Customs fees and their types


2019-05-21 19:20:17




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Customs duties are mandatory payments levied by the customs authorities of the state when moving any product through the so-called customs border. Such a function in any state usually lies with the state specifically authorized customs authority. For example, in Russia the Federal customs service.

Since Russia together with Belarus and Kazakhstan is in they have created a customs Union, the rates and tariffs of customs duties it shall be established in accordance with the signed in 2008 between the Governments of these countries the agreement “On unified customs-tariff regulation”. And from the second half of 2010, the fees are regulated came into force the new law of the Russian Federation “On customs tariff”. Their size is also affected by the type of product (special classifications), country of origin and the conditions under which special duties.

Depending on where, or where do we get the goods, the customs duties are distinguished by the types:

  • Import (or import);
  • Export (or export);
  • Transit.

The Import customs duties are introduced in almost all countries of the world. Export duties are far less common. For example, in the Russian Federation, these fees apply only to exported raw materials (particularly oil). Currently, the world trade organization of purposeful work with all its members, aimed at the complete abolition of export duties. Transit customs duties in the world are not applied. In Russia the rate of transit fees is also zero.


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With regard to the most common of import duties in the Russian Federation are applied differentiated tariffs that take into account country of origin. These rates are also the following types:

  • The base rate (100% of the tariff), applied to the goods by the country of origin which are recognised state which Russia provided preferential treatment in trade;
  • Maximum rate (200% tariff), applied to the goods, country of origin recognized by the state, for which Russia does not have most favored nation treatment in trade;
  • Preferential rate (75% of tariff); applies to the goods, country of origin, which recognized the so-called developing countries.

The base rate used by Russia in trade with almost all countries with which it has established trade-economic relations.

As for duties on goods, the country of origin which set it is not possible, in this case, there are specially developed by the Federal customs service of the user to establish their size.

Special attention should be paid to the customs duties on cars in Russia. They vary considerably, and it is directly related to the country's membership in the WTO. And this applies to both import new cars and used. However, these changes will apply only to cars imported to Russia from the countries-WTO members. According to some agencies customs duty on cars (new) will be reduced from 30 to 25% and will remain so for three years. Then they can expect an annual reduction of approximately 2.5% with the expectation that they 7 years reached the level of 15%.

Expect a Similar pattern, and second hand or preowned cars. The fee is set at 25%, but with a different “specific” rates. Such it will remain for five years and then phased plan (for 2 years) reduced it to 20%. As for the cars, which were exploited to bring into the country more than 7 years, the duty on them remains the same, that is 2,5 - 5,8 euros for each “cube” engine.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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