The design of the title page is an important and integral part of the course work, essay, report


2018-03-24 23:27:08




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Making a title page for any research paper (including abstract) must meet certain rules and norms of GOST. Title page – this is the first thing the tutor will pay attention.

the design of the title page

In addition, to make their demands may school. It is clear that you can learn about them only in the process of learning, but usually they are not too deviate from the standards. It is therefore advisable already in the first year to create the necessary templates, meet the requirements, and then only to make changing data.

Making a title page essay

  • Top of the page (symmetrical boxes) indicate the name of the school and the Department;
  • In the center of the sheet write the word “Abstract” and the full title of the discipline;
  • After a few blanks, write the word “Subject” without the quotes, and below its title;
  • In the lower right corner write the following data: student (student) such a course and groups, and under these words indicate the surname; the next line indicates information about the teacher (surname, initials, title, academic degree);
  • In the middle of the bottom of the page you must write the city in which is located a school, and a year of work, at the same time write only the numbers (without the word “year”)

processing cover sheet of the report

Making a title page for coursework

Grades for course work are recorded in the gradebook, and the work is kept in school for a long time. They can be sampled by the Commission, which regularly visits Universities. Consequently, the design of the title page coursework must be aged not less strictly, than the essay. You also need to follow a certain style and font size. Classic version -Times New Roman. Below will be described the sequence of the title-page:


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  • Ministry of education (including country);
  • Next phrase: “education” (without quotes) and the name of the University in quotes (uppercase);
  • The faculty where the student is learning;
  • In the middle of the page write specialty and below in bold (24 PT.) the words “paper” in capital letters;
  • Next is the title of the topicprocessing cover sheet coursework

All these data must be aligned on the center of the sheet, and the information about the student and teacher is made by analogy with the abstract.

Making a title page for the report

The Report can be attributed to the free form of presenting information. However, to it certain requirements:

  • Top of page (center) is the name of the report;
  • In the header should be no acronyms or abbreviations unnecessary indents or line breaks;
  • Below the main topics indicate the author of the report (font 14), can be used; italics;
  • It should indicate the UNIVERSITY, year of performance and the data of the teacher.

If there is a need to make annotation, it is placed on the bottom in small letters. As for the format of any cover sheet, everything is standard: right field – 1 cm, the others-2,5 cm Title page is not numbered, but the default is first. In this connection, the following page will be considered second and be numbered with the number “2”.

Templates "titles" that you created in advance will facilitate the learning process and help timely submit operation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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