Student manual: how to complete the diary at the practice?


2018-03-27 12:45:12




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How to fill in a diary of practice, the student often thinks when the time comes to hand over all documents to the Department. Usually at the time of distribution in your organization or on production of the practice each student is assigned a supervisor from the University. This lecturer, who oversees the students stay in a designated facility or plant, as well as timely preparation of documents.

how to fill in a diary of practiceIn addition, the duties of the Manager included an explanation of how to fill in the diary for practice, to prepare a report, to settle organizational issues in cooperation of employees with the student.

In turn, the student must conscientiously carry out the tasks envisaged by the program of practice, tolerant to behave in the organization, where he was sent by the University or came on their own to fill in the diary on the lawyer's practice

The industrial practice Often lasts for a long period of time (average 2-3 months), can be with gap or without a gap from study. Daily on the site work activities the student together with the supervisor learns the basics of their chosen profession and learn new things. A large array of information obtained not always easy to keep in mind even the most responsible students. So it was easy to fill in the diary of the practice and not to suffer further with the systematization of the material, you must immediately record the results of operations.

Very handy to have for yourself notebook or your personal folder, where the student could record everything that happens at the end of each working day. fill in a diary of practiceSubsequently, it will greatly simplify the preparation of such documents as a report, opinion, and the question of how to fill in the diary at the practice, will not cause additional difficulties. Will be only in accordance with the form and the basic requirements to make already prepared in advance information, that is, to rewrite the key points from his note-book.


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So, the diary of the practice requires a detailed chronological description of the actions of the student during the period of stay in the organization or industry.

Often, the faculty is given a special form with the completed table - form, which the Intern must complete. If not, the table is easy to prepare yourself.

To illustrate ways to design the report, we will discuss how to fill in the diary on the lawyer's practice. However, the following tips can be used by a student of any faculty.characteristics of the trainee

In the diary of practice contains this information:

  1. Name of student. ________
  2. The name of the practice. For example: "Training and production practice with the educational process (total number of hours - 56)".
  3. The period of the. ("The field study lasted from _ _ to ___") .
  4. Place of practice (the full official name of organization where internship student).
  5. Practice Leader of the organization. Name, position.
  6. The faculty Supervisor from the University. Name, position.

If you have official letterhead, here, according to requirements, can be delivered the seal, signature and date managers.

Next follows the main part, which can be conveniently represented in a table.

DateA List of completed jobsNote head
01.02.2013Familiarity with the organization, job descriptions, collective.(in this column the supervisor makes notes on how well the student coped with the tasks.)
10.02.2013Working with archive documents under the supervision of the Manager.
15.02.2013The Study of the internal order of the legal Department.
01.03.2013Monitoring the drafting of a civil contract.
14.03.2013Participation in negotiations with customers.
25.03.2013Visits to the process when considering a claim in court.

A Similar form for a student, listing all your achievements and jobs. Before you fill in the diary at the practice, will only need to refer to your notes (if any) and explain in the business style, the whole course of events.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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