Stone chip protection of car body: reviews drivers. Protection stone chip film


2019-11-29 02:00:18




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Probably each of us saw numerous scratches and chips on the bodywork of cars. Even a small defect can significantly spoil the appearance of a car. What is most interesting, chips and cracks occur already during the first weeks of operation of cars. So if you want to preserve the attractive appearance of your iron friend for as long as possible, you should be interested in stone chip protection of the car body. Reviews about it and review the protection – further in our article.

What is it?

Stone chip protection – a small layer of film that covers a certain part of the vehicle body. Sometimes it is glued around the perimeter of the paint coating (so-called comprehensive treatment).stone chip protection of car body reviews

What gives this film the car? Due to the stone chip protection your vehicle will be less susceptible to external factors. This corrosion and ultraviolet rays, and the dust that forms the visible defects in the paint coating.


It is Worth noting that stone chip protection car can be of several types. Just to distinguish three kinds of films:

  1. Polyurethane.
  2. Cast vinyl.
  3. Liquid stone chip.

To find out the features of each, consider their properties separately.

Thus, a polyurethane film. Where is it used? This stone chip protection car is mainly used on the front of the body. This is the hood, bumper and mirrors. Sometimes the stone chip protection film is done by the manufacturers on the conveyor. However, not all companies resort to such procedure, but because the drivers have to think about how to protect your car. Of course, some polishes should not be limited.

In comparison with other types of protection, this film has a large thickness, therefore, is installed on more vulnerable parts of the body. Drivers say that she is able to protect the car from exposure to insects and road dust, but also from blows of stones flying from under the wheels of oncoming cars. Also the film protects the paintwork of your vehicle from branches. This is a very big plus for those who like frequent outings. On the qualities of the polyurethane protection is very flexible. So it is easily placed on the izgibistym areas of the body.antigravel protection car


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Motorists Also noted the high protection of the film from UV exposure. Despite its transparency, it protects the body paint from sunlight and retains the original color of the car for many years.

Now with the vinyl stone chip protection of the car body. Drivers say that it copes with its functions in the area of the wings and wheel arches. The thickness of the vinyl film is less than that of polyurethane. However, this does not mean that it is more vulnerable to the impact of external factors. As polyurethane, vinyl film protects body paint from UV light, gravel, stones and road dust. But to put it on too embossed areas is not recommended.

Liquid protection is relatively recent, and therefore is not used as often as-tested vinyl and polyurethane films. Although this stone chip lacquer was voted best innovation in the United States in the field of materials for protection of car body. It is also clear, but its application technology different from the previous two cases.

What is a good stone chip protection film?

Compared with the Polish film have many advantages, some of which we list now. First, it is a constant protection of the body. If the polishes are only temporary (2-3 months), stone chip protection of the car prevents the penetration of UV rays and gravel all year round. Moreover, to accurately determine whether a layer of Polish to the bodywork or not, is very difficult. It so happens that 80% of LWA it is, and on the remaining 20% is missing. In this case, the lower half of the body is still vulnerable, and sooner or later it appears the first chips and micro cracks. But once the coating is no longer susceptible to negative influences, the need for re-painting the car is completely eliminated.

Second, the protection of the body stone chip protector will save your car from the negative effects when minor accidents. Now at the slightest touch bumper on a curb or another car when Parking you have no need for additional straightening.stone guard protection film

Third, In stone chip protection body-you have no need for constant polishing of the car. Now, in order to refresh its appearance, it is enough to wash the dirt from the surface of the car. And already provides protection stone chip film. It scratches and chips appear much less often than on top of paint.

Thus, stone chip protection, headlamp, bumper and hood allows to protect body parts from the following factors:

  1. Ultraviolet rays.
  2. Alkaline and acid chemistry.
  3. Gasoline, solvents and alcohols.
  4. Adhering of insects.
  5. The consequences of minor accidents.
  6. Chips, scratches, and other deformitiesrefinishing.

Properties of polyurethane and vinyl films

What else you'll be stone chip protection of the car body? Drivers noted the high life of this film. As practice shows, stone chip protection is able to stay on the body until the age of 5-6, and even while perform all their functions at 100%. Also, this film is not afraid to frequent washing with high pressure. In the sun it does not become cloudy and does not yellow and remains as transparent and invisible as ever. Also it doesn't require a additional care, and this will save your time and money. In addition, stone chip film, the risk of rust is completely eliminated. But this corrosion is the most terrible enemy of the body of passenger cars and SUVs.

How is the film setting? The preparatory process

Work on the installation of “antigravity” are produced at specialized service stations and dealerships. In fact, many car dealerships offer additional services for installation of security film on a new car. And this is very true because already in the first 100 miles the car body begins to be covered by macrocarpon and cracks. The process of application is simple, but very laborious, and therefore demands special skills and experience. Like a car ready for pasting ‘antigravity”?

First, the car is completely washed off. Moreover, this operation occurs even if the new cars. Then the body check for the presence of any minor contaminants. This can be traces of insects, pitch, bitumen stains and so on. After the paintwork is treated with abrasive clay. The latter, due to its properties, perfectly removes even the dirt that cannot be seen by the naked eye. Usually this clay is mixed with a special soap solution or cleaner.gravel protection auto

If the body of the car found scratches and cracks, their masters zapolirovan with a paste. By the way, at the end of these works it also remains thoroughly washed out.

It would Seem that the body is fully washed, repaired chipping. It's time to get to work. But no. Before the sticker, the surface of the body thoroughly degreased. A special tool is fully remove the remains of car shampoo that has been previously used in washing. The final preparation produced with the help of window cleaner which is also good cleans and degreases the surface.

Directly pasting

How is stone chip protection? The car once all the above procedures is treated with a mounting solution, which allows to avoid the formation of bubbles on the film.

In the next step of the wizard, remove the film from the substrate and choose the location where to install it. It may be wings, bumper, mirrors, door sills and even the roof. She then placed on the surface. The top film is also treated with a mounting solution. Then begins the hard work – forcing bubbles and solution from under the surface of the body. This is necessary in order that the glue securely bonded with vinyl (and, of course, the body with bubbles is not as attractive as without them). Unnecessary components wykonawca using the squeegee at an angle of 45 degrees. The bubbles can be removed by using an insulin syringe with a solution of isopropyl alcohol. The puncture of the film while carefully smoothed with a cloth. When working with a syringe it is important not to damage the paintwork of the car. Well, if the pasted over surfaces include relief bends (such as the side mirrors), then to simplify the process the film a bit stretched. It is worth noting the following: the more textured form of a specific part of the body (where applied “floatstone”), the more difficult to make work. Therefore, very often motorists seek to install films in specialized centers.

Upon completion of installation work, the specialists wipe the film dry with a clean cloth. After that, the surface of the stone chip protection is applied a special Polish that will make the vinyl water repellent properties. If on the surface of the film formed scratches (for example, by rough adjustment), you can delete them by mounting the hair dryer. To the damaged area sent a hot stream of air, after which the surface of the vinyl will once again be smooth and shiny.exterior protection stone chip film

On Top of the film may be coated with a special layer of varnish, which prevents the formation on the surface of the body yellow, and other plaque. If the technology installation was observed in accuracy, the service life of this protection will be about 5-6 years.

How to fit vinyl?

Stone chip protection hood can pre-raskryvaetsja pattern specific brands and models of cars or applied in the form of a sheet. In the latter case the film is adjusted by trimming unnecessary edges, special patterns. But most of the workshops assembled ready protection appropriate for the size of the area of any part of the body.

Rules of operation

After installation, stone guard film, experts recommend not to wash your car for 4-5 days. It is necessary that the adhesive layer is better bonded with the surface of the paintwork. At the end of these days this protection is not needed inadditional care.

What should work?

It is Worth noting that the quality of work depends not only on the professionalism of a HUNDRED, but from where was made this pasting. So, which room you can install stone chip protection?

First, it should be bright and warm. The temperature in this room should not be less than 18 degrees Celsius. The presence of draughts is eliminated. Secondly, this place should be clean. Excessive amount of dust can interfere with the installation stone chip protection. In the constant movements of masters the particles can get under the tape where it will be very difficult to remove. The clothing itself installers must be lint-free. Thirdly, you need to pay attention to the hands of the master. They have to be sterile clean before and during installation. If the fingers will be dirt, it will penetrate into the adhesive layer of the film. To remove the particles, like dust, is almost impossible.

Where is better to install “floatstone”?

The Most vulnerable to stones, gravel and road dust are the windshield of the car. It is the side mirrors, wings, body, bumper and hood. Also do not forget about the trunk and sills. These places also often appear scratches and chips. Well, it is best to produce comprehensive protection of the body. So you will keep the paintwork of your car in its original form.stone chip protection of the car thresholds

It is Worth noting that stone chip protection bottoms produced by processing bitumen, a special solution (a so-called anti-corrosion treatment of metal). It, in contrast to the fining body wrap, you can make your own. Importantly, the particles of bitumen did not get on the painted parts of the body. By the way, stone chip protection underbody of the car perfectly prevents corrosion on metal surfaces. But the bulk of the rust appears there, as the bottom suffer the most from stones, dirt and other road debris.


How much is a stone chip protection of the car body? Owner reviews note that the full (complex) taping costs about 40-50 thousand rubles. This amount already includes the film itself and the cost of work of installers. When integrated vinyl wrapping is handled in the following body parts:

  1. Bumper.
  2. Headlights.
  3. Door.
  4. Hood.
  5. Mirrors.
  6. Internal and external threshold.
  7. Front and rear bumper.
  8. Roof.
  9. Front and rear fenders (both sides).

You Can make partial pasting. It will cost you less. For example, stone chip protection threshold car costs about 1600-2000 rubles, and mirrors is about 1000. The reservation price of the two lights is about 1500 rubles. The most expensive will be lining the roof – about 5 thousand rubles.gravel protection headlight

So, we found, as is the protection of car stone chip film, it really gives the result and how much is this service a HUNDRED.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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