Audit of finished products


2019-05-23 12:00:24




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Before talking about what the audit of accounting of finished products, you should understand the concept of auditing.

In our country the audit – control over the economic activity of an enterprise. To the extent that the development of market relations, accountants had to meet many regulations and laws that govern all legal aspects of economic activities. In them was reflected the criteria of enterprises as accounting, reporting, criteria for taxation, the process of formation of the cost of a product, and so on.

Regulatory documents are complemented by the new regulations undergo changes, and this happens quite often. Unfortunately, they are not always communicated to the taxpayers. That is why it is found some violations, basically, of course, manslaughter, in some regulatory documents.

Therefore, it is logical to create a form of control over the economic activity of the enterprise, and it shall not be carried out by the state. You need to consider that this form of control should include advice on all matters relating to the organization and management of accounting accounting, financial statements, and methods of increasing effectiveness of commercial activities.

This form was the audit of finished products. It helps to reduce the risks of individual entrepreneurs and enterprises.

If we talk about finished products, it represents the property which belongs to the field of material–production, that is, the stocks of the company. Of course, they meet all the standards provided for by law. Products are made with one purpose – selling and making a profit.


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Auditing of finished products implies the presence of a certain item number, name, party, class or homogeneous group.

The Company chooses the accounting unit of the finished product. Naturally, it is secured in the respective accounting policy documents.

All finished products are passed for subsequent sale into the warehouse. There is accounting, material–responsible for this process. You can make an exception and not to audit the sales of products, if it is large, that is, it can not take on a warehouse for technical reasons.

Then auditing of finished products is carried out directly at the place of production of these products, and makes it firm–a manufacturer.

What all the same the purpose to carry out such a thorough inspection of the product? The answer is obvious: it is necessary to objectively assess whether the amount in full the manufactured products, timely if it is delivered to the warehouse are reflected in all documentation, reliable data, correctly composed paper on financial accounting and reporting.

Auditing of finished products also checks and orders of magnitude in product sales revenue, the cost value of the goods sold, the amount of business expenses, and possible loss of sales.

All the results are issued as documents for analytical and synthetic accounting of production and sales of a product.

It Should also be said that the audit report is a document having legal status, i.e. it is valid both for legal and for physical persons, authorities, management and judicial authorities.

Conclusion that makes the auditor, has the status of expert opinion, which, as a rule, is appointed by the state.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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