How to get rid of the misting in the car? A tool from fogging of glasses in the car


2020-02-09 23:20:15




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Many drivers faced with the same problem as the fogging of glasses in the car. To get rid of this phenomenon is, there are certain ways. This problem is quite serious. Misted glass greatly impair the view of the road and the curb, which dramatically increases the chance to get into an accident or hit someone. And if in the warm season, when the positive temperature, simply wipe with a cloth windshield from the inside in the winter moisture can turn into ice and remove the ice much harder. Therefore, while there is a strong frost, it is appropriate to put in order the system of blowing of the glass and heating the car, as well as to neutralize the sources of moisture in the car. So, let's see how to get rid of fogging in the car.

how to get rid of fogging in the car

Tip 1: remove the snow from the hood

If the car was outside and it snowed, the first thing it needs to be cleaned. Especially well it is necessary to remove the snow that is in the space between the windshield and car hood. When the engine is warmed up, the snow in this space will begin to melt and turn into water which will flow down. As a result, the air intake for the interior heating of the car will be made from space, where a lot of water. Consequently, the interior will be very moist air. The moisture will settle on the Windows machine and thereby impair visibility. Therefore, the first need is to clear the snow at least with the hood and windshield of the car.

Tip 2: less talk

a tool from fogging of glasses in the car

From physics we know the cause of fogging in the car. Moisture in the air in contact with cold glass machine condenseries and settles on them, turning into fine droplets. It is primarily contained in the exhaled breath of the driver and all passengers the air. Of course, it is impossible not to breathe, but it is easy to reduce the number of calls. The result is the glass will fog up significantly weaker.


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It is Fair to note that the presence of drunken passengers really enhances the effect of fogging, since they breathe out a couple of alcohol due to the hygroscopicity of the way absorb moisture from the body.

Tip 3: dry the car

Insulation, floor mats, seat covers – all of these elements can contain moisture. It evaporates from the tissue, saturates the air, and then condenseries on the glass. The driver may not understand where does the condensate, because the stove turned up to full power, the Windows are closed, and from the Windows poured streams. And all the banal just: movement of warm air stimulates the evaporation of moisture from the tissues.

how to clear misted-up Windows in the car

In this case is likely to require drying of the car and search for places where moisture may penetrate into the interior. Most often rainwater can seep through the glass seals, the outputs of the antenna, leashes wipers.

If the car has climate control, the air may be excessively humid due to the fact that poorly educated condensate is discharged to the outside through the drain hole. The air passing through the duct with a condensate, quickly becomes saturated with moisture, and that when heated and in contact with the cold glass of the car settles on them. Often in a HUNDRED know how to get rid of the misting in the car. They can disassemble the dashboard and clean all the channels, which may contain condensate. After that, the cabin will be supplied dry air. However, such a malfunction is rare.

cause of fogging in the car

Tip 4: clean the pollen filter

Each car has a heater, the air flow from which is directed to the windshield. In some machines, the warm air can even be directed to the side window. If the stream is so weak that misting does not pass, then you need to check the cabin filter. It passes through the air before entering the cabin, and if the filter is clogged with debris, the air can not pass. In most cars the filter is located under the glove compartment – replace or clean. In some cases, it helps to get rid of fogging in the car. Once the filter is cleaned, the airflow from the flaps will become strong, and the air – hot.

Tip 5: install an additional fan

Owners of older cars often use additional equipment to improve the efficiency of air circulation and elimination of condensation on the glass. Alternatively, you can install additional fan and aim it at the windshield or rear window of the car. In older machines, provided Vostochnye holes through which cool air from outside is supplied directly to the windshield. This is partly solves the problem of fogging.

misting in the car in the rain

Of Course, the air intake in the wet glass must be implemented from the street. The use of recirculation of air in the passenger compartment only leads to a deterioration of the situation. So be sure to disable this option in the car.

Air conditioning – another good tool from fogging of glasses in the car. If the streetis kept zero temperature, then turn it. Almost all of the machines it is allowed to activate in parallel with the stove. In this case, the air will flow into the interior of the car is not hot, and warm, but drier. This would be sufficient to not only remove the fogging but also prevent this process.

Tip 6: wash Windows

It is Noticed that the moisture deposited on clean glass weaker, so experienced drivers often wash the inside glass with water and even with pure alcohol. One such procedure will be enough to keep the glass transparent over the next two to three hours (depending on the number of passengers in the cabin).

The Chemicals from fogging of glasses in the car

national anti-fogging car Windows

In the automotive stores sell a special spray and liquid funds, which prevent fogging. They create on the glass oily layer, which can't take moisture, with the result that even at very high humidity in the car Windows remain clean.

Substandard tools leave a visible oily layer on the window quality – leave. Popular are:

  1. "Drop Sortie".
  2. "Antichamber".
  3. Perfect.
  4. "FAE".

As a folk remedy against fogging car Windows, then this is also available – glycerin. They just rubbed the car window (and all), and they cease to fog up. But when night visits, you must use it with caution, as the glycerin can create a glare. A similar procedure has to be repeated in 3-5 hours.

As a variant, it may be advisable simply to keep the Windows open (not completely, but only a small hole) and turn on the heating to maximum. In this case, from the street to the salon will receive fresh cold air, but the stove will provide effective heating. However, this method is unacceptable in the event of misting in the car in the rain, because with the Windows open to the salon will receive lots of moisture.


Although this issue is relevant today, solutions are many. Now you know how to eliminate fogging of glasses in the car, and will easily be able to influence this process. Note again that driving with fogged Windows dangerous to life and health, so take note of all the above ways. If none of them fit, then just priotkryvaya a little window. It can create discomfort in the cabin, but the glass will be perfectly clear.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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