Information and reference system: types and examples. What it is - information system?


2019-03-25 10:20:33




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information reference system

Dissemination of information, continued collection and processing within the modern society occurs thanks to specific resources: human, financial, technical and others. At some point these data are collected in one place, structured according to predefined criteria are combined in an easy to use as the base. Information system is a tool which is processing incoming information. The main function of IP is to provide relevant information to people. In other words, it satisfies the need for information within the specified scope of the subject. A product of the information system are arrays of data, structured databases, different types of documents. The remainder of this article will examine the purpose, objectives and properties of these structures.


Information systems, depending on their processing, the received data are divided into two groups. The former include structures, which are functioning in complex systems. These systems are able to process information. To this category belong, for example, automated programs. The second group included information and referral system. They don't have complex schemes of processing information. Information system – it is a structure that provides data on request. It is designed for quickly finding and presenting the information in a convenient format.

Information and reference system. Feature

The Main objectives of this structure is the collection, processing for further storing and providing information to users for relevant queries. The form and content of the information provided is influenced by the accumulated in the reference data warehouse. The process of issuing the requested information based on the associative search in the databases (storage) with subsequent transformation into user-friendly format. And information system of archival industry to collect and save data for long periods of time. It is also possible to exchange information with external sources, subscribers. It is possible to result following examples of information and information systems: city information, dispatch service organizations, divisions, search, data storage, and other.


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This structure includes several elements. The main components, which includes information and reference system, is:

  1. Shared storage.
  2. Specialized devices that convert information in an accessible format to the subscriber.
  3. The Channels of information transmission.
  4. A Special element (the"brain" of the structure, a CPU), handles the data flow (group of people or electronic computer).

Types of information and information systems

for information and referral systems are

There are two types of structures: factual and documentary. In the first case, reference systems include schemes based on providing a common set of facts: name of process, name objects, values and others. Documentary type of system is supplying the stored information in the form of documents: legal acts, regulations, certificates, and so on. The structure of the factual type differ from each other by the complexity of data processing. The most simple types of such systems are those based on the principle of what you are looking for information in your vault. More complex schemes use a semantic processing of data available to them. So, they are able, for example, select only the information (a fact, a paragraph) of the total text of the document. The most practical use of received information and reference system based on a combination of two types: documentary and factographic. examples of information and reference systems

AISS: description

The Degree of automation of information processing has a significant impact on the efficiency of any reference system. In this regard, recently widely developed and implemented automated programs the search, collection and structuring of data. They are based on powerful electronic computers. Thanks to the development of the use of computers has been significantly facilitated the process of updating and storing information. The main elements of most AISS are:

  1. types of informal help systemsThe Technical aspect. This is itself a computer, acting as a brain structure, a set of related equipment, which provides input-output information of the device, allowing the user to work with the database, the electronic storage of information (disk, tape, etc.).
  2. Storage of information and software. Automated information and reference system and subscribers affiliated with standard devices (teleprinters). They, in turn, is connected directly with a computer via telephone orTelegraph channels. Special popularity among subscribers received remotes with built-in screens. Monitor displays information from the help system. Panels are equipped with special keypad, by means of which the control and enter the required data.

Structure of AISS

An Automated information and reference system is based on combining multiple repositories. They contain all the necessary data for the operation of this structure. The information is structured in a certain way, with all of the requirements for the form, type and time of application after a user request. The level of information contained in the system, as the updating and structuring depends on the characteristics of the repositories and of their number.

Software AISS

There is a set of special programs that allow you to perform certain algorithms to translate information and manage all processes within the system. This type of security made a few "formal languages"

  • The outside world, with which the subscriber generates its own request to the system;
  • Information;
  • Programmes and subprogrammes;
  • Programming.

information help system archival network


On the productivity of any help system is affected:

  • Structural organization processes based on sequential processing;
  • The optimal allocation of its resources and modes of operation;
  • A clear understanding of the user commands.

Also the increase in the average performance of AISS is achieved through the introduction of new software. It, in turn, influences the processes of computation and allows to work in a mode of multitasking.


Modern information systems based on the definition of priorities, the selection of the most important tasks. When this occurs, the process of combining modes new requests and delivery of information in specific program time periods. In case of occurrence of non-standard parameters of the search information, the system is also able, without using additional resources, to find necessary data. The modern structure is capable of without loss of time or quality of the information simultaneously serve multiple users (the precise number is determined by technical support). information reference system the application of AISS found in such sectors as industry and agriculture, with the help of their automated processes happen at the enterprises and organizations of the scientific orientation. Popular and legal information and referral system, which allows subscribers in the huge database to find information on the requested regulation.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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