Classification of chemical reactions


2018-12-15 09:00:22




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Chemical reaction is called the process of transformation of substances, in which there is a change in their structure or composition. As a result of this process is the transition of the original substances or reagents into the final products. Today formed a very clear classification of chemical reactions.

Description of reactions using equations. Signs of chemical reactions 

There are several classifications, each of which is taken into account one or more characteristics. For example, chemical reactions can be divided, paying attention to:

  • The number and composition of the reactants and the final products;
  • Physical state of the source and target substances (gas, liquid, solid);
  • Number of phases
  • The nature of particles that are transferred during the reaction (ion, electron);
  • Thermal effect;
  • The possibility of reaction in the opposite direction.

It is Worth noting that the chemical reaction is usually written with formulas and equations. In this case the left part of the equation describes the composition of the reactants and the nature of their interaction, and the right side, you can see the final products. Another very important point – the number of atoms of each element in the right and left side must be equal. The only way we observe the law of conservation of mass.

As mentioned, there are many classifications. It will discuss the most commonly used.

Classification of chemical reactions according to the composition, the amount of initial and end products

The reaction of compound: shall be a preparation of several substances, which unite, forming a more complex substance. In most cases, this reaction is accompanied by release of heat.

The Reaction of decomposition of the source reagent is a complex compound, which is in the process of dissolution forms several simpler substances. Such reactions may be either redox or occur without a change in valency.


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Substitution Reactions – represent the interactions between the complex and simple stuff. In the process of the substitution of any atom compounds. Schematically, the reaction can be displayed as follows:

And + VS = AV +

The Reaction of the exchange – it is a process in which two initial reagent exchange between the component parts. For example:

AV + SD = AD + ST.

Transfer Reactions – are characterized by migration of an atom or group of atoms from one substance to another.

Classification of chemical reactions: reversible and irreversible processes

Another important characteristic of reactions – is the ability to reverse the process.

So, call these reversible reactions, the products of which may interact with each other, forming the same starting material. As a rule, in the equation have to be displayed this trait. In this case, between the left and right side of the equation, put two oppositely directed arrows.

When an irreversible chemical reaction products it is not able to react with one another – at least under normal conditions.

Classification of chemical reaction heat effect

Thermochemical reactions are divided into two main groups:

  • Exothermic processes during which there is heat (energy);
  • Endothermic processes that require energy absorption from the outside.

Classification of chemical reactions according to the number of phases and phase characteristics

As already mentioned, the aggregate state of substances is also of great importance for the complete characterization of a chemical reaction. On these grounds, decided to allocate:

  • Gas reaction;
  • Reactions in solutions;
  • Chemical processes between solids.

But the initial and final products do not always belong to any one state of aggregation. Therefore, the reaction klassificeret and based on the number of phases:

  • Single phase, or homogeneous reactions – processes, products which are in the same state (in most cases, this reaction proceeds either in the gas phase or in solution);
  • Heterogeneous reactions (multi-phase) – reagents and final products can be in different aggregate States.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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