The Amu Darya river - water artery of the five States


2018-03-27 18:35:18




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The Amu Darya River-the largest water flow in Central Asia. Its length is 1415 kilometers, and the pool water intake – bole 309 thousand square kilometers. It flows through five countries: Afghanistan, Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan. The river form the Vakhsh and Pyanj in the merger. The main flow formed in Tajikistan-85% and Northern Afghanistan – 15%. The Amu Darya flows into the Aral sea, near which it forms a Delta. The river has 3 major right tributaries: Sherabad, Kafirnigan and Surkhandarya. There is a small left tributary – Kunduz. The power of the rivers are glacial and meltwater. 80% of the water regulate the 36 reservoirs with a volume of 24 billion cubic meters. The annual flow of the river-73.6 km3. Maximum water consumption – in summer, the minimum in January and February.

Amu Darya

Economic importance in the Amudarya

The river is vital for a huge number of people, inhabiting its pool. Its water is used for domestic needs, power generation, agriculture, drinking purposes and for industrial consumption. In the lower reaches of rivers and floodplain lakes fishing. In the town of Turkmenabat the Amu Darya river navigable. Water for the most part dealt with agriculture for irrigation, as this activity constitutes an important sector of the economies of all 5 countries – up to 35% of GDP. For example, in Afghanistan up to 80% of the population is engaged in this field. More than any other take on the needs of agriculture in Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan – up to 40%. The Amu built the biggest channel in the world-the Karakum, along which there are giant fields of wheat and cotton. Also in a large number of cultivated melons.


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Amu Darya in antiquity


The River is famous from time immemorial. The ancient Greek historian Herodotus wrote that the Amu Darya, in ancient times, 40 estuaries left in the swamp and had 360 channels, but only one sleeve fell into the Caspian sea. But modern scientists have found that the water flow reaches only to the Sarykamysh lake. Thus, the information of the ancient chronicler was likely based on oral tradition. The Amu Darya in antiquity bore a variety of names. Zoroastrians called her Vacs, Argali, Raha or Ranh. The ancient Greeks called Araks. And during the conquests of Alexander the great the river had the name Oksos. On the banks of the Amu Darya river, was located the great States of antiquity: Khorezm, Bactria and Sogdiana. In the middle ages from the Amudarya river was the trade route from Russia to Bukhara. Peter I actively tried to engage river in the Russian trade. In those days, was investigated by the Amudarya river. Map of the time pretty accurate. A systematic study of the river began only in the XX century. At the same time began to observe the composition of water.

Amudarya and Syrdarya


The Amu Darya in the last decade have increased the load that caused a sharp deterioration in water composition. There have also been imbalances. The Amu Darya river today shows the disturbing parameters of mineralization and stiffness. For example, in 1940, the water hardness was 4.2 mg. ekv/liter. In 90-m to year – 9. And today – 9,8 mg. ekv/liter. The concentration of salts depends on the season. These figures are due to mass dumping in the river economic and industrial waters, are also relevant in surface runoff and emissions from the ships of the river fleet. As the river flows through the territory of several States, the problems of cleaning – it is a complex effort. To date, the governments of all five countries made plans and signed contracts.

the Amu Darya river map


Fish is found in the lower reaches of rivers and in the lakes basin. The main catch of fishermen – carp, salmon, Chub, barbel and Marina. But in the upper reaches also the fish – Osman, which replaces the river trout. This target species, and are found in the waters of the Amu Darya river more than a hundred different types. Marinka, barbel and Osman – this is a fairly unique living creatures which are found mainly in the Amu Darya. They have antennae that are looking for a prey in muddy water. Osman is different from the barbell and Marinka fact that his tail and flanks covered with small sparse scales, the belly is completely bare, and there are 2 additional antenna. Fishing on the Amu Darya lasts from may to October. You can catch spinning, donok and poludnie.

the Amu Darya river map


Love to come Here lovers of rafting. And the Amu Darya and Syr Darya attractive in this respect - there are a few interesting places. The route starts a few kilometers from Tashkent. The peak of the alloy falls in the middle of September and October. Lovers of history and travel come from all over the world to admire the majestic ancient cities and visit the Amudarya nature reserve. Along the river there are several climate zones: desert, semi-desert and mountains. In this region live in one-humped and two-humped camels, listed in the Red book the snow leopard. Moreover, there is a miraculous lake Mollakara where cure many ills. There once bloomed the ancient city of Alexander the great – Nisa. The Amu Darya – this is the eternal charm of the story.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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