Moscow, 1993: White House shooting


2018-03-25 05:06:24




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Began in 80-ies of the 20th century in the Soviet Union economic and political crisis has increased significantly in the 90s and led to a number of global and radical changes in the territorial-political system of one-sixth of the land, then called the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, and its collapse.

It was a period of acute political struggle and confusion. The proponents of a strong Central government came into confrontation with supporters of decentralization and sovereignty of the republics.

6 November 1991 Boris Yeltsin elected by the time the post of President of the RSFSR, the decree stopped the activity of the Communist party in the Republic.

On 25 December 1991, Central television was made by the last President of the Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev. He stated about the resignation. In 19-38 at the same time the Kremlin was lowered the flag of the Soviet Union, and after almost 70 years of existence, the Soviet Union disappeared from the political map of the world. A new era has begun.

the shooting of the white house 1993

The Crisis of dual power

Confusion and chaos that always accompany changes in the state system, not spared and the formation of the Russian Federation. At the same time preserving the broad powers of the Supreme Soviet and Congress of people's deputies established the post of President. In the state there was a dual power. The country demanded rapid change, but the President prior to the adoption of the new edition of the basic law was severely limited in power. In the old Soviet Constitution most of the powers was in the hands of the Supreme legislative body is the Supreme Council.


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The conflict

On one side of the opposition was Boris Yeltsin. He was supported by the Cabinet of Ministers, headed by Viktor Chernomyrdin, Moscow mayor Yuri Luzhkov, a small part of the deputies, and law enforcement agencies.

On the other side was the main part of the deputies and members of the Supreme Council headed by Ruslan Khasbulatov and Alexander Rutskoi, who served as Vice-President. Among their supporters were mostly Communist MPs and members of the nationalist parties.

the white house shooting year


The President and his supporters called for a quick adoption of a new Constitution and the growing influence of the President. Most were supporters of "shock therapy". They wanted the speedy implementation of economic reforms and a complete change of all structures of power. Their opponents advocated that all power has been perpetuated by the Congress of people's deputies, as well as against hasty reforms. An additional reason was the reluctance of Congress to ratify the treaties signed in Belovezhskaya Pushcha. But supporters of the Council believed that the President's team is just trying to write off their failures in reforming the economy. After long and fruitless negotiations the conflict has reached a deadlock.

Open confrontation

March 20, 1993 Yeltsin on national television spoke about the signing of the decree No. 1400 “On the gradual constitutional reform in the Russian Federation”. It provided for a fine control during the transition period. The decree also provided for the termination of powers of the Supreme Council and the referendum on a number of issues. The President claimed that all attempts to establish cooperation with the Supreme Council failed, and to overcome the protracted crisis he is forced to take certain measures. But later it became clear that Yeltsin did not put the signature under the decree.

On March 26 meeting is the ninth extraordinary Congress of people's deputies.

On March 28, the Congress is considering a proposal of impeachment of the President and the resignation of the head of the Council Khasbulatov. Both proposals did not receive the necessary number of votes. In particular, for the impeachment of Yeltsin voted 617 of deputies, and had at least 689 of the votes. Was also rejected the draft resolution on holding early elections.

the shooting of the white house

Referendum and constitutional reform

25 APR 1993, a referendum was held. On the ballot there were four questions. The first two - about trust to the President and his policies. The last two - about the need for early elections of the President and deputies. The first two respondents answered positively, and the latter has not received the required number of votes. A new draft of the Constitution was published in the newspaper «news» April 30.

Confrontation Aggravation

September 1, President Boris Yeltsin issued a decree on the temporary removal from office A. V. Rutskoi. The Vice President has been highly critical of decisions made by the President. Rutskoi accused of corruption, but the charges have not found any confirmation. Moreover, the decision did not meet the standards of the current law.

On September 21, 19-55 the Presidium of the Supreme Council was received the text of the Decree No. 1400. And 20-00 Yeltsin addressed the people and announced that the Congress of people's deputies and the Supreme Council loses its authority because of their inaction and sabotage of constitutional reform. Introduced provisional administration. Called the election inThe state Duma of the Russian Federation.

In response to the actions of the President, the Supreme Council issued a decree for the immediate removal of Yeltsin and the transfer of its functions to the Vice-President A. V. Rutskoy. This was followed by an appeal to the citizens of the Russian Federation, the people of the Commonwealth, the deputies of all levels, military and law enforcement agencies, which were called to stop an attempt by “coup”. Also began the organization of a staff of Home security Tips.

the shooting of the white house from tanks

The Siege

Approximately 20-45 at the White House was planning a spontaneous rally began construction of the fence.

September 22 00-25 Rutskoi announced the inauguration of the President of the Russian Federation. In the morning near the White House, there were about 1500 people by the end of the day there were several thousand. Began to form volunteer corps. In the country there was a dual power. Heads of administrations and the security forces mostly stood by Boris Yeltsin. Representative bodies - Khasbulatov and Rutskoi. The latest issued decrees, Yeltsin and their judgments were recognized by all his edicts null and void.

23 September, the government took the decision to disable the building of the House of with Tips from a heating, electricity and telecommunications. The protection of the Supreme Council were issued rifles, pistols and ammo for them.

Late in the evening of the same day a group of armed supporters of the armed forces attacked the headquarters of the combined armed forces of the CIS. Two people were killed. The President's supporters have used the attack as a pretext to increase pressure on holding a blockade in front of the Supreme Council.

22-00 opened an extraordinary emergency Congress of people's deputies.

On September 24 the Congress has recognized the President Boris Yeltsin illegitimate and approved all appointments made by Alexander Rutskoi.

On September 27. Tightened the permit regime near the White House, the tension is growing.

Deputy Prime Minister Sergei Shakhrai said that the deputies were actually hostages emerging in the building of armed extremist groups.

On September 28. At night the staff of the Moscow police blocked the whole area, which was adjacent to the House of Soviets. All approaches were covered with barbed wire and trucks. The passage of people and vehicles completely stopped. Throughout the day at the ring of a cordon, there have been many rallies and riots of the supporters of the sun.

September 29. The cordon was expanded to the Garden ring. Cordon got houses and social objects. By order of the head of the armed forces in the building stopped to let the journalists. Colonel-General Makashov from the balcony of the House of Soviets warned that in case of violation of the perimeter fence fire will open without warning.

The Evening was read the requirement of the government of the Russian Federation, in which Alexander Rutskoi and Ruslan Khasbulatov were offered in the period until 4 October to building and disarm all their supporters under the guarantee of personal security and Amnesty.

September 30. The night it was announced that the Supreme Council of allegedly planning to commit armed attacks on strategic targets. To the House of Soviets were sent armored vehicles. In response, Rutskoi gave the order to the commander of 39 infantry division, major General Frolov to put forward two regiments to Moscow.

In the morning in small groups began arriving demonstrators. Despite the quite peaceful behavior, police and riot police continued to violently disperse the protesters, which further escalated the situation.

On 1 October. Night at the Svyato-Danilov monastery with the assistance of Patriarch Alexy II, held talks. The President was represented by Yury Luzhkov, Oleg Filatov and Oleg Soskovets. From the Council arrived Ramazan Abdulatipov and Veniamin Sokolov. According to the results of negotiations was signed the Protocol No. 1, according to which the defenders had handed over part of the building's weapons in exchange for electricity, heating and working the phones. Immediately after the signing of the Protocol in the White House was heating, there was an electrician in the morning began to prepare hot food. The building has been overlooked by nearly 200 journalists. To upset the structure can be relatively easily enter and exit it.

On 2 October. The military Council headed by Ruslan Khasbulatov denounced the Protocol No. 1. The negotiations were called “nonsense” and “screen”. An important role in this played the personal ambitions of people who feared losing power to the Supreme Council. He insisted that I should personally conduct the negotiations directly with President Yeltsin.

After the denunciation in the building once again cut off power supply, and was enhanced throughput mode.

Moscow 1993, the shooting of the white house

Attempt to seize Ostankino

October 3.

14-00. On October square held a rally. Despite attempts by the Riot police failed to oust the protesters from the square. Breaking the cordon, the crowd moved in the direction of the Crimean bridge and beyond. The Moscow police sent to the Zubovskaya square 350 soldiers of the internal troops, which tried to cordon off the protesters. But after a few minutes they were crumpled and pushed back, capturing with 10 military trucks.

15-00. From the balcony of the White House, Rutskoi urged the crowd to storm the mayor's office and television center "Ostankino".

15-25. A crowd of thousands broke through the cordon, heading forThe White House. Otodvinuvshis to city hall riot police opened fire. 7 protesters killed, dozens wounded. Also killed 2 police officers.

16-00. Boris Yeltsin signed the decree about introduction of state of emergency in the city.

16-45. The Protestants, headed by appointed defense Minister, General-Colonel albert by Makarovym, seized the Moscow mayor's office. Riot police and internal troops were forced to retreat in a hurry and leave 10-15 bus and tent trucks, 4 armored personnel carriers and even a grenade launcher.

17-00. A column of several hundred volunteers on the captured trucks and Armored personnel carriers, armed with automatic weapons and even a grenade launcher comes to the telecentre. In an ultimatum they require live.

At the same time to the "Ostankino" arrive Armored personnel carriers Dzerzhinsky division and the special forces of the interior Ministry “knight”.

Start the lengthy negotiations with the guards of the television center. While they delayed, arrive to the building of other units of the interior Ministry and internal troops.

19-00. Ostankino approximately 480 guarded by armed fighters from different divisions.

Continuing a spontaneous rally, demanding to give them air time, protesters attempt to dislodge the truck the glass doors of the building ask-3. They succeed only partially. Makashov warns that if it opened fire, the protesters will meet from existing grenade launcher. In the process of negotiations one of the guards General receives a wound from a firearm. While the wounded carried to the ambulance, at the same time heard explosions have demolished doors and inside the building, presumably from an unknown explosive device. Killed a special forces soldier. Then the crowd opened fire indiscriminately. In the dusk no one figuring out whom to shoot. Killed Protestants, journalists, sympathizers just trying to get the wounded. But the worst started later. In the panic-stricken crowd tried to flee in the Oak grove, but there troops were surrounded by a dense ring and began to shoot at close range from vehicles. Officially, 46 people died. Hundreds of wounded. But perhaps of victims was much higher.

20-45. Gaidar on television speaks to supporters of President Yeltsin with an appeal to gather at the Council building. Arrived choose people with combat experience, and form a volunteer corps. Shoigu ensures that if necessary, people will get guns.

23-00. Makashov orders his men to retreat to the House of Soviets.

participants of the shooting of the white house

The Shooting of the White House

October 4, 1993. Night heard and approved the plan for Gennady Zakharov to capture the House of Soviets. It included the use of armored vehicles and even tanks. The assault was scheduled for 7: 00 a.m.

Because of the mess and inconsistency of all actions there are conflicts between arriving in Moscow, Tamanskaya division, armed men from the “Union of veterans of Afghanistan” and Dzerzhinsky division.

In Total, the shooting of the White House in Moscow (1993) were involved in 10 tanks, 20 armored vehicles and approximately 1,700 personnel. The troops were recruited only officers and sergeants.

5-00. Yeltsin issues Decree No. 1578 “About urgent measures on maintenance of a mode of state of emergency in Moscow».

6-50. Began the shooting of the White House (year: 1993). The first gunshot killed a police captain, who was on the balcony of the hotel «Ukraine» and was filming the event on video.

7 - 25. 5 BMP, crushing the barricades, entering the square in front of the White House.

8-00. From armored vehicles open fire on the Windows of the building. Under cover of fire fighters of the Tula airborne division closer to Home Councils. The defenders shoot at the military. On the 12th and 13th floors and a fire started.

9-20. Continues the execution of the White House from tanks. They started to fire at the upper floors. In all there were 12 rounds. Later claimed that shots were fired blanks, but judging by the damage, the shells were fighting.

11-25. Artillery fire resumed again. Despite the danger, around the start to gather a crowd of the curious. Among the onlookers were even women and children. Despite the fact that the hospital already received 192 injured party to the shooting of the White House, 18 of whom died.

15-00. From high-rise buildings, adjacent to the Council House, unidentified snipers open fire. They fired on civilians. Killed two journalists and a woman passing in front.

The special forces “Vympel” and “alpha” give the order to attack. But despite the order, the commander of the group decide to attempt to negotiate a peaceful surrender. Later, the special forces behind the scenes will be punished for this arbitrariness.

16-00. The man in fatigues enters the room and brings in the back door about 100 people, promising that they are in no danger.

17-00. Commanders of the special forces manages to persuade the defenders to surrender. The quick passage of the officers with his hands raised, the building has left about 700 people. All of them were put on buses and taken to filtration camps.

17-30. Still in the House Khasbulatov, Rutskoi, Makashov and sought the protection of the ambassadors of the Western European countries.

19-01. They were arrested and sent to a detention center in Lefortovo.

Results of the storming of the White House

Very different evaluations and opinions exist today about the events «the bloody October». Alsothere are also differing data on the number of victims. According to the Prosecutor General, during the shooting of the White House in October 1993 killed 148 people. Other sources call numbers from 500 to 1500 people. More people could become victims of the shootings in the first hours after end of storm. Witnesses say they watched the beatings and executions of the detained protesters. According to the testimony of the Deputy Baronenko, only at the stadium «Red.” it was executed without a trial approximately 300 people. The driver took out the bodies after the execution of the White House (photo of those bloody events, you have the opportunity to see the article), claimed that he was forced to make two trips. The body was taken in a forest near Moscow, where buried in common graves without identification.

As a result of the armed conflict, the Supreme Council ceased to exist as a governmental body. President Yeltsin has approved and strengthened his authority. Undoubtedly, the shooting of the White House (you already know) can be interpreted as an attempted coup. It is difficult to judge who was right and who is wrong. Judge the time.

Thus ended the most bloody page in the modern history of Russia, which finally destroyed the remnants of the Soviet regime and turned the Russian Federation into a sovereign state with a presidential-parliamentary form of government.


Every year in many Russian cities, many of the Communist organizations, including the Communist party, organized rallies in memory of the victims of that bloody day in the history of our country. In particular, in the capital on 4 October, the citizens are going to Krasnopresnenskoi the street, where they erected a monument to the victims of the Royal executioners. There is a rally, after which all the participants headed to the White House. They have portraits of victims of "Yeltsinism" and flowers.

After 15 years from the date of execution of the White House in 1993 on Krasnopresnenskoi the street was a traditional rally. His resolution was two points:

  • To declare the 4th of October the Day of trouble;
  • Erect a monument to the victims of the tragedy.

But, unfortunately, the response from the authorities, the protesters and the whole Russian people did not wait.

20 years after the tragedy (2013) the state Duma adopted a decision to establish a Commission of the Communist party faction in check of circumstances preceding the events of 4 October 1993. The Chairman was appointed Alexander Kulikov. 5 Jul 2013 the first meeting of the Commission.

However, the Russian citizens are sure that the victims of the shooting of the White House in 1993 deserve more attention. Their memory needs to be immortalized.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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