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Initially, the Soviet Red Army, the creation of which occurred against the backdrop of incipient civil war, had utopian features. The Bolsheviks believed that under the socialist system the army must be on a voluntary basis. This project was in line with Marxist ideology. This army was opposed regular armies of Western countries. According to the theoretical doctrine in society could only be “universal arming of the people”.
The First steps of the Bolsheviks talked about how they really wanted to abandon the old Imperial system. 16 December 1917, was adopted the decree on the abolition of the officer ranks. Commanders are now elected by their own subordinates. The intent of the party, the day of the red Army and a new army was supposed to be truly democratic. Time has shown that these ideas are unable to experience the trials of a bloody era.
The Bolsheviks were able to seize power in Petrograd with the help of a few red guards and revolutionary units of the individual sailors and soldiers. The provisional government was paralyzed, which is obscenely made it easier for Lenin and his supporters. But outside the capital remained a huge country, much of which was not at all happy party radicals, whose leaders came to Russia in a sealed train from Germany enemy.
By the beginning of full-scale civil war the Bolshevik armed forces had weak military training and no centralized effective control. Served in the red guard was guided by the revolutionary chaos and their own political beliefs, which at any moment could change. The position of the newly-established Soviet regime was more than shaky. She needed a fundamentally new Red Army. The creation of the armed forces has become a matter of life and death for people sitting in Smolny.
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What difficulties faced the Bolsheviks? The party couldn't form its own army on the same machine. The best shots of the period of the monarchy and the Provisional government hardly wanted to cooperate with left-wing radicals. The second problem was the fact that Russia has for several years waged war against Germany and its allies. The troops are tired – they were demoralized. In order to join the ranks of the red Army, its founders had to come up with a nationwide incentive, which would be a valid reason once again take up arms.
The Bolsheviks didn't have to go far. They made the main driving force of his army the principle of the class struggle. With the coming to power of the RSDLP(b) issued many decrees. According to the slogans of the peasants received land, and workers – plants. Now they had to protect the gains of the revolution. Hatred of the former regime (landlords, capitalists, etc.) was the Foundation that kept the Red Army. The creation of the red army occurred on 28 January 1918. On this day a new government in the face of the Council of people's Commissars adopted a decree.
Was Also established universal military training. The system was intended for universal military training of citizens of the RSFSR and then the USSR. Vsevobuch was born 22 April 1918, after the March decision on its establishment was made at the VII Congress of the RCP(b). The Bolsheviks hoped that the new system will help them to quickly join the ranks of the red Army.
The Formation of armed groups directly involved in councils at the local level. In addition, for this purpose was established a revolutionary Committee (revolutionary Committee). At first, they enjoyed considerable autonomy from the Central government. From whom was the then Red Army? The creation of this armed structure resulted in the influx of a variety of frames. It was the people who served in the old tsarist army and peasant militia, soldiers and sailors from among the red guards. Mixing had a negative effect on the combat readiness of the troops. In addition, the groups often acted inconsistently because of the election of officers, collective, and meeting management.
Despite all the flaws, the Red Army in the first months of the civil war were able to achieve important successes as a guarantee of its future unconditional victory. The Bolsheviks were able to hold Moscow and Ekaterinodar. The local uprising was suppressed due to a significant numerical advantage, as well as broad popular support. Populist decrees of the Soviet government (especially in 1917-1918) did the trick.
During the civil war, the stages of the creation of the red Army quickly followed each other. 22 APR 1918 elections the command of the whole was cancelled. Now the leaders of units, brigades and divisions were appointed to the Commissariat for military Affairs. The first head of this Department in November, 1917, was Nikolai Podvoisky. In March 1918 it was replaced by Leon Trotsky.
This man was one of the originators of the October revolution in Petrograd. Revolutionary led seizure of urban communications and of the Winter Palace, Smolny where the headquarters of the Bolsheviks. In the first phase of the Civil war the figure of Trotsky in scale and importance of the decisions taken in no way inferior to the figure of Vladimir Lenin. It is not surprising that Lev Davidovich was elected people's Commissar for military Affairs. His organizational skills throughoutits glory has appeared on this post. At the origins of the red Army were those the first two Commissar.
Theoretically, the Bolsheviks saw his army, meeting the strict class requirements. However, the lack of experience of most workers and peasants could be the cause of the defeat of the party. Therefore, the history of the red Army has made another revolution, when Trotsky proposed to complement its ranks former tsarist officers. These experts had significant experience. They all passed the First world war, and some remember the Russo-Japanese. Many of them by birth were nobles.
In the day of the red Army, the Bolsheviks declared that she will be cleared of landlords and other enemies of the proletariat. However, the practical need to gradually adjust the course of the Soviet regime. In terms of the danger she was flexible enough in its decisions. Lenin was much more a pragmatist than dogmatic. So he agreed to a compromise with tsarist officers.
The Presence of the red army "counter-revolutionary contingent” has long been a headache of the Bolsheviks. Former tsarist officers repeatedly rose in rebellion. One of these was the rebellion led by Mikhail Muravyov in July 1918. This left SR and a former tsarist officer was appointed by the Bolsheviks, the commander of the Eastern front, when the two parties still constituted a single coalition. He tried to seize power in Simbirsk, which at that time was located near the theater of war. The rebellion was suppressed by Joseph varejkisa and Mikhail Tukhachevsky. The uprising in the red army, as a rule, due to the harsh repressive measures of the command.
Actually, the date of creation of the red Army is not the only important mark in the calendar for the history of the establishment of Soviet power in former Russian Empire. As the armed forces gradually became more and more diverse, and the propaganda of opponents – stronger, the CPC decided to establish the position of military Commissars. They had to carry out the party's propaganda among soldiers and old professionals. The commissioners were enabled to bridge the gap in disparate political views ordinary structure. Having significant powers, these representatives of the party not only enlightened and educated red army soldiers, but reported up on the unreliability of individuals, discontent, etc.
Thus the Bolsheviks were planted in military units the dual power. On one side were commanders and commissioners. The story of the creation of the red Army would have been very different if not for their appearance. In an emergency the Commissioner could become the sole leader, leaving the commander in the background. For the management of the divisions and larger formations were created military councils. In each body consisted of one commander and two Commissars. They were only the most ideologically hardened by the Bolsheviks (as a rule, people who joined the party before the revolution). With the increase of the army, and therefore the commissioners, the authorities had to create a new educational infrastructure necessary for the operational training of propagandists.
In may 1918 was established the all-Russian main headquarters, and in September - the revolutionary military Council. These dates and the date of creation of the red Army became crucial for the spread and consolidation of Bolshevik power. Immediately after the October revolution, the party headed for the radicalization of the situation in the country. After failing to of the RSDLP(b) elections to the Constituent Assembly of the Institute (to determine Russia's future on an elective basis) was dispersed. Now opponents of the Bolsheviks were left without legal tools to defend their position. Fast in different regions of the country originated in the white movement. To fight him was only possible by military means-and that's what it took to create the red Army.
Photos of the defenders of the Communist future began to be printed in a huge pile of campaign papers. The Bolsheviks initially tried to ensure the influx of new recruits using a catchy slogan: “the Socialist Fatherland is in danger!”, etc. These measures are given effect, but it was insufficient. By April, the size of the army increased to the level of 200 thousand people, but this would not be enough to subdue the party the entire territory of the former Russian Empire. Do not forget that Lenin dreamed of a world revolution. Russia for him was only the initial springboard of the onset of the international proletariat. To strengthen the propaganda in the red army had established Political control.
In the year of the creation of the red Army, she was joined not only for ideological reasons. In exhausted by a long war with the Germans the country has long felt the lack of food. The risk of famine is particularly acute was observed in the cities. In such beznadezhnyh conditions of poor people strove at any price to be in the service (there was guaranteed regular rations).
Although the creation of the red Army began in accordance with the decree of the Council of people's Commissars in January, 1918,the forced pace of the organization of the new armed forces came in may, when rose the Czechoslovak corps. These soldiers, taken prisoner during the First world war, took the side of the white movement and opposed the Bolsheviks. In a paralyzed and fragmented the country is relatively small 40-seat case has become the most efficient and professional army.
The News of the rebellion has excited of Lenin and of the Central Executive Committee. The Bolsheviks decided to go ahead. May 29, 1918 went out a decree according to which was introduced the forced recruitment into the army. He took the form of mobilization. In domestic policy, the Soviet government adopted a policy of war communism. Farmers not only lost their crops, which left the state, and mass into troops. Commonplace steel party mobilization on the front. By the end of the Civil war half of the members of the RSDLP(b) was in the army. Almost all the Bolsheviks became Commissars and political workers.
In the Summer of Trotsky was the initiator of the introduction of universal conscription. The story of the creation of the red Army, in short, has overcome another important milestone. 29 Jul 1918 all matching health men, who were from 18 to 40 years was taken into account. Even representatives of the bourgeois class enemy (former merchants, Industrialists, etc.) included in the rear of the militia. Such drastic measures have borne fruit. The creation of the red Army by September 1918 were sent to the front more than 450 thousand people (100 thousand remained in the rear troops).
Trotsky, like Lenin, at the time was swept aside Marxist ideology, in order to improve the combat capability of the armed forces. He as a people's Commissar has initiated important reforms and changes at the front. The army had restored the death penalty for desertion and insubordination. Back insignia, uniform, sole power of management and many other signs of the king's time. May 1, 1918 on Khodynka field in Moscow hosted the first parade of the red army. At full capacity earned system of universal military training.
In September, Trotsky headed the newly constituted Revolutionary military Council. This governmental body was the top of the management pyramid, who led the army. The right hand of Trotsky was Ioakim Vatsetis. He was the first under the Soviet regime received the post of commander in chief. That fall was formed fronts – southern, Eastern and Northern. Each of them had their headquarters. The first month of the creation of the red Army were a time of uncertainty – the Bolsheviks were torn between ideology and practice. Now, a course on pragmatism was the main, and the red army began to take form those who were its foundations over the next decades.
Without a doubt, the reasons for the creation of the red Army was to protect the Bolshevik regime. Initially, it controlled a very small part of European Russia. Thus, the RSFSR was under pressure from enemies from all sides. After he signed the Brest peace Treaty with the Kaiser's Germany, Russia was invaded by the Entente forces. The intervention was small (it covered only the North of the country). The European powers supported the whites are mainly the supply of weapons and money. For the red army attack the French and the British was only an additional reason for the consolidation and strengthening of the propaganda of the ordinary structure. Now the creation of the red Army briefly and lucidly explained by protection of Russia from foreign invasion. Such slogans helped to increase the influx of recruits.
At the same time throughout the Civil war, there was a problem of logistics of the armed forces of various resources. The economy was paralyzed, businesses were often broke strikes, in the village the norm was the hunger. Here on this background, the Soviet government began a policy of war communism.
The gist of it was simple. The economy was radically centralized. The state fully took in hand the distribution of resources in the country. Industrial enterprises were nationalized immediately after the October revolution. Now the Bolsheviks had to squeeze all the juice out of the village. The surplus, yielding taxes, individual terror of the peasants, who did not want to share with the state their grain, – all of this was in the course in order to feed and Finance the Red Army.
Trotsky personally went to the front in order to control the execution of their orders. August 10, 1918, he arrived in Sviyazhsk, when near it the battle for Kazan. In a bitter battle, one of the red army regiments faltered and fled. Trotsky publicly shot every tenth soldier in this formation. A massacre, more like a ritual, much like the Roman tradition of decimation.
According to the decision of the Commissar to shoot were not only deserters, but also malingerers, otbrasivalis from the front for the imaginary disease. The climax of the fight with the fugitives was the creation zagranotryadov. During the offensive of the main forces behind the rose specially selected soldiers who were shot panties during the fight. So using draconian measures and incredible cruelty of the Red Army became a disciplined exemplary. The Bolsheviks had the courage and pragmatic cynicism on something that is not decided the commanders of the white armies. Trotsky, notdisdain any means to spread Soviet power, soon became known as ‘the demon of the revolution”.
Gradually changed and the appearance of the red army. Initially, the red army, there was no consistent uniform. The soldiers usually wore their old military uniforms or civilian clothes. Due to the huge influx of peasants, clad in sandals, it is much more than clad in the usual boots. This anarchy lasted until the end of the unification of the armed forces.
In early 1919 in accordance with the decision of the revolutionary military Council was introduced shoulder patch insignia. At the same time the red army got his own hat, which became popularly known as the budenovka. Shirts and jackets got colored valves. Recognisable symbol was a red star sewn to the headpiece.
The Introduction in the red army some characteristic remains of the army led to the fact that the party has any opposition faction. Its members advocated the abandonment of the ideological compromise. Lenin and Trotsky, working together, in March 1919 at the VIII Congress were unable to defend their course.
The Fragmentation of the white movement, a powerful propaganda of the Bolsheviks, their determination in carrying out repression to rally their own ranks and many other circumstances led to the fact that the Soviet power was established on the territory of almost whole of the former Russian Empire, excluding Poland and Finland. The red army won the Civil war. At the final stage of the conflict the number increased to 5.5 million.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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