The life of Christopher Columbus: biography, travel, opening


2018-03-19 05:00:21




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Despite the fact that the famous Navigator could discover America with the Spanish king, he was originally from Italy. Young life of Christopher Columbus came to stay on the Apennine Peninsula. He was born in Genoa in 1451, and educated at the University Pavisam. From birth he lived near the sea and decided to devote himself to travel. The thing is that the years of the life of Christopher Columbus occurred in the epoch of geographical discoveries, when the Europeans left the Mediterranean sea and began the search for a sea route to India.

Start of navigation

The Christian governments funded explorers in order to gain access to expensive resources. Even before Columbus, Portuguese explorers set out East along the coast of Africa. In 70-e years, Christopher decided to find a way to a distant country in the Western way. According to his calculations, it should go in that direction at the latitude of the Canary Islands, after which it will be possible to reach the shores of Japan.

At this time he lived in Portugal, which was the center of all European navigation. He participated in the expedition to Guinea where, in 1481, was built Elmina castle. At the same time ambitious researcher visited England, Iceland and Ireland, where he learned about local legends about Vinland. So in the old days, the Vikings called them the open land. It was the coast of North America. Due to the fact that in the Middle ages there existed strong ties between pagan Scandinavia and Christian Europe, this discovery went unnoticed.

the life of Christopher Columbus

Organization journey to the West

A life of Christopher Columbus were spent trying to convince different governments or merchants to Finance his intended expedition to the West. At first he tried to find a common language with the native merchants of Genoa, but they refused to risk their money. In 1483 the project was put on the table of the Portuguese king joão II. He also rejected a risky venture.


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After this failure, Christopher went to Spain. There he managed to enlist the support of the local Dukes, who brought him to the king and Queen. Spain formally did not exist. Instead, it was two States – Castile and Aragon. A marriage of their rulers (Ferdinand and Isabella) made it possible to combine two crowns into one. The couple gave an audience to the Navigator. A Commission was appointed, which was to assess the costs and how it is justified for the Treasury. The first results were disappointing for the colon. He refused and offered to revise the draft. Then he tried to negotiate with the king of England and Portugal (again).

discovery of Christopher Columbus

The Treaty with Spain

In 1492, the Spanish took Granada and ended the Reconquista-the expulsion of Muslims from the Iberian Peninsula. The king and Queen again freed from political issues and engaged in the expedition of Columbus. The crucial word said Isabella, who even agreed to pledge all of your personal treasures and jewelry in order to provide the ships and provisions. The sailor promised that he would become Viceroy of all those lands which he opens. Also, he was immediately given the title of nobleman and Admiral of the Sea-Ocean.

In Addition to authorities Columbus was helped by the shipowner martín Alonso pinzón, who offered one of their ships (“Pint"). The first expedition was also attended by Carrack "Santa Maria” and the ship “Nina”. All were involved, a team of a hundred people.


The Years of the life of Christopher Columbus was well spent. He finally could realize his dream. The details of his first trip to the West known to us thanks to the ship's log, which he kept every day. These priceless records have been preserved due to the fact that the priest Bartolome de Las Casas a few years made a copy of the securities.

On August 3, 1492 the ships left the Spanish harbour. September 16 was openly Sargasso sea. On October 13 the path of the ship was unknown land. Columbus came to the island and hoisted it on the flag of Castile. He was named San Salvador. Here the Spaniards first saw the tobacco, cotton, maize and potatoes.

With the help of the natives Columbus learned of the existence of a large island, which was located somewhat to the South. It was a cube. The expedition still believed that she is somewhere in East Asia. Some aborigines were found pieces of gold, which inspired the team to continue the treasure hunt.

the journey of Christopher Columbus


On December 6 was discovered the island of Haiti, which then became known as Hispaniola. Even before that one of the ships "Pint" out of control of Columbus and his captain went to look for another island, which was allegedly treasures.

On 25 December «Santa Maria" crashed into a reef, after which her crew was left in Haiti with the reserves for a year and weapons for self-defense. Columbus on the last ship “Nina” went to Europe. Along the way he met a "pint", which continued the voyage home.

expedition of Christopher Columbus

Return to Europe

In March, the expedition returned to Spain, where finally become aware of the discoveries of Christopher Columbus. It was a real miracle for Europeans who first saw the Indians, taken from the Islands on Board the “Nina”. The expedition of Christopher Columbus brought with him many wondrous gifts of nature far – new plants, fruits, etc. news about the success of the Spaniards led to a diplomatic incident. In the middle of the XV century Portugal had received from the Pope the right to subject lands that are open outside of the African Cape Bojador. As it was believed that the exposed Islands are part of India, negotiations started between the two powers about their legal status.

In 1494, under the mediation of the Pope, was signed the Treaty of Tordesillas, by which the possession of these countries has been differentiated according to the latitude of the Cape Verde Islands.

The Second expedition

Before this began the second journey of Christopher Columbus. This time under his command was already 17 ships. This is not surprising, since the Admiral is now used by the great mercy of the king, Queen, and many of the Spanish lords, who eagerly started to give him money for the journey.

The Second voyage of Christopher Columbus differed from the first more and the team. This time on the ship were not only sailors. They are joined by monks and missionaries to baptize the local people. Their place was taken by the officials and nobles who had to organize the life of a permanent colony in the West.

After 20 days the way was opened Dominica and Guadeloupe, where they lived the Caribbean, differing aggressive against peaceful neighbors. The first collision happened on the coast of the island of Santa Cruz. At the same time opened Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico.

Christopher Columbus America

Colonization of Islands

The Team wanted to get to the sailors who left Haiti during the first expedition. On the site of the Fort was found only corpses and remains. Then was founded the FORTS of La Isabela and Santo Domingo. Meanwhile in Spain, the government decided to transfer the exclusive right of Columbus to another Navigator, Amerigo Vespucci. Christopher, hearing of this, went to Europe to prove his innocence. At the Royal court, he stated that he had reached Asia (it was Cuba). Also Christopher Columbus spoke briefly about the fact that there just is gold and now in the new expeditions to the use of prison labor for large economic benefits.

The Third expedition

Thus began the third expedition of Christopher Columbus. In 1498, his ships skirted Haiti and went to the South, where, in the opinion of the captain, was supposed to be gold mines. So was discovered the island Trinidad and the mouth of the Orinoco river in present Venezuela. After this voyage, the expedition returned to Haiti (Hispaniola), where the local colonists already managed to make a riot. They didn't like that they are given a little land. Then it was decided to allow to take the local Indians into slavery and to increase private plots.

However, this does not solve the main task which is set before them the discoveries of Christopher Columbus. In Spain still have not received the gold. Meanwhile, the Portuguese Navigator Vasco da Gama was able to reach the real India. In accordance with the Treaty with Castile he had rounded Africa and were in a long-awaited country. From there he was brought to Portugal dear spices that were not available in Europe. They valued its weight in gold.

The Spanish government, realizing that the ocean is losing the race to his neighbor, decided to withdraw the monopoly right of Columbus for research. He was in chains returned to Europe.

Christopher Columbus

Fourth expedition

The Story of Christopher Columbus could have ended really bad if he for his successful expeditions had many influential friends – the magnates and nobles. They persuaded king Ferdinand to give the sailor another chance and go to the fourth voyage.

This time Columbus decided to go due West, passing many Islands. So he discovered the coast of Central America-Honduras and Panama. It has become clear, h...

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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