Tips on how to use e-book


2019-05-14 16:20:18




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Correct operation of the equipment is the key to its longevity. Therefore, the effectiveness and the efficiency of equipment depends largely on the user. Today we will look at how to use to use e-book

Best solution

But first need to say a few words about the device itself. Such electronic "reader" of books is a very good decision for every avid reader, in fact, having bought it once, he wouldn't need to invest money in his favorite hobby. This technology allows you to store more than a few tens of thousands of text files as a sort of library. Using Wi-Fi you can download books by your favorite authors directly from the network. The screen is made with the introduction of technology for eyesight protection. E-books have many additional functions, expressed in the form of audio player, mini-games, browsers, clocks and so on. Such a device approximates the process of reading a book to a realistic (natural). This option is beneficial and convenient.

Tips for the correct use of

Now, after we got the initial idea, move on to how to use e-book. Basic control and navigation of such a device is only one button that performs multiple functions. Using a simplified and convenient system use and operation books, it becomes incredibly easy. To carry out the work, thus, it is possible with just one finger.
e-books In the e-book, as well as in all other devices, there is a main menu, which houses and presents its main features. Enough literally 4-5 minutes to fully understand it. When you open a text file, the device automatically enters read mode, removing from the screen the extra icons and panels. In this mode, the activated additional functions books, for example, smooth transition between pages, highlighting, markings, ability to take notes, zoom in or zoom out, search the entire file, and so on. In short, everything necessary and useful "gadgets" that facilitate the reading process. But how to use e-book, if there is not one Central button, and a few? As a rule, in this case, in control panel, there are transition keys "left" and "right" in navigating the menu and flipping pages.e-reader books Also on the case can be buttons increase and decrease the volume. Good digging in the settings of the book can be podstolice its appearance to your taste. There you can discover installing Wi-Fi system, reader mode, time setting, memory management and so on. You can change the interface language from the available list (which is quite large). Nothing complicated in the device settings no, the important thing is to switch the language to Russian if you have not done so previously. And then the whole process of learning how to use e-book will appear to the user very interesting and fast.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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