Net weight and gross weight


2019-05-03 07:20:24




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The Word “net” and “gross” today is firmly established in the Russian language. Hardly anyone knows what this means “aliens” from Italy.

The Word “net” is translated as “clean”. In combination with the same “weight” it has meaning as “net weight, without packaging or packaging". In fact, at this stage, usually knowledge about the borrowed the center word with the man in the street end.

But if you do not consider the combination of “weight”, as, for example, the expression "net earnings" then the conclusion is clear: the net income, i.e. net profit calculated by deducting from gross income all costs and investments, as well as the cost of raw materials, if you are talking about the production.

Sometimes in the phrase “weight” the word “weight” replaced by “price”. Then the expression means the final price, which is already calculated all possible discounts, or discounts for this product was not provided.


Typically, the weight indicated on the product packaging. This is done for convenience of processors of the commodity in retail outlets and freight forwarders. Unloaded the car with the boxes, they don't need to drag them on the scale, free from packing and to move, wasting time and effort. Simply pay attention to glued on top of the tab.

The Word “gross” is the antonym of “net”. It also came to us from Italy. But already translated as “rude, unclean”. Gross weight means the total, the total weight of the goods together with the packaging or container. Often this data is recorded on the labels.


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Are secretive may seem excessive, such thoroughness. Who needs this total weight at acceptance of the goods? After packing still to be reclaimed, it is, after all, will not sell to buyers!

the net weight and gross

However, to know the gross weight is necessary for those who carry large shipments. Even an ordinary box of biscuit pull on the scales 400 and then 600 grams! Downloading 100 such boxes in the vehicle, the car gets 40 kg load, varying with the specified net weight of the transported goods.

And if delivery of goods is made in a large supermarket where you need to import 1000 boxes of bulk candies, cakes and cookies? 400 kg unaccounted packaging material can overload a car above the normal, which is fraught with failures and accidents. And if you do not consider the weight of wooden or polypropylene containers, which can be the difference in a ton?

And still the net weight and gross the required heat recovery. Knowing these data, as well as the number of received units, they do not need to move empty containers to know her weight. Enough to make simple calculations – subtract from the total gross weight total net weight – and the resulting figure will indicate how many containers have accumulated on the stock.

the weight is

The difference between gross and net of one product unit multiplied by the number of – the result is the same. Again there is a saving of time and effort.

The question Arises, why would the heat exchanger need to know the weight of used packaging. First, in order to pick up the transport capacity. Secondly, cardboard, paper, polypropylene and polyethylene can be taken to the collection point of recyclable materials and to gain this certain amount.

So the weight – this is the net weight of goods without packaging, which needs to know the forwarders and processors of the product. Gross weight – total weight of cargo, which should be aware of the drivers of carriers. And the difference between these two data interested in heat recovery.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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