Currants. The origin of the word and Slavic legends


2018-03-19 11:05:20




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In ancient times the territory of modern Moscow grew large quantity of currants. It is believed that the first appearance of the modern capital was predicted by Prophetic Oleg in 880 ad. Then the river Moscow was still called Blueberry, and on its banks grew magnificently these shrubs. Of course, scientists do not dispute the fact the founding of the Russian capital by Prince Yuri Dolgoruky. However, it is possible that her story is rooted much deeper.

currants origin of the word

Main interpretations of the meaning of the word "currant"

One of the most valuable crops of the Slavs was currant. The origin of the word in the Russian language, which is called a well-known shrub, has two versions. According to one, it comes from the word “stench”. In Ancient Russia it meant “smell”, “fragrance”. Here the meaning of the word can have both positive and negative connotation.

The Word "Currant" comes from the ancient word “Smart”, which were previously termed as persistent odor and incense. According to another version, the word "Currant" comes from the word “Nugget", which means “of course born without beginning”.

The First mention of the berry

There is a legend that the berries of black currant was pioneered by the Arabs in the 7th century BC, Then, on the Damascus throne successor, king Mohammed, and the army of armed Muslims invaded the territory of Spain. The conquerors decided to eat the red berries, which were similar to the Palestinian rhubarb. Then berry called "Ribes". But on the territory of Russia currant never imported. She was found by the Slavs. Therefore, the etymology of the word "currant" it has Slavic roots.


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the etymology of the word currant

The Legend of Kalinov the bridge

This word also is of particular interest in connection with numerous myths about the mysterious eponymous river. Currants with waves of fire, which separates the world of the living from the world of the dead, crosses the Kalinov bridge. The way the characters in Slavic myths into the realm of the goddess of death Moran filled with obstacles. One of them – the river Currants. The origin of the word according to another version is the color of this river – “red fire". Some researchers believe that the same meaning given the phrase "Kalinov bridge". After all, the word «Kalina" also means ‘fire red», «hot».

“Kalinov bridge" - etymology of the word. Currants and hunting mammoths

Other scholars believe that the name of the mythical bridge acquired not because of his color, but because it was made from tree branches of viburnum. The origin of this name can be associated with the hunting of the ancient people of mammoth. In order to catch the ancient animal, usually arranged a trap-a pit covered with branches. These branches, according to the researchers, was the basis for the myth of Kalinov the bridge. To catch the mammoth, it herded in a certain direction with fiery branches that became the prototype of the river with waves of fire.

how did the word currant

Counterparts in the myths of other countries

The River of death existed not only in the Slavic epos. For example, in Greek mythology the famous river Styx. Her soul was transported into the realm of the dark God Hades. But, unlike the Slavic views, the river was divided by a bridge. In the myths of Ancient Greece, the dead crossed the river of forgetfulness (Summer) and river of pain (Acheron) in the boat carrier of Acheron. According to the beliefs of the Greeks, the river, consisting of the fiery waves, represented an obstacle to the soul that separated the living world from the world of the dead.

The inhabitants of the shores of Currant

Another opponent on the way from one world to another was the terrible guardian-Serpent, or the creature. With him on Kalinov bridge fought the heroes of ancient myths. Baba Yaga is a well-known character who lives near Kalinov bridge on the river Currants. The origin of the word “witch” has many interpretations. The Russian ethnographer N. Abramov it has been suggested that it derives from the name of clothes.

“witch” or “Agusta” has been a staple of the ancient Slavs, which was worn with the fur outside. This kind of clothing was a mandatory attribute of evil in Slavic mythology and beliefs. But some researchers go even further in their ideas about why this name was given to the mythical inhabitant of the river Currants. The origin of the word “witch” they connect with the ancient Indian term “Yahya”, which means “sacrifice”. The word “Baba”, if pronounced with the accent on the last syllable, the meaning of “hermit”.

word currant comes from the ancient word of smorod

Where there is a real Currants?

According to some assumptions, the river Currant is a very real prototype. Scientists who are interested in, how did the word "Currant" I think that actually the so-called Sister river, located in the vicinity of St. Petersburg. Her original name – “Sistercare” comes from the Finnish language. The word “Sister” in Finnish means "currant" and "yoke” - “river”. This hypothesis is confirmed by the legend of the river Currants. After all, according to legend, this turbulent river is surrounded by swampy marshes, and she is headstrong and tempestuous. The same characteristics peculiar to the river Sister.


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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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