Stratigraphic scale of Russia. The international stratigraphic scale


2018-04-12 14:00:33




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Chronostratigraphical classification is a common goal. It is the systematic dismemberment of a sequence of layers of the planet in units. They have their own names, which correspond to intervals of geological time. The article will be considered further geochronological and stratigraphic scale. They are not only the basis of the temporal relationship. Stratigraphic, geochronological scale is the accepted standard. They are used for the registration of geological events. stratigraphic scale

International stratigraphic scale

The Appearance of this system is an important discovery in the history of mankind. It is the basis of stratigraphy. Methods of obtaining information about the geological history of the earth's crust has been opened using the planetary scale. MSSH is a significant element that is able to solve many geological problems. Without this system made possible the creation of many maps of the world and descriptions of large areas, such as tectonic, geological, paleogeographic, paleoclimatic, paleolandscape and many others.


The Concept of "General stratigraphic scale" found in the sources in Russian language, most often. Under it is meant the universal nature of the system and global scope of its application. The stratigraphic scale is a special sequence of taxonomic units. This system can be considered as the absolute standard geological period, during which was formed the sedimentary shell of the Earth. It reflects perfect the entire section of the earth's stratosphere without any overlaps and gaps. stratigraphic geochronological scale


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The system is widely used as a measuring line for individual geological periods. It is also used to determine the relationship of any intervals of stratosphere. This sets them one or raznotsvetnom. All of these elements make the international stratigraphic scale, the basis for the chronology of events. This dimension structure is the basis of the reconstruction of the geological history of the planet.


A Collection of elements, which includes stratigraphic scale, is a geological language worldwide. Its spelling conforms to the standards of the interstate agreement. Professional language is one of the many functions of the system. International geological Congress participates in setting these standards. Also in this process involved the Union of Geosciences. For a long time data structures organised a special representative meeting, which in MSSH made another change. At the last meeting of the International geological Congress, she received the name of the scale of geological time. international stratigraphic scale

Departments MSSH

These items are not materialized paleontology biostratigraphic systems or structures. These units have only a temporary meaning, that is chronostratigraphical. For this reason, they are not used for the direct separation and relationship breakdown. Units, which includes stratigraphic scale, actually represent only certain periods of time. They, in turn, represented in the rocks. The appearance of the area of any cut of a characteristic fixed their borders. This is best performed under appropriate conditions. A sign must be isochronous, preferably from chemical or physical nature.

Modern realities

Currently, this version of the international stratigraphic scale, primarily based on regional divisions. In particular, the Western European system. It has its own historical and geological in nature. Stratigraphic scale with tiers shows the natural stages of development of certain areas of the Earth's surface, and the biota that inhabited it. This is not to deny the obvious – historical Geology principle really works successfully. However, its application is effective solely in the area of any one region or sedimentary basin. The use of this point in the development of the international stratigraphic scale is not possible. This is because the stages of development of different parts are often not similar in the duration of time intervals. However, they are synchronized in a certain way due to the impact of global factors. geochronological and stratigraphic scale


The Output on a linear scale of geological time in years is through the combination of many elements. It is necessary to use all factors and dated events on global and regional scales. Also need other stratigraphic elements.

Factors that hinder the completion of the ISS

An inter-Agency strategic Committee of Russia has criticized the latestdevelopment of the system. The fact that the national organization decided to continue to follow the geological traditions. Russian Committee refuses to use the international strategic scale exactly in the form in which it now operates. This is due to the peculiarities of its intervals, terminology and nomenclature. All of these elements from a practical point of view contrary to those which contains the General stratigraphic scale of Russia. In addition, they have insufficient argument. Formal subjective reason which prevents completion of the international stratigraphic scale, are the beliefs of many Russian geologists. They believe that ISS should reflect the geological history of the planet. This belief is recorded in the relevant code. Thus, the stratigraphic scale of Russia is an isolated system today. stratigraphic scale with tiers

Additional information about ISS

In the International strategic Handbook reflects the collection of data concerning the main aspects of the system: principles, definitions, concepts, categories, which includes stratigraphic scale, procedures, and so on. This system mainly consists of standard units that are dated in years. The regional breakdown is based on studying the schematic arrangement of rocks. The system combines two different types of scales: chronostratigraphic and chronometric. The first is perceived at present as the structure of the measurement the schematic arrangement of rocks with standard plots which are selected stratotype borders. The second type is based on units of duration. For example, in years, while the standard is second.

Major functions

The First goal of stratigraphic scale, is to identify local temporal relations. Great importance for the Geology of all regions is the installation of the relative age of the layers. These aspects do not depend on any schemes chronostratigraphical divisions of a global nature. Secondly, it is necessary to develop the standard scale. It is necessary for the establishment of a full systematic orderliness to certain chronostratigraphical elements. They have their own names and are used in regional and global scale. It is assumed that this hierarchy will be the basis of the standard. She needs to determine the age of rock layers, and also allow to correlate them with the history of the planet. Ideal is a variant in which a standard scale to fill the entire sequence without any overlaps and gaps. stratigraphic scale of Russia

Chronostratigraphical classification

This system is the organization of rocks into units. It is based on criteria such as age and time of formation. The main purpose of the system is the organization of the rocks that form the earth's crust, in certain units. They, in turn, have their own names, which correspond to intervals of geological period. These elements are the basis of the time relationship and the system of registration of geological history.


This element represents the combination of all the layers of rock that are combined together on a base. In particular, the value process of their formation during one interval. The unit includes only rocks that were formed in a certain period of the history of the planet. These items are limited isochronous surfaces. Their relative value and grades established by the duration of the time period they reflect. To compile chronostratigraphical hierarchy does not need the thickness of the deposits, which are part of units. General stratigraphic scale of Russia

Other terms

Many references to the designation of units of various ranks and temporal volumes is carried out using the following elements.

Chronostratigraphical the complex includes the following Termini:

  1. Arus.
  2. Anathema.
  3. Sistema.
  4. Seria.
  5. Aratama.
  6. Polyarus.

Geochronological equivalency:

  1. VAC.
  2. EAN.
  3. Period.
  4. Era.
  5. Apoha.
  6. Podoc.

Types of adjectives indicating the position within chronostratigraphical object:

  1. Top.
  2. Lower.
  3. Average.
  4. Basal.

Types of adjectives belonging to the geologic time unit:

  1. Later.
  2. Early.
  3. Average.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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