What clothes the Romans wore? Clothing of the Romans and its description


2019-04-04 14:20:36




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The Roman state formation emerged in the eighth century BC. At first it was a small settlement on the left side of the Tiber river. To II-I centuries BC it became the Roman Empire, thus becoming the locomotive of the development of Europe's greatest Empire, dominating almost half of the world: from the Strait of Gibraltar to Persia, from the British Isles to the Nile Delta.

The Impact of that spread on a vast territory, was due to the fact that many European peoples views on spirituality and public life, and traditional values came from Rome, which, in turn, adopted them from Ancient Greece. The first trendsetters in Europe also were the Romans, the clothes which are relevant in the present time.Romans clothes

The History of the Roman Empire is divided into three main stages:

– Tsarism (VIII-VI century BC).
– Development of the Republic of (III-I century BC).
– Development of the Roman Empire (I-V century BC).

All historical changes can be determined by how transformed the clothing of the Romans, the description of which is detailed below.

General information

In ancient times the Romans developed a detailed system design. So, according to her official clothing of the Romans – toga and tunic for men and women – the table, instita and palla.

Every kind of clothing was a whole piece of cloth without seams. Such a feature of Roman clothing was considered a confirmation of the commitment to the unique culture of the Mediterranean, the Romans did the representatives of the progressive urban civilization.clothing of the Romans, wool shirt with short sleeves


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A Special distinction of the decoration was the fact that the most popular and versatile was the white robe of a Roman that could be worn both at home and in public places and at official meetings. This color is considered neutral. He was also popular among the people because the whole territory of the Roman Empire was located in the zone of hot climate, and white, as you know, repels the sun's rays, and the clothing is not hot.

Toga as clothing of the ancient Romans

She was considered not only the official clothing, which was worn for ceremonial events and various games. Toga – the most popular men's clothing of the Romans – wool shirt with short sleeves – were a kind of badge of allegiance of the Roman Empire, of belonging to a great civilization. Apparel, cut from a cloth of white fur with a bright purple stripe was worn only by senators, members of the highest social class in Rome.clothing of the Romans woolen

In the period, the average of the Republic (the era, which lasted from the second half of the IV to the beginning of III century BC) was developed special techniques and rules of wearing the toga, which was observed until the fall of the Roman Empire in 476.


Another popular clothing of the Romans – tunic & ndash; was a shirt with short sleeves made of wool. As widely used options sleeveless. Most often, such a decoration was worn with a belt as a tunic without this accessory was perceived as a simple underwear, which gave her kind of rude.

A Distinctive feature of such a garment was that he had no armhole. This is due to the peculiarities. It was impossible to create a full neck neckline.clothing of the Romans photo

The tunic was applied to a solid vertical stripe of scarlet, which allowed to distinguish the senators and riders from the ordinary Roman citizens. The clothes worn by senators, was a broad stripe from collar to hem. On the tunic of the riders was applied in two narrow strips (also from the collar to the hem). These bands had its own name: clavus (literally means “strip”). Accordingly, the tunic of the senators was called laticlava (“wide-band”), and riders – angusticlava ("narrowband").

Women's clothing: table

The Table was considered as important element of women's clothing like a toga for men. It showed the belonging of women to the Roman Empire, talked about her social situation (tables were supposed to wear only wives and mothers, while young girls and unmarried ladies did not wear them).

The Table, the important clothing of the Romans – wool shirt with short sleeves, similar to long tunic, which was prepassivate under the bust and in the waist area. On the statue of Juno, which the sculptor has dressed in the clothes of a noble resident of Rome, you can see a single image tables with their alloy. Also feature apparel Juno was that the tables were missing the sleeves.

Currently, it is difficult to imagine how it looked above the clothing of the Romans. Photos of that period for obvious reasons are absent, and paintings and sculptures have not survived. In addition, there is no accurate data on what lengths are sewn the tables. But in any case, regardless of the presence or absence of sleeves, it's safe to say that this type of furniture is completely suitable for the Roman canons taperwise clothes.

Casual apparel of the Romans

white robe of a Roman

To everyday attitude the following types of clothing: sagum, penola, Camisa, lacerna, palla andmany others. The Romans, the clothing which is strictly divided into formal and casual, clearly classified decoration. So, everyday clothes were a open system that is constantly updated with new types.

Women's clothing of the Romans – woolen lacerna, sagum and palla – was a species of cloak. Typically, this decoration consisted of painted pieces of cloth, worn on top of the toga or tunic and held her with her brooch at the neck.

One of the most famous in the history lacerna was a time when Cassius, thinking that he lost the battle, wanted to commit suicide. He wore this garment, and then gave the order to kill himself.

Sagum is similar to a piece of painted fabric. His only difference from lazerna was the fact that it was made of thicker and coarse cloth.

Sagum was much shorter than lacerna, and in its form resembled a square. The greatest popularity he gained among the soldiers who were carrying military service in the provinces in the North of the Roman Empire. It is known that in sagome with striped color went statesman Cecina. Well, if you consider the cloak as clothing of the Romans, it could be seen at five times Consul of Rome Claudia the Marcellus, Tertullian and many other figures in politics, art and culture.

Coat in Ancient Rome

This outfit, which is very liked by many Romans. Clothing of this type played the role of draping. It is worth saying that this kind of decoration was common to all peoples of the Mediterranean. Other types of Roman clothing (e.g., shirt and penola) are variations of the knitting and sewn materials, and sewing-is alien to the Roman people classes, so they are in their origin certainly not Roman.


Shoes in the Roman Empire was widespread, as the government introduced a special law according to which to wear it became the duty of all citizens. The most expensive items were the consuls, senators and soldiers. The most popular kind of shoes considered sandals because they could be worn by representatives of all segments of the population. In addition, free citizens were allowed to wear boots-Kalai with a high instep.

Representatives of the aristocracy wore similar boots with ornaments in the form of silver buckles and black leather straps. Ordinary Roman citizens wore the same shoes, but no jewelry. From all Calza, of course, differed with the Imperial: they had a bright purple color. Because of this, in Rome there is a saying “to Put on shoes, purple” that meant to take the throne of the state.clothing Roman tunic

The Soldiers and the traveler were asked to wear kaliga-high boots of rough leather. They are distinguished by the fact that had open toes and chunky soles, black nails.

The Peasant shoes was considered kuratini made from a piece of coarse leather and fastened with straps.

Hats and hairstyles

The Romans borrowed some types of headgear, from the Greeks. As a rule, made hats and caps of felt cloth, leather and straw. There were frequent cases when the headdress of the women used a piece of flooring that was put on his head. Men often used the edge togas for this purpose.

To the I century BC in men was an honor to have a long beard and hair, but later, with the advent of a new era, fashion began short haircuts and clean-shaven face.

Women's Hairstyles of Ancient Rome, like modern women, featured a variety of types. Some ladies curled their hair in ringlets; others wore long braids or pulled the hair on the neck, raised the head and wrap hair around the head, etc. in addition, numerous types of hairstyles very often supplemented by fashion accessories such as headdresses and hairpins, tiaras or wreaths.

Accessories the inhabitants of Rome

The Period of formation and flourishing of the Roman Empire was marked by rapid economic development and social uplift. People began to live in abundance, so there was a need to complement the casual clothes any original ornaments. So, for the men could see large rings, medallions and buckles. Women often put on dresses brooches of precious stones and precious wood, and the fingers wore a lot of rings.clothing Roman toga

Body Care

All the world knows that the main fans of hygiene in the period of antiquity were the Romans. Their clothes have been washed in the aqueducts. Many city residents have access to various cosmetic products, among them – substances for the hair coloring, scented oils, artificial teeth, false eyebrows, body paint and more. It was very popular to use slaves cosmetologists, who were called kometani and roncoroni.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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