The Armenian genocide


2018-03-23 06:59:07




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The Armenian Genocide was organized in 1915, those areas of the country, over which ruled the Ottoman Empire. Quite often this period in Armenian history is called the Great Crime.

It is believed that the Armenian genocide was carried out in several stages. To begin, all Armenian soldiers were disarmed, and then began the selective deportation of the citizens in conditions unfit for living. In the future, followed by the mass deportation, accompanied by violence and murder.

The Armenian Genocide: historical background

Armenian settlements appeared in the second century BC. In those days the people had populated the territory of modern Eastern Turkey and the areas around lake van and mount Ararat. Interestingly, in the year 301 the Great Armenia became the first country where Christianity was recognized as the only state religion. Faith became a catalyst for mass evictions and destruction. But the Armenian genocide started much later.

The Country was repeatedly invaded by the Ottoman troops. And at the end of the 19th century a large part of the Armenian nation was under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. And since the citizens of Armenia were not Muslims, and were considered second-class members of society. For example, soldiers were forbidden to carry weapons and to testify in court, and the taxes were several times higher.

The First mass killings of Armenians occurred in 1894-1986. Later there were several more clashes of Armenian soldiers and Turkish troops, during which killed several thousand citizens of Armenia.


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The Armenian Genocide during the First world war

In 1914 between Turkey and Germany signed a secret agreement in order to change the Eastern borders of the Turkish state. This would give the opportunity to make a corridor to the Muslim population of Russia. The creation of such a free area meant the expulsion of Armenians from the territories.

However, in 1915 when the Ottoman Empire was drawn into world war II, Armenian citizens was called to the front. In the same year, after British troops attacked the Dardanelles, it was decided to move the capital of the Ottoman Empire. On the other hand, the authorities feared a possible assistance to the Armenians enemy troops. Thus, the decision was made to quick deportation of all the Armenian people.

Until today, April 24, 1915 is considered a day of mourning for the whole nation. On this day and began the genocide of the Armenians. His organization considers guilty of Enver Pasha, Talaat Pasha and Jemal Pasha.

Turkish rulers issued orders to gather all the Armenian intellectuals and immediately deported. Within a few months of continued mass arrests. During this period, the victims of repression fell famous artists, writers, lawyers, entrepreneurs, musicians, doctors, and other talented citizens. Those who survived were deported to the desert where they died from hunger, or heat from the hands of the brigands.

But such destruction of the Armenian people took place not only in Constantinople — soon the repression has been actively conducted throughout the country. Official sources report that the eviction and killings continued until 1918. On the other hand, there is evidence of atrocities against the Armenian people in the future.

The same group of refugees who managed to avoid the tragic fate, United in their desire for retribution. Thus was created a list of the eighty people who in one way or another were involved in the organization and carrying out of genocide. Within three years, almost everything on this list was killed by Armenian soldiers, including Enver Pasha, Shakir Bey, Cemal Pasha and other leaders.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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