The energy efficiency of buildings and structures


2018-03-20 01:38:26




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We All want to live in a comfortable house, where is always warm, despite the weather outside. But few know that it depends on the efficiency of a building, which is determined at the stage of preparation of project documentation. In recent years, the government is committed to develop new requirements that should significantly reduce the amount of energy consumed for life support of a building. The fact that this factor can be called decisive, when we in the global sense of the word are talking about the environmental situation in the country and the world. Many States already for decades are working to improve the energy efficiency of buildings in all categories of appointment. Our country has until recently remained aloof from this process, but also gradually began to join him. Today in this article we will talk about the energy efficiency of buildings and structures in principle, and the measures for its improvement.

energy efficiency of buildings and constructions

Studying the terminology of the question

Not everyone understands what is meant when we talk about energy efficiency of the building. Most often this term is confused with the concept of energy saving. And although in reality they are pretty close in meaning, but represent different definitions.

Under the energy performance of buildings is usually defined as the ratio of a pronounced beneficial effect on the amount of energy their number needed to obtain a similar result.

We Can say that at the highest energy efficiency class energy resources takes the most minimal amount. Some experts call this term more and the judicious use of available energy.


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In order For the reader will not confuse this definition with the energy, adding that energy conservation refers to reducing energy consumption for the same queries. That is, for people it is associated with certain restrictions, while the high energy efficiency of the building enables its residents to function in the usual way, but to get a much better return.

Efficiency today

For almost fifty years, the international community is trying to impose new energy efficiency standards. Some States have enacted special programs that significantly improve this ratio. But still, world industry consumes about half of all energy. And a side effect of this process is the emission of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which is trying to monitor numerous associations of environmentalists. Today, international organizations have adopted a single standard, which includes points for energy efficiency.

In the world there are three States whose economy is entirely based on the consumption of large amounts of energy. The rate of external gross product depends entirely on this factor. To the three powers that fall into the specified category, except for China and the United States, applies to our country. It is in the list, third place.

You Can specify that our industry along with residential buildings consumes more than half of all energy of the Russian Federation. This figure is catastrophic, and the situation has reached such an extent that requires immediate solutions. In this regard, the state is developing a number of measures and regulations that will regulate the energy efficiency of the buildings and residential sector. We will talk about them later.

passport energy efficiency of buildings

Category of buildings subject to new government regulations

Under a set of rules (SP) energy performance of buildings fall into the following structure:

  • Residential sector (high rise construction in cities and other localities);
  • Structure relating to the social infrastructure;
  • Warehouses (temperature should be rises to the level of twelve degrees Celsius and above);
  • The building, designed for storage and repair of equipment (ranging from fifty squares);
  • Apartment buildings, whose height does not exceed three floors.

It is Noteworthy that all norms reglamentary calculations of energy efficiency of buildings not only at the stage of creation of project documentation. A set of rules controls the entire construction process until entering the building in operation. Thus, energy efficiency becomes a strategy, but it does not establish precise indicators, which should be oriented builders and designers.

energy efficiency of buildings

Buildings that do not fall under the state law on energy efficiency

The legislation provided a structure that in no way can be regulated by the procedures described earlier codes of rules and regulations. These include the following properties:

  • Building with religious significance;
  • Monuments of history and culture;
  • Structure of a temporary assignment which may operate not more than two years;
  • Residential building falling under the category of individual building (number of floors should not exceed three);
  • Country andgarden at home;
  • Building in the category of "accessory use";
  • Structures that stand apart from others and the area does not exceed fifty squares.

Today, all of the categories of buildings you can enter in the operation, regardless of their efficiency. Public buildings and residential buildings that are part of this group, your project documentation should not contain any information about energy efficiency. And it will not be an obstacle to obtaining a permit for the construction or operation of the premises.

energy efficiency of buildings

Classes of energy efficiency of buildings and base indices

This term refers to the energy efficiency of buildings or equipment during its operation. This procedure is typically included in a passport energy efficiency of buildings or equipment.

At the moment, decided to use seven classes of energy efficiency of buildings. They are designated by Latin letters from “A” to “G” where “And” is the highest, and “G” is the lowest available.

In recent years, separately identified and the subclasses. To determine the energy efficiency class of the building it is possible, if you look in the project design. For categories of “A” and “In” there are two types of subclasses: “+” and “++". All these nuances should be considered when purchasing any equipment or in the construction process of the building.

It is Noteworthy that all modern appliances and different objects should be labeled indicating the class of energy efficiency. Is it the manufacturer or the Commission accepting project documentation for building, industrial or residential purposes.

Calculation and determination of energy efficiency class of the building occurs according to a formula. It takes into account deviations for normative and specific values, it should be borne in mind and basic values. The calculation of the energy efficiency of residential and industrial object always starts with determining the basic level. For him, decided to take a class “C”.

energy efficiency buildings

Passport energy efficiency of the building

We are unable to ignore this important document relevant to the topic of our today's article. If you have something to do with construction, you should know that this important document is required in order to enter a residential building or a production building in operation.

He confirms the fact that the structure fully complies with all accepted standards and requirements, and equipped with energy metering devices of the latest generation. It is known that with this passport it is even possible to obtain exemptions on property tax. Under this category includes only those objects that receive the highest energy efficiency class.

Wondering what to get a passport should all new buildings and buildings undergoing reconstruction or overhaul. The document is based on the paper design and calculations, as well as on-site survey of the building. It includes a thermal imaging survey. Thanks to it you can always clearly see where the structure loses heat. In this regard, recommendations to address identified problems. If they cannot decide, the decision on the assignment of the energy efficiency class of the building.

Any passport is issued according to the established standard, it is listed as form number thirty-five, and was approved approximately three years ago.

Documents required for registration of energy passports

In order to enter the building in operation, you will need to issue him a passport. We have already mentioned in the article, however, it is understood that this document cannot be drawn up without providing a large amount of paperwork. Most of them are included in the project documentation.

In the first place the Commission will be interested in the architectural part of the plan. To include floor plan, basement and sections of the walls. This requires to specify the thickness of the materials and their complete characterization. Most often this information is contained in full in the approved before the construction project structure.

In addition to these data, the Commission will require a copy of several sections of the project. They will concern the energy consumption and savings. Experts will consider the questions of ventilation, heating, water supply, sanitation and electricity.

If the developer initially will provide all documentation in full, then the time of registration of the passport can be reduced significantly. With the approved document it is possible to appeal to a higher court in order to enter the facility in operation.

Tax Reduction depending on the energy efficiency class

If the energy efficiency of a residential building rented by the organization in operation, will meet the highest standards, the firm is entitled to receive tax benefits for three years. This period is counted from the date of putting the building into operation.

To receive benefits, you must provide all design documents and energy performance certificates of buildings. It is worth considering that the tax may apply only to those buildings that has the following classes of energy efficiency: “In”, “+”, “In++”, “And”.

In orderthat the Commission could make the decision faster and easier, was developed and validated table in accordance with which decisions are made about the energy efficiency of apartment buildings. It includes almost all of the classes and their names. We present it in the form of the following list:

  • Very high class. It is marked with the letters “And”, “A+” and “Revolutionary”. This category implies that the magnitude of the deviation units from the normalized measured in the range of forty to sixty percent with a minus sign.
  • High. Indicate “In” and “+” suggests that the variation is from minus fifteen to minus forty percent, inclusive. Typically, such indicators can be achieved through economic stimulation of the regions.
  • Normal. We have already mentioned that the class “C” was adopted in the base standard, also it can be attributed and coded “+” and “-”. The deviation in this case is in the range of plus and minus indicators: from minus fifteen to plus fifteen. The energy efficiency class must meet most of the buildings.

All of the above classes shall apply in cases of construction and design of new buildings and the renovation of existing ones.

When talking about the already operated buildings, they might tolerate the following classes of energy efficiency:

  • Reduced. It is marked with the letter “D”, and in this case the deviation is from fifteen to fifty percent in the black. Similar structures during operation spend a large amount of energy, therefore, in accordance with the Russian legislation, they decided to reconstruct it.
  • Low. If you see in the documents the energy efficiency of the building, marked with the letter “E”, you should know that the amount of deviation exceeds fifty percent with the plus sign. Such structures, if necessary, can be reconstructed, but more often they are being demolished.

In accordance with the given data, every developer can sort out how, whether it will receive tax benefits.

Calculation of energy efficiency

For the compilation of project documentation, the contractor shall perform certain calculations on the energy efficiency of industrial buildings and residential sector. They consist in determining the quantity of consumed heat energy in order to create conditions for the sustenance of all buildings. It is measured in kilowatts per square meter in one year. It is noteworthy that buildings fall under three categories of energy consumption.

They can be brought in the form of a list:

  • Regulatory. This level implies the energy consumption of buildings in the application of the regulatory thermal performance of envelopes.
  • Comparative. It is a kind of average. To derive this quantity usually taken in the data on the power consumption of the different buildings on the same assignment.
  • Design. This level is determined in the design process of the structure. It is based on the information about the equipment that will be used in the operation of the building, the modes of operation of the structures and similar data.

It is Noteworthy that if the design documentation is based on use of different types of energy, calculations have for each category separately.

energy efficiency of industrial buildings

Energy efficiency: General guidelines

At the state level, adopted a program to improve the energy efficiency of buildings, which includes several levels and points. Moreover, their implementation must occur at various stages of construction, in addition, takes into account phases of the refurbishment and commissioning.

Mainly to increase energy efficiency is possible by reducing heat loss. Usually they are quite significant. For example, in the cold season, about forty percent of the energy goes into heating of outdoor air. If you take this number for one hundred percent, then the walls contribute to the loss of forty percent of the heat, and another twenty percent are equally divided into door and window openings, roof and ventilation system along with basements.

In order to minimize heat loss in buildings, and measures to improve energy efficiency of buildings. They can be briefly presented as a list:

  • Setting the power saving profile;
  • Furnishing of the rooms radiators with individually controlled;
  • Create a Nonbreaking circuit insulation;
  • Select durable insulation system;
  • The use of specialized doors with thermal insulation profile.

Besides, every year are introduced and new products, allowing several times to increase the energy efficiency of buildings for residential and industrial use.

to determine the energy efficiency class of the building

Innovative suggestions for energy efficiency

In Russia Today, held various conferences at which young companies and their already world recognized competitors present their projects, aimed at reducing heat loss of buildings. In the end, when obtaining the energy passport the building has all the chances to obtain a higher energy efficiency class.

Somedevelopment, but others are successfully introduced into production. Similar thing happened once with energy-saving window profiles, which are now widely used in construction. Sometimes they are still on the plant are embedded in the panel that excludes incorrect installation and, consequently, heat loss.

Interestingly, in recent years, a proposal to mainstream environmental indicators into the evaluation process of the energy efficiency of buildings. For example, many companies replace lead stabilizers in window profiles-for others, made from safer materials.

Not the last role in enhancing the efficiency and play materials provided in the construction of the building. For example, modern gas-concrete blocks allow you to connect them as thin seams. Thereby it reduces the risks of heat loss through a connecting solution. Also recently was presented a special glue, its application makes any of the heat loss is minimal. In many cases, they are reduced to zero.

Quite often innovative developments affect the engineering systems of the building. This primarily applies to ventilation and heating systems. However, in recent years evaluation of energy efficiency are and elevators, it is proved that loss of energy when using these devices in some cases up to fifteen percent. Experts advise to evaluate the elevators in the manufacture and after installation in the mine building. In this case, the information will be maximally close to reality.

I would Also like to note that the ideas of energy efficiency are very popular. If we talk about the residential sector, the apartments, built in compliance with modern technologies, are in high consumer demand. In this regard, it is hoped that the integrated technologies aimed at improving energy efficiency, will be applied across the Board and will be one of the priorities of the state policy in construction.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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