts in international practice. The second style is characteristic official correspondence between enterprises and institutions and private business papers.

In some cases, for business communication required business scientific style of speech. This applies to fields of activity relevant to the scientific developments and implementations. In lexical terms this style is characterized by special terminology, special vocabulary. Words are used in direct values, because in this style unacceptable ambiguity.

Business etiquette requires instilling called styles of speech to all the staff and the top management of the organization. Business etiquette leader is a reflection of the atmosphere and values of a particular organization because it is a General rule for the whole of the business environment. With the help of this tool increases the efficiency of communication, created emotional comfort in the workplace and in General more favorable conditions for work and cooperation with partners. Etiquette behavior in business economically profitable. Signature style and impeccable manners of the staff create the reputation of the company and favorably distinguish the company in the eyes of partners and customers, creating a competitive advantage.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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