The last Emperor of China: the name, biography


2018-03-25 09:08:20




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Last Emperor of China – PU And – an iconic figure in the history of China. It was during his reign, the country was gradually transformed from monarchical to Communist, later becoming a serious player in the international arena.

Name Value

In China it was impossible to say the name of the Emperor, given to him at birth - it was a centuries-old tradition. The last Emperor of China the name was loud, the corresponding monarch – “Swanton” (“combining”).


Last Emperor of China are actually ethnic Chinese were not. His family Isign Gioro ("Golden rod") belonged to the Manchu Qing dynasty, ruled at that time already more than five hundred years.

The Father of PU And Isingiro, Czipin, Prince Chun, held a high high-ranking position in the government (the Second Grand Prince), but the Emperor never was. In General, the father of the PU And the authorities have neglected and eschewed political Affairs.

Mother PU And Yulan had a male character. Raised by a father General, she was kept under the control of the entire Imperial court and punished for the slightest offense. That affected both workers and persons, is actually equal Yulan status. Servants-eunuchs, she could be executed for any not satisfied with her look, and once even beat a daughter-in-law.

The Direct ruler of China was PU And uncle and cousin Zifana – Czytane, later named “Guangxu". It was his successor and became the last Emperor of China.


PU And had to ascend to the throne already at the age of two. After that, the last Emperor of China (years of life: 1906-1967) was transferred to Forbidden city-the residence of the ruling royalty of China.

PU And was quite sensitive and emotional, so moving to a new place, and crowning should not have caused him nothing but tears.

the last Emperor of China, PU Yi

And cry why was. After his death in 1908, Czytania so it was that two-year-old went to the Empire, mired in debt, poverty and under threat of collapse. The reason for this was quite simple: the power Yulan established in the idea that Czytane damaged mind, and they did so, to his heir-appointed son of the cousin of the ruling Emperor, who was PU Yi.


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In the end, the boy put his father-the Regent, not sparkling vision or political acumen, and then is no different cousin aunt LUN Yu. I wonder what the father of PU And almost not seen neither in childhood nor in adolescence.

It Should be noted that PU was, among other things, the child is healthy (except for stomach issues), a lively and cheerful. Most of the time in the forbidden city, the young Emperor spent in games with the court eunuchs and also talked with nurses around him to eight years.

A Special respect and awe of PU And felt for the so-called older mother Duan Kan. It is this strict woman taught the little Poo And not to be a smartypants and not to humiliate others.

Military coup and the abdication

Last Emperor of China, a biography which has developed in the highest degree tragic, of the rules is negligible – little more than three years (3 years and 2 months). After the Xinhai revolution of 1911 LUN Yu signed the act of abdication from the throne (1912).

The New government left the PU And the Imperial Palace and other privileges, which relied for such a high personage. Probably influenced by the respect for authority that is inherent in the Chinese DNA. The striking difference of the Chinese revolution from the Soviet, where the ruling family of Emperor Nicholas II treated according to the laws of the dictatorship and without any hint of humanity.

China's last Emperor

Moreover, the new government left PU And right to education. The last Emperor of China with fourteen years of studying English, he also knew as Manchu and Chinese. Default was made, and the commandments Confucia. English teacher of PU Yi, Reginald Johnston, made him a real Westerner, and even gave it a European name-Henry. It is interesting that your seemingly native speaker of PU And loved and taught very reluctantly (a year could study only about thirty words), while English, together with Johnston taught with great attention and diligence.

PU And Married quite early, at sixteen, the daughter of a senior official Wang Rong. However, the wife of PU And has not been satisfied, therefore, as mistresses (or concubines) took Wen Shu.

Nothing (and nobody) don't alarm the Emperor lived this way until 1924, when people's Republic of China likened it to the rest of the citizens. PU And his wife had to leave the Forbidden city.


After his expulsion from the crown estate NY And went to northeast China – territorio controlled by Japanese troops. In 1932 there was established a quasi-state called Manchukuo. Its nominal ruler, and became the last Emperor of China. History, however, that the temporarily occupied land of Chinese territory was quite predictable. Real power, as in Communist China, NY And in Manchukuo there was no. Any documents he had not read and signed them without looking, almost under the dictation of the Japanese “advisors”. Like Nicholas II, PU And was not created for a real government,especially such a huge and problematic. However, in Manchukuo last Emperor of China could return to a normal life, which led to the end of the Second world war.

the last Emperor of China history

The New residence of the “Emperor” became the city of Changchun. The territory of this quasi-state was quite serious – more than a million square kilometers, and the population numbered 30 million people. By the way, because of non-recognition by the League of Nations Manchukuo Japan had to leave the organization, which later became the prototype of the UN. More curious is the fact that for ten years, until the end of the Second world war, Manchukuo established diplomatic relations, a number of European and Asian countries. They are, for example, steel, Italy, Romania, France, Denmark, Croatia, Hong Kong.

Oddly enough, during the reign of PU And economy of Manchukuo went up the hill. It happened due to the large financial investment of Japan in this region: increased mining (ore, coal), faster to develop agriculture and heavy industry.

the last Emperor of China biography

Also Poo And was very friendly with the Japanese Emperor Hirohito. To meet up with him And Poo twice visited Japan.

Soviet captivity

In 1945 the Red army drove the Japanese troops from their Eastern borders and entered Manchukuo. It was planned that the PU will be urgently sent to Tokyo. However, in Mukden landed Soviet troops, and PU and was taken by plane to the USSR. He was tried for “war crime” or rather, that he was a puppet of the Japanese government.

Initially the last Emperor of China was in Chita, where he was charged and taken into custody. From Chita he was moved to Khabarovsk, where it was held in a pow camp in the higher ranks. In PU there was a small plot of land where he could engage in gardening.

the last Emperor of China name

On the Tokyo process PU And acted as a witness and testified against Japan. To return back to China he would not, under any circumstances, therefore, seriously considered the possibility of moving to the US or the UK. The Chinese aristocracy was afraid of the new Chinese government led by Mao Zedong. Money on the move it was because all of the jewels left with him. In Chita Poo And even tried to convey through the Soviet spy the letter, which was addressed to the President of the United States Gary Truman, but that did not happen.

Return to China

In 1950, the Soviet authorities issued NY And China. There, the former Emperor was tried under article «war crimes”. There are no exceptions to it, of course, was not provided. NY And became an ordinary prisoner without any privileges. Nevertheless, he very quietly took all the hardships of prison life.

While in custody, PU And half of the time spent on the manufacture of boxes for pencils, and the second – to study the Communist ideology based on the works of K. Marx and V. Lenin. Together with other prisoners, PU And participated in the construction of the prison of the stadium, plant, and actively improved the area.

In prison, PU And also went through a breakup with his third wife Whether recom.

After nine years in prison, PU Yi was pardoned for good behavior and ideological re-education.

Recent years

Freed, PU And went to live in Beijing. He got a job in the Botanical garden, where he engaged in the cultivation of orchids. Here, interestingly, helped stay in Soviet captivity, where PU was also close to the ground.

He no longer claimed and demanded nothing. Communication was polite, courteous, distinguished modesty.

The Role of an ordinary Chinese citizen is not very distressed PU I. He was doing what was close to heart, and worked on his biography under the title “From Emperor to citizen”.

In 1961, PU And joined the CPC and became an employee of the State archive. In 58 years, he, in addition to posts in the archives, became part of the political Advisory Council of China.

China's last Emperor years of life

At the end of life of the PU And met his fourth (and last) wife, with whom he lived until the end of days. Her name was Lee Suasan. She worked as a nurse simple and noble birth could not boast. Lee was much younger than PU And, in 1962, she was only 37 years old. But despite the considerable age difference, the couple lived for five happy years until, in 1967, the Poo And died of liver cancer.

Interestingly, Lee Suasan was the only wife For PU Yi Chinese native of Manchuria is, of course, an unprecedented event.

The funeral Expenses of Poo And took the PDA, thereby expressing respect for the last Emperor of China. The body was cremated.

Children from NY And was not from one of the four wives.

Lee Suasan died in 1997, having survived her husband for thirty years.

PU And cinema

The History of NY And was so exciting that her motives were created by the painting “the Last Emperor”. A film about the last Emperor of China was shot by Italian Director Bernardo Bertolucci in 1987.

Critics relished the story, which involved the last Emperor of China: the film received almost maximumevaluation.

the last Emperor of China movie

The Picture was a huge success: received an award «Oscar» in nine categories, «Golden globe» in four, and also the award “Caesar”, “Felix" and "Grammy" and an award from the Japanese Academy awards.

So China's last Emperor, the film which was held with such success, were immortalized in the art world.


Since childhood, NY And was passionate about the world around them. He was attracted by the observation of the animals, which he truly loved. Little PU Yi liked to play with camels, to watch the ants live in organized, bred earthworms. In the future, a passion for nature became stronger, when PU Yi became the employee of the Botanical garden.

The value of the example of PU And history

Example PU And very characteristic of the historical process of the late XIX-early XX century. His Empire, like a number of European, have not stood the test new time and are unable to respond to its current challenges.

The Last Emperor of China, PU Yi, whose biography was complex and tragic, were in some way held hostage to history.

Don't be a economic condition of China is so heavy and the internal feud among the dignitaries is so strong, maybe Poo And over time could become the most European of Asiatic monarchs. However, it turned out otherwise. Over time, PU And a good fit in kommunisticheskuyu party and began to defend its interests.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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