Shirazi Karo Semenovich - the main architect of Moscow: biography, personal life, work


2019-07-10 10:20:34




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There are people whose fate may without any qualification be a script for an interesting movie. These include the well-known architect Karo Alabyan, a biography that is dedicated to this article.

Karo Alabyan

Early years

Caro S. Alabyan was born in 1897 in Yelizavetpol (now Ganja, Azerbaijan). As in any Armenian family, his parents, even though that is barely making ends meet, wanted to give his son a good education. For this purpose they sent the boy to his aunt in Tbilisi, where the young Caro entered the famous Seminary community. There studied Anastas Mikoyan, and later occupied the highest positions in the Soviet state.

Karo Halabyan not only stood out among other students ' diligence, but also perfectly able to draw, play the violin and sang beautifully. Soon, while studying at the Seminary, the young man began to study at the vocal Department of the local Conservatory.

In Tiflis Margaryan met with many prominent Armenian intellectuals — with the composer Aram Khachaturian, artist Martiros Saryan, etc., and became interested in fashion in those days of modernism. However, in 20 years, Caro has joined the ranks of the RSDLP and a very realistic style in art. During the Civil war Shirazi fought for Soviet power in one of the battles saved the life of his classmate and fellow soldier Anastas Mikoyan. As a result, young people according to the old Caucasian tradition began to consider each other blood brothers.

Caro S. Alabyan

Study in Moscow

A Great influence on the young family had Armenian proletarian poet Yeghishe Charents, whose poems he illustrated, and Vahan Terian. The latter helped Caro to go in 1923 in Moscow and to do the architectural faculty of the VKhUTEMAS.


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There is a young man studied together with M. Mazmanyan, G. Kochar and V. Simbirtseva, which further he had to work on projects of the buildings which adorn the capital and the city of Yerevan.

As a student, Margaryan met with actor and Director Ruben Simonov. They began a friendship, which did not cease all his life. In 1928 they, in cooperation with Aram Khachaturian put on the stage of the Vakhtangov theatre in Moscow performance on Comedy after Hakob Paronyan “Uncle Bagdasar”. Previously, he, in collaboration with M. Mazmanyan, designed plays “Brave Nazar” D. Demirchyan and “Red mask” on the scene of the First state theater in Yerevan ArmSSR.

Karo Alabyan biography

Work in Armenia

In 1929, Karo Halabyan graduated from University and went to Yerevan. There he led the First state design Institute of the Soviet Armenia. For two years in the Armenian capital, the architect has created the projects of such famous buildings as the builders ' Club (now the building of the Russian theatre. Stanislavsky), house for employees of the Electrochemical of the trust, the office of the chief exploration management, etc. in addition, in this period of her life, Karo Halabyan taught at the architectural Department of Yerevan Polytechnic Institute.


In 1932, the architect Karo Halabyan finally moved to the capital. One of the first famous buildings by the architect in Moscow, became the Central theater of the red army (now CATRA), which he designed with a former classmate V. Simbirtseva and B. Barkhin. The construction is made in the form of a five-pointed star and today it is the main decoration of the Suvorov square in Moscow.

In the prewar period Karo Halabyan are projects of such buildings, as the pavilions of the Armenian SSR VSHV in Moscow and the USSR at the international exhibition in new York, held in 1939. In recent work, done in collaboration with the architect Iofan, the architect was awarded the title of Honorary citizen of this major American metropolis.

architect Karo Halabyan

40 years

During the war Caro S. Alabyan led the Union of Soviet architects and Academy of architecture, and also led a special workshop, where he developed plans for a major defensive masking and industrial buildings of Moscow. In 1942 he was also appointed a member of the Commission on accounting and protection of monuments and the Chairman of the Commission, which was to rebuild the cities destroyed by the war. In particular, it Sets was commissioned to develop a master Plan for the destroyed Stalingrad. In addition, he was involved in the creation of the project to restore the main streets of Kiev — downtown.

Shirazi Caro S.: personal life

Although well-known architect was considered an enviable bride and have an attractive and imposing appearance, he is not long married. Only in 1948, surpassing the 50-year milestone, Margaryan made an offer hands and hearts to someone, and the star of Soviet cinema and one of the most beautiful women of that time Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. Unlike Karo Semenovich, his fiancee has already tried three times to create a family. At that time she was very worried because of divorce with Mikhail Zharov, which broke up due to the lack of children.

The couple met thanks to Ruben Simonov, who knew that He is 16 years old. At the time, mother Luda was friendly with the actress of the theater. Vahtangova Anna Babayan and asked her to show his daughter to his chiefDirector. Ruben Simonov immediately spotted his acting talent and He advised the girl to go to drama school.

Despite the large age difference, Karo Halabyan, which at that time already held the position of chief architect of the capital, was able to win the heart of the Picture. After a year the couple had a son. Karo Halabyan was overjoyed. But soon he had to leave wife and child and go to Armenia.

monument Karo Halabyan


According to contemporaries, Karo Semenovich fearlessly came to the aid of his friends and colleagues who became victims of political repression. This is confirmed by his numerous letters to various authorities with requests to release from detention of a person.

In the early 50-ies Karo Halabyan Publicly argued with Lavrenty Beria, who claimed that the construction of tall buildings — economically profitable. The architect had recently returned from the United States and understand that at the level of development of construction technologies, which at the time was in the Soviet Union, the country has not mastered the implementation of such projects.

Beria was furious and did everything to make Stalin the removal of the family from all posts. Karo Semenovich was also threatened with arrest because one of his staff was suddenly “Japanese spy”. The architect saved his blood brother, Anastas Mikoyan. He found the opportunity to send the family away from Beria to Yerevan. The parting with my wife and newly born baby was Karo Semenovich real torture.

the son of the Karo Halabyan

Return to Moscow

To return to the capital Shirazi managed only in 1953, after the death of the leader of the people and Beria. He had no apartment, no job. The family roamed the relatives and lived on the salary Front. On top of all the misery it turned out that Sasha Shirazi polio and he needs special care.

Then Karo Semenovich wrote several letters to members of the Soviet government. An appeal to the leadership of the Soviet state conceived its action. A family of sets provided shelter, and he himself got the job. Fortunately, it also turned out that her son Karo and Lyudmila reversible form of the disease, and he is soon on the mend. Slowly life returned to normal. In particular, in 1954 Shirazi in collaboration with L. Dwarf created a project for the building of Sochi marine station, which has long been one of the architectural symbols of the city.


Throughout her adult life Karo Halabyan smoked a lot and never cared about their health. 6 years after returning to Moscow, he was diagnosed with lung cancer. In those years about the surgical solution to this problem with a successful outcome could not be considered. A few months later, the architect died. He was buried at the Novodevichy cemetery in Moscow.

Grave Karo Halabyan not alone. In 1992, 33 years after the death of the famous architect, near it was buried Lyudmila Tselikovskaya. Although the wife of Halabyan after the death of nearly 16 years was the civil wife of the film Director Yuri Lyubimov, she wished to place her grave was near the grave of her beloved Caro.

At the Novodevichy cemetery the Family monument. It was created by the Moscow sculptor Nikolay Nikoghosyan basalt and is a square with the profile of the architect. Another monument Karo Halabyan installed in Yerevan. And from a famous architect and a grandson who was named in his honor. His name was given to streets in Moscow and in Yerevan.

Awards and achievements

In the years 1937-1950 Karo Halabyan was a member of the armed forces of the USSR. Previously he was elected a member correspondent of the Royal Institute of British architecture.

Karo Halabyan was also awarded:

  • The order of the red banner of Labor;
  • The honorary title of Honored art worker of the Armenian SSR;
  • Order “badge of Honor";
  • Numerous medals;
  • The Grand Prix of the Paris international exhibition of arts and technology.

Karo Alabyan grave

Now you know who Karo Halabyan. The biography of this famous architect full of twists and turns. The last years of his life was peppered with love and a happy marriage with one of the most beautiful women in the Stalin era, and the buildings constructed on his projects, and still decorate Moscow and Yerevan.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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