Ancient art (painting, iconography, architecture)


2018-06-05 21:00:28




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Ancient the art mainly emerged and was further developed after the baptism of Rus. It was after this important event, there have been dramatic changes in the political life of the country, as well as in art.

The Arrival of the new faith-Christianity has made to the art of the middle ages the tradition of a unique and sublime ancient Greek culture. For example, were built the first stone temples. One of these buildings is erected in Kiev the Church of the tithes, which amazes the contemporaries with its exquisite shapes and superb interior decoration. The frescoes, executed smalti mosaic, the amazing beauty of the iconostasis and the story of the biblical miniatures admired for more than a century.

Ancient the art of X-XIII centuries was a mixture of Slavic culture of the Scythians and Sarmatians. Also it is the embodiment of ancient traditions and beautiful architecture of Byzantium and close in spirit to the Balkan countries.

The Art of the middle ages is characterized by the fact that it was always present theological topic. Architects and artists of that time had to follow the instructions of Church canons that the highest Christian principles. They were given explanations of how to portray certain subjects. The severity and even a certain asceticism evident in the architecture in that period of time. This is clearly noted, primarily in the forms of architecture.

Ancient art and its main trends clearly traced in the frescoes of St. Sophia. This is a real classic system of Church painting of the middle ages that has survived to our times. For example, in the temple in the mosaic shows the virgin Orans, and there are large frescoes with the story of the righteous life of Christ, the apostles, martyrs, and preachers.


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It is the unique surviving portrait of Yaroslav the Wise, his family and scenes of court life, in which ancient art and its characteristics recorded most vividly. The monument, made in mosaic technique, which dates back to the year 1046, in its original form has come down to us in the same St. Sophia in Kiev.

Russian craftsmen skillfully possessed with frescoes and mosaics. Few know that the Italian word «fresco» translates as “raw”. Painting this style was done on wet the wall colors and was widely used in the decoration of temples. Art in the middle ages reached their peaks.

Russia has always been a distinctive carving on the white stone, it was remarkable, a special feature of old Russian architecture. It was decorated with not only churches, but also palaces of the nobility. Very popular carving stone and wood, she also belonged to the artistic crafts.

Ancient jewelers were famous author's handwriting and was unsurpassed masters silver and gold jewelry. For example, the famous old salary – a masterpiece of genuine leather, decorated with gem stones – “the Ostromir gospel”.

Russia was famous for its school of iconography. The word “icon” is literally translated from Greek as “image”. Most often, they depicted the face of Christ and the virgin Mary, and saints. It was usually carefully drawn, austere face, with an elongated oval face and straight nose and, as a rule, with large open eyes. The archives of the Kiev-Pechersk Lavra preserved the name of a famous painter of the twelfth century, the monk Alimpiy. He belonged to the school of Greek masters, icons, wrote in a strictly regulated manner, but still lurks the elements of personal skill and talent are unsurpassed masters.

Known best traditions of the Vladimir-Suzdal school of icon painting, which was continued by the followers of writing icons. They were the following workshops: Moscow, Yaroslavl, Kostroma, Rostov, Suzdal. It is here that the light appears amazing beauty icons, for example, “angel Golden hair” “the Deesis” of the Moscow Uspenie Cathedral, the icon of St. Demetrius, George, “Holy face” and many others.

Visual art is meant to serve people and give the opportunity to many generations to feel involved in the history and culture of our great country.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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