The Amur river mouth, the source and tributaries. Brief characteristics and features of water flow


2019-05-09 22:00:21




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None of the residents of the far East region will argue that their main river is the Amur. She is in fourth place among the rivers of the Russian Federation, second in length only to such mighty streams as the Ob, Yenisei and Lena. Mouth of the Amur-Okhotsk sea.Mouth of the Amur – sea of Okhotsk

Quick feature

Formed by the water flow due to the confluence of the Argun and Shilka. The place where it originates, to Khabarovsk is considered the border between the two countries: Russia and China. The slope of channel is not more than 0.11 percent. The source and the mouth of the Amur river stretched for 2850 km, and Sometimes as the starting point, take one of the components of the rivers – the Shilka, in this case, the length of the water flow will be 4510 km. However, these values may not be entirely accurate, as the process of measurement is rather complicated. The area of the basin, including the river Kerulen, is 2 million sq km For the entire water flow can be observed characteristic differences. For example, its valley is divided into three parts: lower, middle, upper. Each of these areas is characterized by certain dimensions of depth and width, as well as the nature of the flow. The height of the mouth of the Amur river (and sea height) is 0 m, while the source – 304 m above sea level.feature of the Amur river


The Entire pool water flow is located in the Eastern Asia. It covers four natural zones: forest, steppe, forest-steppe, semi-desert. Every year receives about 300 mm of precipitation, the same quantity which is supplied to the source and the mouth of the Amur river; in the area of Sikhote-Alin ridge, particularly in its southeastern part, this number increases to 750 mm.Amur river estuary

The Basin covers several States – Russia (54%), China (44%), Mongolia (1%). Part of the Amur river, which is located in the Russian Federation is divided into far Eastern and Siberian district.


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The Amur River, the mouth of which is located in the city of Nikolaevsk-on-Amur, is divided into three sections:

  • Lower. Stretched on 966 km and Has industrial value. Located near the mouth of the Ussuri river to Nikolaevsk-on-Amur. The velocity on this interval is 4 km/h, it allows a successful fishing not only for personal purposes but also for sales.
  • Average. Captures the area from the Amur to the Ussuri river. More than 970 km of the coastline in this area is densely covered with vegetation. The movement of water in the stream an average of about 5 km/h Direction in this range is quite wide and deep, which contributes to the development of navigation.
  • Top. Stretched to the mouth of the Zeya river, and is approximately 880 km and is Famous for its variety of flora and fauna. You can often meet representatives of the salmon. Flow rate – 5 km/h.

Water Consumption per year is 9819 m3/s, basically the data is based on consumption in the city of Komsomolsk, where the river Amur. The mouth also consumes much more – 11 400 m3/s.the source and the mouth of the Amur river

The Unique feature of the water flow can be called that the water level in it is constantly changing due to the rains. As a rule, they constitute more than 70% of the flow. In summer low-water periods the water level falls to 15 m on the top and on the middle portion of the Amur river, in the lower reaches record height of the recession – up to 8 m In some areas, the flow spreads to a distance of 25 km. this is mainly due To typical climatic conditions, in particular constant heavy rains. This status can last almost 2-3 months. At the moment, after it was built many waterworks, floods are less pronounced, and the water level is around 6 m.


In this water flow indicators of harmful substances is too high and can be dangerous to the environment and to human health. In 2005, the accident occurred at the Chinese plant, causing the Songhua river was thrown out toxic chemicals. This case had a negative impact on the ecological state of the rivers, which have a common tributaries. One of them over to the Amur was brought benzene, nitrobenzene and other substances. They were huge stains on the surface of its waters. Phenol, nitrates and other microbiological particles – all contain the Amur river. Mouth, water which is contaminated badly enough, is on the verge of ecological disaster. In order to protect water in the area of Khabarovsk was built dam. It is allowed to change the movement of the river and send all the chemical pollution to the North shore, which is located in Russia. A year later, the dam was partially dismantled, as an urgent need for it disappeared.height mouth of the Amur river

After 3 years after the accident at the plant in 2008, the coastal people had discovered the oil slick, the size of which reached on average 2 km., However, as scientists tried, its origin was not able to install.

The Amur River, the mouth of which is rich in tributaries, has several streams:

  • See – the largest river basin.
  • Bureya – rich deposits of ore, coal.
  • Songhua or Sungari, has serious problems with the environment.
  • The Ussuri river is an important water supply.
  • Anyuy –a distinctive feature of the river is that it was a rip.
  • Amgun very rich in fish and has important industrial significance.mouth of the Amur

Recently, there was the view that the Amur river is a tributary of the Zeya, and not Vice versa. Thanks to images from space, you can see that it is much deeper and wider. From a geological point of view the valley is a continuation of the Amur river (if you look in the direction of «South-North"). However, the remote from the mouth of the source is due to the traditional way – through the Argun, Amur. So the width and full-flowing rivers in the determination of the tributaries are considered quite rare.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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