Teamwork: the essence, motivation, achievement and development


2018-03-20 00:28:11




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Every leader seeks to create a coherent and well-functioning team. For this it is necessary to be able correctly to place accents, to smooth out conflicts, to plan the event. It is believed that team work on the project can bring more profit than the activity alone. Meanwhile, it is the first in practice raises many concerns and negative reaction. This is mainly due to the inability to properly organize such activities. Next, let's consider the principles of teamwork. teamwork

General information

What is team work? It is worth saying that not every group of professionals can be friendly and highly professional team. Team name a small number of staff with complementary skills common purpose, striving for common goals and bearing equal responsibility for their implementation. In this team, the individual interests are sidelined. Each member of the group should have a high professional level, the ability to make decisions and to interact with other members. Teamwork involves addiction professionals from each other. In this regard, the group carried out a constant exchange of information. teamwork


Teamwork is the result of competent management. The team must go through several stages:

  1. Adaptation. In this step, the mutual information and assessment tasks. Members of the group communicate with each other carefully formed of three or pairs. In the process of adapting people to kind of check each other to determine a mutually acceptable behaviors. Team performance at this stage is very low.
  2. Grouping. At this stage, people get together by interests and sympathies. When it detects a mismatch of individual motivation and goals of teamwork. Members of the group can respond to the requirements. This determines the degree of permissible emotional responses. For example, the Secretary throws the paper and evaluates the reaction of others to this action.
  3. Cooperation. At this stage, the group members are aware of the desire to work on the task. The constructive and open communication, appears for the first time the pronoun "we".
  4. Valuation of the work. This step produces the patterns of interaction in the team. At this stage there is trust, and interpersonal communication moves to a higher level.
  5. Operation. At this stage the accepted constructive decisions about the tasks. Each participant had their own role. The team openly manifests and resolves conflicts. At this stage, is the true teamwork. The group formed a favorable climate. All the participants understand the value of the targets, taking actions aimed at their achievement. Teamwork at this stage is considered the most successful.

achieving teamwork


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Psychologists described some of the effects that arise when working in a team. Among them, worth noting:

  1. The Phenomenon of volume. Team work will depend on the number of participants in the group.
  2. The Phenomenon of quality. The task team work will be implemented most successfully if the team members are of different age and sex, but with almost the same social characteristics.
  3. Conformism. Changing beliefs or behaviour of the participants is caused by the imagined or real pressure group. The value of public opinion high enough for each member. Accordingly, all parties shall respect the standards developed together.
  4. Deindividualization. It involves the loss of identity and the emergence of fear of evaluation in terms of anonymity, is not focused on a specific person.
  5. The Effect of the shift of risk. The group accepted the least or the most risky decisions in comparison with those that would have been otherwise generated by the participants individually.
  6. "Rounding" of thinking. Members of the group are engaged in the search for a solution that would satisfy everyone. While discarded rather realistic options.
  7. Public laziness. When you split the responsibility equally on all participants, they begin to affect your activities all together.

team work


Teamwork involves continuous discussion among participants. It aims to improve cooperation. All professionals feel part of the working community. They feel their competence, carry out certain actions independently and be responsible for the consequences. Each participant appeared freely offers his ideas and criticizes others. Members of the group know about the other jobs, they have some idea of the abilities and talents of each. It means having mutual respect and interest of all participants. All members of the group seek to open dialogue. Information quickly, constantly and purposefully goes from one participant to another.


Teamwork Skills are developed within a certain time. Not just of the group of specialists to create a successful and friendly team. A special role in this belongs to the head. From it largely depends on the effectiveness of the team. However, in practice, managers make serious mistakes in the organization of collective activities. They significantly reduce the efficiency of work. Among the most common are the following:

  1. The Discrepancy of the Manager, the team and the type of tasks set before the people.
  2. Bad choice of professionals to create the group.
  3. Lack of clear objectives or criteria for its implementation.
  4. The Adverse socio-psychological climate.

teamwork project


All these errors avoidable. Almost everyone is motivated to work by three components: payment, interest and social relevance. The first two components is given in practice a great deal of attention. In this case about the social value of man is quite often overlooked. Meanwhile, members of the group must be confident that they are implementing an important project that will bring the company profits.

Team Leader

A special role. In addition to direct management, planning and control, the leader must be able to motivate and organize the team, to develop in him the basics of self-government. Due to the action of the human factor to realize in practice these tasks can be difficult. A key criterion for the selection of a leader is his idea of the organization of the activities of the team. As the main tool to influence will be both positive and negative feedback. Effective teamwork will depend largely on the personal qualities of the leader. He will be representing the team in interaction with others, to eliminate external obstacles. effective teamwork

Reducing the number of conflicts

As was said above, in the initial stages of teamwork is accompanied by some tension. There are often conflicts. The Director must take into account their probability and with a certain degree of loyalty to treat the members of the group during this period. To reduce tensions, using different training sessions, working on creative tasks, in which group will feel the whole body. In addition, it is important to pay attention to the development of clear rules of behavior. They must be formulated and adopted directly by the members of the group. It is also necessary to adopt responsibility for their violation.  the goal of teamwork


Normally the team feels like a team when it reaches a first success. It is necessary to consider to the Director. The first task for the team must be difficult, but it is implemented in a relatively short period. In some cases it so happens that the group is overly immersed in their activities and lose touch with the real world. This can have negative consequences. To prevent this phenomenon, the head should organize the flow of external information to the participants and the outflow of information from them. This helps to maintain the tone of the team. Learn and apply all the intricacies of the process impossible. Any team work requires weaknesses. At the successful teams they compensate the strengths of the participants.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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