Contemporary sociological theory


2018-03-24 20:20:10




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Sociology as a science began to develop in the 19th century thanks to the work of the French scientist Auguste Comte. The founder of sociology, Auguste Comte was the first to declare the necessity of creating a science of society. He is the founder of the positivist direction.

Stages of development of sociology

  The Problems associated with the social system, was considered by Plato and Aristotle in Ancient Greece, T. Moore, Francis bacon and Machiavelli in the Renaissance, T. Hobbes, J. Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu in the New time.

In the 19th century, sociology began to develop rapidly. Appear the work of Herbert Spencer, Auguste Comte, K. Marx, F. Engels. This time can be called the first stage of development of sociological science (1840-1880)..

The Second phase (1890-1920). the evolution of science on society was associated with the development of methods of sociological analysis and development of categorical apparatus. The positivist conception of Herbert Spencer and Auguste Comte continued to develop the work of the French scientist E. Durkheim, author of the theory based on functional analysis of social institutions. About this time began to shape the scientific school of M. Weber, the founder of “understanding” of sociology, which, in his view, needs to understand social action and to explain its development and results.

The Third phase (1920 to 1960) characterized by a beginning of active development of sociology in the United States, and its experiential component. The most significant at this stage is the theory of Parsons, which allowed to represent the society as a dynamic functional structure. H mills created the so-called “the new sociology", which gave the development of the sociology of action and critical.


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The Fourth stage in the development of science, which began in the 1960s, represented a wide variety of approaches, concepts, many authors: the theory of R. Merton, G. ethnomethodology Garfinkel, the theory of symbolic interactionism of G. Mead and G. Blumer, conflict theory is a Coder, and others.

Modern sociological theory of

The First who applied structural-functionalist analysis to the study of society, was A. Radcliffe-brown. He viewed society as a kind of superorganism, with all the necessary conditions for the existence of what, in fact, arise social institutions. B. Malinowski said the concept of a function and applied the functionalist approach to the study of culture. T. Parsons considered the founder of systemic-functional concept. It was developed further by R. Merton, who introduced the concept of theories of an average level.

Modern sociological theories include the theory of symbolic interactionism, which was developed by John. G. Mead and Charles Cooley. Personality, as did H Cooley, is the result of communication. The person one becomes through interaction (interaction) between individuals. John. G. Mead suggested that individual and social action must be formed with the help of characters acquired by individuals in the process of socialization.

Contemporary sociological theory cannot be imagined today without the phenomenological sociology of A. SSA, which suggests that the phenomena exist directly in the mind and are not associated with logical reasoning. P. Berger and T. Lukman became known through his work on the social construction of reality. According to P. Berger and T. Lukman society can exist simultaneously as objective and subjective reality.

The Leading representatives of neo-Marxism was T. Adorno, H. Marcuse, J. Habermas, E. Fromm. The basic methodological principles of Marxists: commitment to humanism, the denial of positivism, with its separation of values and facts, the liberation of the self from a wide variety of forms of exploitation.

Bourdieu, the founder of constructive structuralism, attempted to avoid the  confrontation of theoretical and empirical sociology.

These Are the main contemporary sociological theory.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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