Russian researcher Erofey Khabarov. Opened this Explorer?


2018-09-03 07:00:32




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In the TRANS-Baikal region, among the expanses of the taiga, there is a small railway station Yerofey Pavlovich. Not all passengers passing her Express realize that in its title as in the name of one of the largest cities of the Far East - Khabarovsk, immortalized the memory of the famous Russian Explorer named Erofey Khabarov. Opened for this man and what is his merit? These questions will be the topic of our conversation.

Erofey Khabarov opened

Hiking for a happy share

Historical information about his childhood is very limited. It is known that he was born and raised in the city, and, reaching Mature years, settled in Solvychegodsk, where he engaged in the salt fishery. But whether things went wrong, whether bored young guy drab habitation, but only threw Erofey their homes and went to seek adventure, and if possible, and happiness in distant lands, for the “Stone belt”, the Great Ural mountains.

Well, the happiness will not speak, but the adventure is not long in coming. First, on the Yenisei river, and then covered with taiga forests on the banks of the Lena led the new settler sable fish. The Siberian fur of the beast was the price, and the hunt brought a goodly profit, but one stumbled in the woods to salt the keys, Khabarov resumed usual thing ― cooking salt. In addition, he plowed the vacant coastal meadows and engaged in farming. The case seemed true, because without bread and salt no one could do.

Dream born in Ostrog

However, the future Pathfinder Erofey Khabarov this time was wrong. Yakut Voivod, using existed in those days of lack of control of the authorities away from him, and arable land and the salt cooking, and the entire harvest ― three thousand pounds of bread. The farmer who attempted to resist his tyranny, put him in jail, where he stayed with taiga bandits and murderers.

Khabarovsk Erofey Pavlovich

But the time spent behind bars was not in vain. From its inmates ― people experienced emanating taiga up and down, ― he heard stories about the Amur lands and inexhaustible wealth. Dreamed in those days of Erofey Khabarov opened it for themselves in conversation with other prisoners is unknown, but, going into the wild, devastated and without a soul a penny the man rode fearlessly into the desperate enterprise.

Leading the group of explorers

By that time, fortunately, his abuser was no longer in Yakutsk. What if he landed in jail, or went on increasing (more likely), but his position was appointed new Governor Franceco. He was the official who cares not only for your pocket but also for the interests of the state, and therefore readily agreed to the proposal Khabarova send it with a detachment of Cossacks to the shores of the Amur river to open for Russia new lands and to look for sources of income for the Treasury. Moreover, the Governor instructed the Iron to pick up for the expedition right people, and to lead the team.

Years of life Yerofei Habarova

At this stage began the first difficulty. Many of the Cossacks off stories Poyarkova satellites ― Explorer, first visited the Siberian territories, inhabited by the Tungus, Daur, Academy and other wild taiga tribes. Too great was the risk associated with this journey. Hike Yerofei Habarova was under threat. Only with great difficulty he managed to recruit eighty people, of desperate adventurers, like himself.

The Way from Yakutsk to the Amur

The Governor, a man is sensible and far-sighted, instructed him not only to collect encountered in tribal tribute (the dues in the form of skins of fur-bearing animals), but also to give a description of the new lands, and most importantly ― put them on the map. And here in the summer of 1649, having served in the temple of God a farewell prayer service and blessed, a squad made from Yakutsk.

In the seventeenth century the only transport artery of Siberia was the river, so the journey Yerofei Khabarov and his brave men started with the fact that, moving up the Lena river, they reached the mouth of its largest tributary Olekma. Overcoming its fast current and numerous rapids, in late autumn, Cossacks have reached another of the taiga river ― Tohira on which banks and zasimovichi.

In January, the journey continued. Moving through deep snow and dragging dragging sleds loaded with boats and all other property, the expedition has overcome the backbone. The people were very tired, as strong winds and Blizzard bothered to pull up the hill heavy load. But, being on the opposite side of the ridge, Khabarov and his men descended the river Urca, reached the goal of journey ― Amur.

Erofey Khabarovbiography

First meeting with taiga residents

Even in the upper course of the Cossacks was found settlements of local residents, Dauria. They were a veritable fortress, surrounded by timber walls and surrounded by moats. However, to everyone's surprise, they were deserted. Their inhabitants fled, frightened by the approach of the Cossacks.

Soon there was the first meeting with the local Prince. She really hoped Khabarov. Yerofey Pavlovich through an interpreter, told about the purpose of arrival of the detachment and offered to launch a joint trade. His companion at first nodded, but the requirement to pay the Treasury a tribute met with hostility, and angrily looking at Khabarova, are gone.

Strengthening the Cossack detachment

In the same year, Khabarov, without risking with a small group to go deeper into the forest, he returned to Yakutsk for reinforcements, leaving the main part of the Amur detachment. The Governor, having listened with interest to his report on the new lands and prospects associated with them, had sent him a hundred and eighty people. Returning to his comrades, Khabarov found them in good health, but exhausted by constant raids of Dauria. However, of these conflicts the Cossacks, armed with rifles, always came out victorious, for he routed his opponents, who did not know of firearms.

Open Yerofei Habarova

When opening Yerofei Khabarov and his Cossacks became known in Moscow, Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich ordered to detach to assist him extra strength. In addition, it sent beyond the Urals people shopping with a fair supply of lead and gunpowder. In the summer of 1651 down the Amur went numerous and well-armed squad, commanded by Khabarov. Yerofey Pavlovich and his men, resulting in the obedience Daurian tribes, were sent to the coffers of the rich tribute from the skins of fur-bearing animals.

Collision with Academy and Manchurian troops

But Asanov tribes also inhabited that region, were brave and warlike. They provided the Cossacks with fierce resistance and again attacked their campsite. However, the advantage of firearms, bows before the savages had an effect this time. The inhabitants of the taiga fled in panic, barely hearing the shots. Not having the strength to cope with the aliens, they called in the aid of the Manchu merchants, armed with the rifles, but the Cossacks fled, and the squad.

Despite winning the local clashes and more help, sent from Yakutsk, to continue the collection of tribute was dangerous. From the locals we found out that they are preparing the attack many Manchu troops sent to prevent the penetration of Russian in the Amur region. Had to stop on the river Zeya and establish a settlement there.

Journey Yerofei Habarova

The suppression of the rebellion and the massive influx of settlers

In the same period, the revolt of the Cossacks, trying to get out from underneath. And this rebellion was forced to suppress Erofey Khabarov. His biography includes information about this sad episode. Subsequently, he was often accused of excessive cruelty. Maybe it was because the years of life Yerofei Habarova, conducted in the harsh taiga environment has left its imprint on the demeanour and behaviour of that person.

Soon, by Imperial decree, was formed Daurian Voivodeship, in the direction designated officials and service people. These years in the history of Siberia was marked by a large influx of immigrants, had heard of the wealth of the land and sought on the shore of the Amur. The government was forced to establish a special Outpost for limiting the entry of wishing.

Slander and intrigue

The continued presence of Khabarova on the Amur was overshadowed by the machinations and intrigues of the impacting by the time officials. They removed him from real power, and even tried to accuse of abuse. When arrested, he was taken to Moscow. But all has ended safely. In the capital knew who Erofey Khabarov opened he did for Russia, what are his merits. Generously rewarding, the traveler honorably go home. Acquitted, he returned to Siberia.

Campaign Yerofei Habarova

Following years of life Yerofei Habarova have left traces on the pages of history. The date of his death are unknown, as well as the year of birth. But still reports detailing all land annexed to the Russian state, and the wealth that gave the country Erofey Khabarov. Opened this man in his travels, repeatedly described by researchers of his life. The name it has preserved for posterity the station Yerofey Pavlovich and the city of Khabarovsk.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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