For what gives the order of the red Star? Combat medals of the Soviet Union


2018-04-01 22:59:16




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The Order of the red Star – the award, known to everyone who is familiar with such important and terrible event – the great Patriotic war of 1941–45 years. Very interesting, for what gives the order of the red Star soldiers who distinguished themselves in battle.

order of the red star, world war II

Establishment of the order of the red Star

Award order of the red Star became a state after the Plenum of the CEC of the USSR adopted and signed the Resolution. It happened in far away war 1930.

In the future only have been made various adjustments to provisions that allow for the order of the red Star. So, changes were made three times in the 40-ies, and the approval of the new edition of the order occurred in 1980.


The Government award was established to honor distinguished citizens.

order of the red Star for military merit

Thus, the order of the red Star for military merit was created to reward members of the army and Navy, but also border guards, KGB and police chief.

For what awarded order of the red Star above categories?

  1. For services in the organization of border security of the state.
  2. For showing personal bravery in the battle, and for his guidance and excellent organization actions of subordinate troops, which led to success.
  3. For bravery and courage that was shown during the execution of the debt in a situation when there was a threat of life.
  4. Inflict significant damage through leadership military units during combat.
  5. For precise execution of the tasks of command and other deeds committed, including in peace.
  6. Training for the army and Navy.
  7. For the maintenance of proper readiness of the troops.
  8. For excellent results in personal combat and political training.
  9. For the development of scientific and technological industry to strengthen the defense capability of the country.

The order was carried out only on representation from senior management of the Ministry of internal Affairs, KGB or MO.

Award the order of the red star

Wear it relied on the right side, after the order of the Patriotic war II degree, if any.

How to look reward

The Order of the red Star had a five-pointed star and covered with enamel ruby color.

In the center is the shield, which depicts soldiers in uniforms and hats budenovka, holding a rifle in his hands. On the edge of the shield can be read the inscription "Proletarians of all countries, unite” and the bottom – «Union». Under the shield was a depiction of the hammer and sickle. Edges of all elements of the awards was subjected to oxidation.

To make the order of the used silver of high purity. Each award was more than 27 grams of metal, and the weight of the order was just over 30 grams.

Its Dimensions were small. The distance between the vertices of a star was 47 or 50 cm and depended on the year in which the award was issued.

For fixing of the order on the reverse side there was a pin with thread. On the reverse side of the jacket on the pin screw flat nut holding the medal on his chest.

The kit includes moire ribbon of silk of a width of 24 mm. Along the center of the tape held five millimeter grey stripe.

First, the order was worn on the left, but later introduced straps with ribbons that could be worn on the right side, and an award sign was attached to the other side.

History of the order: the first decade

The Award is the first among the Soviet military and second, given the time companies. The authors are sculptor Golenetskii and artist Kupriyanov.

The history of awarding the order takes since 1930. The first one received was all the well-known red army commander, who later became Marshal of the Soviet Union Vasily Blyukher. His merit consisted in the reflection of the pressure of the Chinese army in the Chinese Eastern railway.


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order of the red Star the great Patriotic war

When Blucher award was given to a group of pilots who have committed a long flight on the aircraft by Soviet aircraft. The flight route passed through Moscow, Ankara, Tbilisi, Kabul, and Tashkent. The end point was. The total length of the flight was more than 10 thousand kilometers. This is another example that gives the order of the red Star.

Inventor and engineer of military industry Kovalev, soldiers Pawlikowski, Carucci and others also received the order of the red star. The list of awardees in the decade before world war II can enumerate a long time.

Presentation order for heroism in the pre-war period

Test Pilots who fly and repair the planes in the air, has earned the recognition for which he received the order of the red Star. In this way awarded to military personnel who have not committed any exploits in combat, but distinguished heroic actions performed for the country in peacetime. Perfect example: the pilot and Navigator Vicosa Erenkov during the winter flight was able to repair the mounting the chassis directly into the air. Erenkov climbed onto the wing of the plane, Vicosa kept his hands without special tools. Thanks to the courage and heroism of the pilots, the damage was repaired, and the flight ended successfully.

It was the experience of presenting the order and medical staff. Got it Peter V. Mandryka – head of the Central hospital of the people's Commissar – for its exemplary leadership and competent formulation of medical Affairs.

The awarding of the order of aviation workers

Before the war were often awarded a Red Star it is the workers of the aviation industry, pilots, navigators and engineers-verifiers. So, for example, in 1933, the engineers of the air force Aladinsky, Michagin, Gromov and others received order of the red Star, dedicated to the Aviation Day. Along with them was awarded the staff of military educational institutions, preparing specialists for the air force, and employees of the building management involved in the creation of aviation technology.

Among the awardees are employees of the aviation industry was listed and the name of the famous to date, the aircraft designer Andrei Tupolev. The wording that served for the receipt of the order, it would read: “For the establishment of a number of outstanding aircraft”. But soon the prominent engineer failed, he was arrested, and all the rewards confiscated. Directly before the war, Tupolev was freed, rehabilitated and able to return their awards. However, they appeared very different numbers.

Assessing the merits of other industries

Along with the aviation industry at the time played a significant role in the extraction of precious materials. The order was awarded to head of the gold mining industry Serebrovsky for the fact that under his guidance the company has exceeded the program for the production of metal in 1934.

Clock with the image of the Order of the red Star

In the subsequent two years, also praised the workers of the rocket and tank industries. Orders received machinery, drivers of tanks, distinguished excellent combat skills and the successful development of political training. For example, tank Oshkaderov received the award for 800 hours of trouble-free tank.

Among the other Red Stars received and staff newspaper. In the forefront were awarded the team of the same newspaper. It has been noted for excellence in training and fleet. Later "Red Star" and received other medals.

Order of the red Star, world war II

During world war I, the number awarded increased by more than two million. One of the first was awarded the order of the radio operator Belovolov, who was in the rank of Junior Sergeant. He alone managed to shoot down 3 enemy aircraft during the return of a group of Soviet aircraft.


The Participants of the second world war, was awarded order of the red Star, distinguished for their heroism and dedication. Among them were not only outstanding soldiers of the whole army units and military units.

The Order of the red Star, world war II received as officers who distinguished themselves competent command of the battle and ordinary soldiers, sergeants and corporals for their heroism in defending the homeland.

Heroes, was awarded the order of the red Star

In the USSR there were many heroes who received the order of the red Star. The list of awardees also includes the names of celebrities. For example, the aircraft designer A. N. Tupolev distinguished himself by creating a unique aircraft, and the actor V. A. Etush participated in the defense of Rostov and Ukraine.

The Participants of the second world war, was awarded order of the red star, was present and among foreign nationals. Was appreciated the achievements of soldiers from England, Africa, Italy, and the brave fighters for peace among US servicemen. During the great Patriotic war were awarded more than 180 foreign nationals.

Knowing what a feat made the people to their homeland for many decades, the question of for what gives the order of the red Star the different engineers, the officers or soldiers, it becomes simple.

Other military awards of the Soviet Union

During Soviet times, was established a number of medals awarded to military personnel of the army, Navy, internal troops and border guards. Among them a special honor to have earned the medal "For courage" and "For military merit". They were given to those who demonstrated valor and courage in the struggle with the enemy for the safety of the borders, integrity and sovereignty of the country.

For sailors, warrant officers and officers of the Navy were established some of the coin: name of admirals Ushakov and Nakhimov.

During the great Patriotic war, after the successful defense of the cities from invaders the head of the Union Joseph Stalin issued orders on awarding of especially distinguished soldiers and residents of liberated cities of the medal "For the defense of the city." So, the awards were awarded to the defenders of Leningrad, Sevastopol, Moscow, Stalingrad and other cities in the country.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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