Doctor of philosophy Yuri Levada: the biography, scientific activity


2018-03-18 16:56:27




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Professor Levada, Yuri Alexandrovich-an outstanding Soviet, Russian and Ukrainian sociologist. Thanks to his efforts, the sociology of dogmatic, ideological and theoretical transformed into a modern practical science that allows dispassionately assess the social processes and predict their further development. Under the Soviet regime was disgraced scientist, but after the collapse of the Soviet Union became one of the leading political scientists of Russia.

Levada Yuri


Levada, Yuri Alexandrovich was born in the Ukrainian town of Vinnytsia 24.04.1930, where he passed his youth. The family was well known and respected. Grandmother was descended from the Ducal Lithuanian family, Sangallo. Santa Moranis, Lev was a pharmacist, had a professorship and was one of the originators of the Vinnitsa medical Institute. However, the new government of the old footage was uninteresting. During the repressions he was declared a Japanese spy.

Mother Natalia Lvovna – well-known journalist, correspondent of the newspaper «Bilshovytska truth”. Father Cogan Moses Aleksandrovich, unfortunately, left the family. He reached great heights in the academic field, becoming Dean of the history faculty of the Leningrad pedagogical Institute named after Pokrovsky. Later, Natalia Lvovna came together with the writer Levada, Aleksandr Stepanovich, who adopted Yuri. By the way, Levada knew and loved Ukrainian culture and language. After perestroika tried to participate in scientific and public life of Ukraine.

Yury Levada

The School

Yuri Levada since childhood, been drawn to the social Sciences. His analytical mind demanded new knowledge, interesting information, food for thought. Friends lectured the villagers, though it was not safe – in the region was rampant Bandera.


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Study he was given incredibly easy, the reward of which have been the gold medal after finishing school. Early on, he showed passion (differently you will not tell) to political science, sociology and journalism. Jura has released a series of bold socio-political offer of the school paper “X”. However, teachers realized, which can lead in turbulent times seditious thoughts of the disciples, and covered the publication.

Higher education

After Graduating from high school in 1947, Yuri Levada turned his inquisitive gaze no more, no less, on the main University of the country-Moscow state University. Moreover, easily entered the elite faculty of philosophy.

In your course Yuri was the star, though, and were the youngest age. The elders, most of whom had been through the war, was impressed by the youthful enthusiasm and gushing energy of a young classmate. In addition, the paddock was open, an extraordinary person, which is interesting to discuss “adult” problems of science and world order. His seminar presentations were allocated a great knowledge of the subject topics and analytical. It is not surprising that George, the future Creator of the authoritative «Levada center», was appointed editor-in-chief of the student newspaper.

Levada Yuri biography

On the verge of arrest

However, serene life of a talented student will not be called. At the time of society a spirit of fear, denunciations, suspicion. Authorities were invisible ideological struggle against cosmopolitanism. So did the prosecution side and the Jura. In his Dorm room even searched, but in addition to portraits of philosophers Spinoza and Marx found nothing. The clouds passed by.

Academic activities

3 years after graduating from Moscow state University (1955), Yuri Levada defended the “candidate” philosophy, and in 1966 he became a doctor of Sciences, Professor. He was the leader of young sociologists called "the sixties" who dared to doubt that historical materialism is the only scientific sociology. Scientist tried, unsuccessfully, to free science from Orthodox tenets of Marxism, to bring new elements to “life”.

Yuri led a seminar on the theory of sociology (and related Sciences), which operated continuously from 1966 until the mid 80-ies. Guests at this seminar were:

  • The Literary critic Yuri Karyakin.
  • The Poet Naum Korzhavin.
  • Linguist Ivanov.
  • The Analyst Galkin.
  • Philosopher Shchedrovitsky, and others.

Continued in CEMI (Central Economics and mathematics Institute), the workshop heard the reports of a whole constellation of various, but trivial minds of the second half of the twentieth century: M. Mamardashvili, A. Gurevich, S. LEM, T. Parsons, M. Chudakova, D. Segal, L. Bakhtin and S. Averintsev. Sociologist Levada, Yuri Alexandrovich was able to find such minds and to involve them in discussion, to share their experiences.

Levada recalled: “Virtually all our meetings sooner or later led to the fact that I was arguing with all the speakers. It was an atmosphere of General controversy, to speak freely on any topic. But it was interesting, and nobody was offended”.

Levada Yuri sociology

Our thoughts

In lectures 60-70 years with remarkable for that time courage, Yuri Levada says: “Sociology-social is an empirical discipline that studies the social system of their functioning and development. It is a science that is based on a pilot study, reality, private parties, experiment, systematic observation of different types”.

The Scientist emphasizes that the scope of sociological knowledge is limited by the current state of methods of research. Sociology sees society not all – and should not see. She sees what's available empirical “see”

  • Systematic observation;
  • Contemporary forms of social experiment.

The philosophers of the Marxist-Leninists, conservative adherents of historical materialism, did not have at their disposal any reliable empirical evidence, so they have been forced to adopt Soviet reality under the dogmas and formulas of Marxist theory, not to deduce a theory of reality (as they called themselves, Marx and Engels). This distinguished them from young, widely thinking of philosophers, political scientists, sociologists "sixties".



Yuri didn't hide his beliefs, even though he knew that comes on the “sore spot” Orthodox Soviet philosophy. The time of the thaw of the 60s was gradually replaced by a period of stagnation 70-80. At a conference speech of Professor Levada heard Brezhnev himself. The Secretary General was amazed by the free-thinking scientist, bordering on sedition. According to his “recommendations” in 1969, the sociologist was deprived of the professorship “ideological errors made in the lectures”.

At the same time the sanctions ended. Levada was removed from the post of the head of the party Bureau of the Institute of specific social research, where he was working. Thanks to the patronage of colleagues narrowly escaped a shameful expulsion from the party, which could have a negative impact on further research activities.

However, Yuri Alexandrovich did not stop. He continued his studies, reading polacriline lectures and enjoyed the same authority among ordinary students and eminent scientists.

the Levada center

«Levada center»

With the onset of perestroika became more permissible. Yuri Alexandrovich entrusted to govern in 1992, the Russian centre for public opinion studies (VTSIOM) – important sociological institution, followed the sentiment. In 2004, the organization was transformed into the Analytical center of Yuri Levada.

A Famous scientist and used by the authorities, colleagues, and journalists-scientists of unquestioned authority. In 2004, the media called Yuri Alexandrovich Person of the year in the category “Analytics”. Unfortunately, Levada died 16.11.2006 Buried in the capital on Troekurov cemetery.

Scientists are actually written the first textbook of General sociology, which spelled out “basics” science, which are now crushing students of sociological faculties and departments. He is remembered as an outdoor companion and teacher. Yu. a. Levada was acting on an equal footing with their audience, in some doubt, something laughed at, something to find the meaning and rationality. We can firmly say that his life was not in vain.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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