Essay on the painting "Late winter afternoon" to students


2018-04-01 06:49:13




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In the school curriculum there is a kind of job, like writing for the film “the End of winter, noon”. If the house is asked this kind of creative work, you should prepare your child for this. Moms and dads need to understand how to write such a work to help a son or daughter in the process of expression of thoughts.essay on the picture of the late winter afternoon

How to write an essay for the film “the End of winter, noon”

To multifaceted and deployed to convey, on what is shown in the picture, it should work on the plan. If the right to consider the order of the paragraphs, the writing becomes easy and quick. The most important thing is to explain to the son or daughter, than it is important to focus and prioritize. A rough plan can be as follows:

  1. The Entry.
  2. Main part.
  3. Conclusion.

In the introduction should Express the General opinion about the art work of the genre. You could also write about how well it turned out the author to convey the mood of the end of the winter season.

In the main part should be to present thoughts about what is depicted in the foreground and the background of the picture. Continuing writing for the film “the End of winter, noon”, it is necessary to describe in detail everything I saw on the canvas. The story should be such that people who didn't see the picture mentally could imagine it.

In conclusion briefly summarizes how the author managed to convey the mood of the end of winter. You should also describe what emotion causes creation, and what is the "aftertaste" is left after viewing the image.


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A Short essay on the painting “the End of winter, noon” (class 3)

Not always the description of works of art should be long. Essay on the painting “the End of winter, noon" (3rd class) may be compressed. This will help the child to spend less time writing. However, the short description required to convey the maximum information in the minimum number of words. For example we can take the following ideas:


The Picture “the End of winter, noon" of the essay which we had to write at home, deserves attention. The author paints the emotions portrayed every inch of the canvas.

In the foreground is seen the birds, which were let out to breathe the fresh air of the departing winter. Second picture shows how people are all preparing to spring, removing and repairing what was broken in the period of frosty days.

The Sun sparkles on the snow, Recalling the thaw. Enchanting landscapes allow you to breathe the winter air filled with the aroma of the approaching spring. I really liked the picture, she is alive, with character and mood.essay on the picture of the late winter afternoon class 3


The Sun enveloped the entire village. It becomes immediately clear that all around are preparing for the arrival of spring. In the foreground are melted under the sun of human footprints. As well as birds that peck at the snow, trying to find him something tasty.

In the background you can see people. They actively prepare their homes for the arrival of spring. The residents of the village actively working, clearing the space from the melted snow. It is seen that the snow is no air in the midst of winter, and melted and heavy. It seems that he falls from the roof or from a tree branch.

Complete an essay for the film “the End of winter, noon" would like to transfer their emotions. The author professionally gave all the facets of the ending of winter. I have the feeling that I visited this place and was delighted by the imminent arrival of spring along with the villagers.picture of a late winter afternoon writing

Such an essay, written by the children of the third class, will certainly be appreciated.

Detailed essay on a work of art, “the End of winter, noon”

Writing for the film “the End of winter, noon” (grade 6) can be written in detail. For example we can take the following options:


The Picture “the End of winter, noon” conveys the mood and emotions of the ending of winter. I believe that the author is in the paint gave the state of nature at the time of the end of the cold period.

In the foreground can be seen that life in the village is boiling. Chickens and roosters walk on the melting snow and seeks out the Goodies under the white carpet. Traces of which are visible everywhere, give to understand that people are actively preparing for the coming blooming season. In the distance one can see the residents of the village, to mend the fence and clean the snow from the paths.

On the roof of wooden house are still covered in snow. But it is not lush silver caps, and ready to fall to the ground melt the snow. Enchanting landscape gives the mood of the approaching spring, and the bright sun envelops the space.

When I look at the picture, I have the impression that I am in the area. Like the smell of winter, which is a little impregnated with the spring thaw. The author perfectly conveys the mood and emotion in his work.

This essay is an example of how to describe this picture.

A Beautiful essay for high school students

It is Possible to fully include fantasy and Express ideas in a creative style.


Shrouding its Golden rays of the earth, the sun recalls the approach of spring. Recently lush drifts are transformed into melt water that is clearly visible on the trailin the foreground of the picture.

Preparing for spring days, people are actively engaged in the design and ennoble the territory of the suburban area. All scented of spring and the approaching awakening of nature.

The Author has very well portrayed the shades of the passing winter.essay on the picture of the late winter afternoon grade 6

A brief and at the same time rich essay on the painting helps to Express the thought fully.

How to Express thoughts, to get a good grade

In order to get a high score for the work, should be correctly and clearly Express their thoughts. Not required long preparation. The most important thing is to lay down thoughts in the form of a picture together and write them down on paper.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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