The lexical norms of the Russian language


2018-04-13 09:00:26




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The Lexical norms-those norms which occurs due to the regulation rules the use and combination of words in speech. The use of the latter is determined by peculiarities of their lexical meanings. Lexical meaning in another way can be called content words, which displays the representation of the Russian people about the subject or process, property, object or phenomenon.

The Lexical rules determine the appropriate process and the correct use of a word or expression depending on its value, accuracy, and expression. Sometimes people try to Express the overwhelming feelings, but having a small vocabulary, repeating the same phrase, desperately while gesturing. Look at this monologue from pretty funny, but to be a listener of this “speech” is just sickening.

For this reason, there is a wonderful ironic poems written by Agnia Barto. They say about how the girl listens to the story of his older brother on just watched the movie.

She – again!

They – again!

But just then the

He saved.

Here is a vivid example of speech when the lexical rules violated fundamentally, as the phrases are totally devoid of the accurate expression of thoughts of the speaker.

Today it “affliction” suffering most of the young people. Not being able to find the right word, inarticulate people resort to the use of words-parasites, street slang and even foul language.

The Second most important aspect of correct and beautiful speech, which is also included in the lexical rules – collocations. For example, often in the Russian language uses the expression "old age”, but the phrase “deep youth” can only cause a smile. Similarly the violation of the Russian spoken language humorists invented the expression “deeply and irrevocably pregnant”, “pathologically incurable healthy” or “talking function”.


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It is also Noted that violation of lexical rules of the language as mixing paronyms-words that may be cognate, and similar sounding, and also correlated with each other in semantic and logical terms, but also by the exact value. For example, these are the words “remnants” and “the remains”, “Thrifty” and “economic”.

The Lexical rules also do not allow discrepancies in word usage. Jokes, created on the basis of absurd phrases from school compositions, can not leave indifferent any Russian person. Of course, just imagine the scene: Onegin “wets” Cologne! Or: Tatiana rides in the carriage with the ‘high back"!! Or phrase about holey pants, “you can see his proletarian origin”!!!

The door of the supermarket you can find ad written, alas, no longer a schoolboy: "Enter through the anus", and in the dining room: “Fingers and eggs in a salt dip”…

The Lexical norms of the Russian language also do not tolerate pleonasms, that is similar in meaning of the words used is nearby. For example, these can be called the phrase “a bold and brave people” and “free jobs”, “the strongest” and “the essence”.

Looks Even more absurd tautology in the Russian language-the use of cognate words. “to Organize the organization”, “write the record”, “prick prick”, “tell a story”, “brush hair” – this is only a fraction of those gems that are often used in speech by some Russian people.

A Dismissive attitude towards the lexical norms gave rise to this speech an incident like speech impairment. In the series there is an episode when the mother came to school to talk with the class teacher of the child, sees in the wardrobe of a sign: “Hanger for teachers”.

But if you take a closer look and think about it, these ads can be seen everywhere! When you know that the rules of Russian literature often violated Russian people should be proud of their language, their culture, it is insulting to tears.

The Russians and gentlemen! Let's try to say the right, imaginative, beautiful Russian language, which is written by the greatest literary creations of Pushkin and Lermontov, Dostoevsky and Tolstoy, Prishvin, Leskov, FET and many others.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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