The morpheme - what's that? The morpheme - examples


2019-05-09 22:20:32




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Certainly, each student encountered such a definition of the morpheme. This concept is quite closely related to the structure of words, and his knowledge helps to perform the morphemic analysis. Let's talk about what it is. Understand also that morphemic parsing.

What is a morpheme?

morpheme isMorpheme-is the smallest meaningful part of a word. The term was introduced by the famous scientist Babanam de Courtenay in the middle of XIX century and is used in linguistics until now.

All words are composed of morphemes. They are the bricks that make up the word. Each component has its own importance and role. There are the following types of morphemes: obligatory and optional. Binding is always present in the word and is called the root. Optional can be part of tokens, and not to enter it. These morphemes are called affixes. Let's look at each type separately.

The Obligatory morpheme

As mentioned, the mandatory morpheme of the Russian language is only one, and it's called root. There is no such word that would exist without this morpheme. Words without root (with the exception of some auxiliary parts of speech) do not exist in the Russian language.

It is important because it carries the main lexical meaning. For example, the lexeme Forest, forest Ranger combines the single root of The woods. All these words have similar meanings associated with the forest. The only - difference in shades. So, forest – a space covered with trees; forest – belonging to the woods; the Forester – the man who guards it.

morpheme of the word

In compound words have several roots, for example, in the word The light-faced one two root – Light and The face. Don't forget that when parsing the words. Most complex words have two roots, in some cases, there may be words with a large set.

Optional morpheme

An Optional morpheme of the Russian language - affixes. Among them are the following:

  • The prefix, or set-top box;
  • Postfixes or suffixes;
  • Inflection, or end;
  • Interfix.

They may be present in the word or not. With each new optional morpheme attaches it to a new value.

The First two types of morphemes convey lexical and grammatical meaning. Inflections also Express only the grammatical meaning of the word. Even zero, that is, without sound expressions, the ending shows what grammatical meaning is lexeme.

types of morphemes

Prefixes and postfixes

Let us Consider for the beginning of the morpheme, which give new lexical and grammatical notes.

The Prefixes are always located at the beginning of a word and change its meaning. In the Russian language there are about 70 prefixes. Most of them are derived from prepositions. At school they are often referred to as consoles. Each console has its own value and changes the tone of the words. For example, Ride – move somewhere; Drive – to approach something.

This changes the lexical meaning of the word, but the part of speech to which it belongs, is unchanged.

Postfix always located between the root and the inflection (if it is in the word). They serve not only for creation of new values, but in order to form a new part of speech. So, with the suffix -n from the noun forest happy adjective Forest.

Some suffixes form a new connotation. So, there are diminutive suffixes, such as CSU, -SNiP-, PTS and others. With the help of these formed tokens with a new connotation. For example: EarEar, FingerFinger, basket-basket.

In a word can have several prefixes and suffixes. It all depends on the structure of the lexeme, its meaning. Therefore, making the analysis on the morphemes of the word, you should pay special attention to this.

morpheme examples


These morphemes are used for connection of multiple roots in compound words. For example, the word The idler consists of two words - Forehead and Shook. They are linked by interfiks . Interfix not always taught in school, often talking about them only in high school, and then briefly.

Base words

Knowing that the morpheme is a meaningful part of the token, it is necessary to remember about another important part – basis. This is the unchanging part of the word, that is part of it without end. The Foundation embodies the main lexical meaning and may consist of only one root or root and affix (affixes). In verbs, the basis may be interrupted, if there is a suffix –Xia or Camping.For example, the word Bought will be interrupted by the ending and look how Bought-and-camping.


These morphemes used to Express grammatical meaning. In school they are called endings. With their help, determined grammatical meaning. For nouns is gender, number, case. Inflections are present in all parts of speech except immutable, such as an adverb, the Union, the excuse. In these parts of speech they are not distinguished. In all other parts of speech in the absence of the end of it is assumed as zero.

For example, the word The woods end Zero, Forest end . The end of the word to Express what this noun refers to a plural and is nominative.

analysis on the morphemes

The Morphemic analysis of the words

So, we found that the morpheme is the smallest meaningful part of a token. Now let's talk about morphemic analysis. In order to properly do the morphemic analysis, should adhere to the following rules.

1. First, analyze the token issued from the sentence or text in the form in which it is there.

2. Determine the part of speech and adjustable. If Yes, go to step 3; if no to item 4.

3. We find the end. For this bow, according to the gender or case, numbers. The variable part will end.

4. Allocated basis. Based on all the word without the ending.

5. We find the root. To do this, select cognates from different parts of the word.

6. Select the console facing the root .

7. Allocated suffixes. For this, we choose the words with similar suffixes but have different roots. Remember that some words can have several prefixes or suffixes. For example, the word Unpleasant has two prefix: Pre-not-nice. And the word The dreamer suffix: Dreams-and-tel-ence.

That's the whole parse.

morpheme of the Russian language

Example of morphemic parsing

Let's look at one word, so you can see the principle of morphemic parse and remember the sequence of actions. Take for the basis for the proposal: “I have not seen the old man”.

1. Wrote out the word “old”.

2. Declined: Man to man – noun variable.

3. Declined again: The old man, old man, old men, the ending words of the old man –.

4. Cast finish. The basis is a Man.

5. We select the same root lexeme: Age to age – the old root.

6. We have nothing before the root, then the prefix in the word not.

7. Select words with the suffix -IK-, if any. the Man, the nose – suffix – IR.

As you can see, nothing complicated about parsing words there. Most importantly, strictly follow the algorithm, so you can keep track and correctly identify all and also understand what is the morpheme. Examples with different morphemes should also learn how to choose.

If you are not sure about your analysis, you can always find the morphemic dictionary of the Russian language and see in it some of the morphemes is a word, how it is formed. You can use dictionaries, edited by Z. A. Potehi or Tikhonov A. N.

So, we learned that the morpheme-is the smallest meaningful part of a word, defined, what are the morphemes talked about each of them. Also found out how to do the morphemic analysis of the words and considered an example of this analysis. Remembered the dictionaries that will help you to verify the correctness of parsing words. I hope this article was useful for you.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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