The state of water in nature. Water in three common forms


2018-05-30 02:00:18




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Water – is the most common substance in the world. It is part of every living cell, therefore, is of great importance to sustain life on Earth. We know a lot about water, but has still not revealed all its mysteries.

Water is always around us

Water balance – this is the basis of life on our planet. Most of it on the Ground – the oceans and seas. They concentrate 97% of the substance. The remaining 3 % – rivers, lakes, ponds, underground water and vapor water in the atmosphere. Plants and animals for their livelihoods daily consume the life-giving water.

Water – is a component of the human body. Each of our cells more than half composed of this liquid. The blood flowing in our veins – 82% of water. Muscles and skin contain its 76%. Surprisingly, even the bones are composed of 30% water. The minimum content in tooth enamel – only 0.3%.

The Total mass of water on planet Earth – more than 2 000 000 000 million tons.state of water in nature

What are the 3 States of water in nature?

To the question "What is water?" almost without hesitation answer: "It's liquid!". Because most often we're used to seeing liquid water in nature. But in fact, it may have a different shape, radically different from one another.

Water comes in three States:

  • Liquid form;
  • A vapor state;
  • Solid form-ice.

Water – liquid

The Liquid state of water found in nature is most often. In this form, N2O can be in the range of temperatures from 0 to 100 degrees Celsius. That's what physical state is water in rivers, seas, oceans and in the rain.


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This transparent substance has no taste, no smell, no custom molds. Liquid seems the most pliable, but at the same time it has tremendous strength. The liquid state of water in nature allows it to dissolve many substances. Streams of water can destroy rocks to create caves and thus change the topography of the planet.

the 3 States of water in nature

The Liquid form of N2O is used everywhere in the home. First, every living creature, including humans, must consume daily a certain amount of water. Second, we need to maintain the hygiene. Every day we bathe or shower several times a day, my hands grow vegetables and fruits in their gardens, giving them a watering, wash your clothes. Without even thinking, for all these procedures we use liquid water.

Ice – water in solid form

N2O from the liquid passes into the solid state when the temperature drops below 0 degrees Celsius. It is interesting that almost all the objects during cooling are reduced in volume, and the water, on the contrary, freezing, expanding. If so it is transparent and colorless, freezing can acquire white color due to the ingress of particles of air inside the ice.

Unusually, at one and the same crystalline structure of ice can take many forms. The solid state of water in nature is a gigantic icebergs, shiny crust of ice on the river, white snow flakes, icicles hanging from the roofs.

The Ice is of great importance for human activities and has a great influence on the maintenance of life of many organisms. For example, the freezing of the river it has a protective function, keeping the water from further freezing, thereby protecting the underwater world.

water comes in three States

But also the ice can cause devastating natural disasters. For example, hail, icing of buildings and aircraft, soil freezing, and ice avalanches.

In everyday life we use frozen water as the refrigerant, throwing small ice cubes in drinks to cool them. In this way can cool foods and medicines.

Water vapor

Heating a liquid up to 100C, we can see the transition to the gaseous state of water. In nature we can meet this water in the form of clouds, mist, fumes over rivers, lakes and seas with the change of weather or just high humidity.

The atmosphere are always droplets of water, tiny size allows them to stay on weight. We can notice the presence of moisture in the air only when its number increases, and there are clouds or fog.

the liquid state of water in nature

Often gaseous state of water can be useful in everyday life. Man uses steam for easy Ironing after washing. In recent times, there are special devices, which allowed the formation of steam. This is the steam generators. They have many features, the main of which – to fight pollution and microbes. The process of vaporization can be traced on the example of household humidifier.

The Transition of water from one state to another plays the role of a large-scale cleansing process. Only during evaporation, freezing and melting of large masses of water capable of self cleaned.

The Water in any aggregate state – its highest value. The Bedouins, who lead a nomadic life in the deserts, they say that it is more expensive than gold. But even those who are not experiencing difficulties with lack of water, the greatest clear communicationbetween her and life.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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