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In light of the rapid development of science and technology experts Express concern about the lack of promotion of radiation hygiene among the population. Experts predict that in the next decade "radiological ignorance" can cause a real threat to the security of society and the planet.
XVΙ century, European doctors were baffled by the unusually high mortality from lung diseases among the workers of mines, mining iron, base metals and silver. A mysterious ailment called "acute mountain sickness", struck the miners in fifty times more often than the average citizen. Only in the early XX century, after the discovery of radon, it recognized the cause of stimulating the development of lung cancer of miners of Germany and the Czech Republic.
What is radon? Only if a negative impact has it on the human body? To answer these questions, we should recall the history of the discovery and study of this mysterious element.
The Discoverer of radon is considered to be English physicist Ernest Rutherford. It was he who in 1899 noted that the drugs based on thorium except heavy α-particles emit a colorless gas, leading to increasing levels of environmental radioactivity. The researcher called the expected substance of thorium emanation (emanation (lat.) - expiration) and gave it a letter designation Em. Similar emanation is typical of the preparations of radium. In the first case spuskalsya gas called thoron, the second - radon.
Further failed to prove that gases are the radionuclide of a new element. To allocate it in its pure form for the first time a Scottish chemist, Nobel laureate (1904), William Ramsay (jointly with Whitlow gray) in 1908. Five years later, the element was finally given the name radon and character representation of the Rn.
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In the periodic system of chemical elements D. I. Mendeleev radon is in the 18th group. It has an atomic number z=86.
All existing isotopes of radon (more than 35, with mass numbers from 195 to 230) of radioactive and pose a danger to humans. In nature there are four kinds of atoms of the element. They are part of the natural radioactive series actinolema, thorium and uranium - radium. Some isotopes have their own names and, according to the historical tradition, are called emanations:
The Latter differs by the greatest stability. The half-life of radon 222Rn - 91.2 per hour (3.82 day). Time to steady state of other isotopes is measured in seconds and milliseconds. The decay with emission α-particles the formation of isotopes of polonium. By the way, in the study of radon scientists for the first time confronted with many varieties of atoms of the same element, which subsequently called isotopes (from the Greek "equal", "equal").
In normal conditions, radon is a gas without color and odor, whose presence can be determined only by special devices. Density 9.81 g/L. Is the heaviest (the air is easier to 7.5 times), the most rare and most expensive of all on our planet gases.
It is soluble in water (460 ml/l), but in organic compounds the solubility of radon is much higher. Has the effect of fluorescence caused by a high intrinsic radioactivity. For gaseous and liquid state (at temperatures below -62С) is characterized by a blue light, for the crystalline (lower-71С) - yellow or orange-red.
Chemical characterization of radon due to its belonging to the group of inert ("noble") gases. It is characterized by a chemical reaction with oxygen, fluorine and other Halogens.
On the other hand, an unstable nucleus of an element is a source of high-energy particles that affect many substances. Exposure to radon leads to staining glass and porcelain, decomposes water into oxygen, hydrogen and ozone, destroys the paraffin and vaseline, etc.
For isolation of the isotopes of radon, it is sufficient to skip over the substance containing radium in one form or another, a jet of air. The gas concentration in the jet will depend on many physical factors (humidity, temperature), the crystalline structure of matter, its composition, porosity, uniformity and can vary from a small fraction up to 100%. Typically use solutions of bromide or radium chloride in hydrochloric acid. Solid porous substances are used much less frequently, although the radon at the same time there cleaner.
The resulting gas mixture is cleaned from water vapor, oxygen, and hydrogen, passing it through a red-hot copper grid. The residue (1/25000 of the original volume) is condensed with liquid air and condensate to remove impurities of nitrogen, helium and inert gases.
For the record: worldwide for the year produced only a few dozen cubic centimeters of the chemical element radon.
The Nucleus of radium, fission product which is radon, in turn, are formed by the decay of uranium. Thus, the main source of radon is the soil andminerals containing uranium and thorium. The highest concentration of these elements in igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic rocks, mafic schists. Radon gas due to their inertia is easy to leave the crystal lattice of the minerals and voids and cracks in the earth's crust spreads easily over long distances, standing out in the atmosphere.
In addition, groundwater mizhplastovi water, washing such rocks are easily saturated with radon. Radon water and its specific properties have been used long before the discovery of the element.
Despite thousands of scientific and popular scientific articles written about this radioactive gas, a simple answer to the question "What is radon and what is its significance for humanity?" is difficult. Before modern researchers are, at least, two problems. The first is that in the field of radiation exposure to radon in the living matter it is both harmful and useful element. Second, in the absence of reliable means of recording and monitoring. Current detectors of radon in the atmosphere, even the most modern and sensitive, with repeat measurements can produce results that differ in several times.
The Main dose of radiation (over 70%) in the process of life a person receives due to natural radionuclides, among which the leading positions belong colorless gas radon. Depending on the geographical location of the dwellings, his "contribution" can range from 30 to 60%. A constant number of unstable isotopes dangerous element in the atmosphere is supported by a continuous supply of terrestrial rocks. Radon has an unpleasant property to accumulate inside residential and public buildings, where its concentration can increase in tens and hundreds of times. For human health risk is not so much the radioactive gas as reactive isotopes of polonium 214Po and 218Po, resulting from its collapse. They are firmly held in the body, harmful influencing internal α-radiation on living tissue.
In addition to asthmatic attacks of breathlessness and depression, dizziness and migraines, it is fraught with the development of lung cancer. The risk group includes workers in uranium mines and ore-dressing plants, volcanologists, radonotherapy, the population of underprivileged neighbourhoods with high content of radon derivatives in the ground and artesian waters, radon spas. To identify such areas make maps of radon hazard by applying geological and radiation-hygienic methods.
For the record: it is believed that radon provoked the death from lung cancer in 1916, a Scottish researcher of this element, William Ramsay.
In the last decade, following the example of their Western neighbors, the required radon activities began to spread in the countries of the former CIS. Appeared normative documents (SanPiN 2.6.1., SP 2.6.1.) with clear requirements for ensuring the radiation safety of the population.
The basic measures for protection against soil gas and natural radiation sources include:
What is radon, our ancestors did not know, but still nice horsemen of Genghis Khan healed his wounds by the waters of the sources of Belokurikha (Altai), saturated with this gas. The fact that micro-doses of radon has a positive effect on the vital organs and the Central nervous system. The influence of radon waters speeds up the metabolism, allowing the damaged tissue recover much faster, normalizes the heart and circulatory system, strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
Resorts in the mountainous regions of the Caucasus (Essentuki, Pyatigorsk, Kislovodsk), Austria (Gastein), Czech Republic (Jachymov, Karlovy vary), Germany (Baden-Baden), Japan (Miss) has long enjoyed a well-deserved reputation and popularity. Modern medicine except radon baths offers treatment in the form of irrigation, inhalation under the strict supervision of an appropriate specialist.
The Scope of radon gas is not limited only to medicine. The ability of the isotopes of an element to adsorption is widely used in materials science to measure the degree of heterogeneity of metal surfaces and decoration. In the production of steel and glass radon is used for control of technological processes. With his help, carry out an inspection of gas masks and chemical protection vehicles for leaks.
In Geophysics and Geology a methods of search and discovery of minerals and radioactive ores based on the use of radon survey. The concentration of the isotopes of radon in the soil can be judged ongas permeability and density of rock formations. Monitoring of the radon situation looks promising in terms of predicting upcoming earthquakes.
It is hoped that with the negative effects of radon humanity still has to handle radioactive element will bring the population of the planet only benefits.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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