Headache treatment folk remedies without pills


2018-03-23 04:19:25




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With a headache are faced in their lives almost everyone. This trouble gives such a large inconvenience that contributes to weight problems, reducing including and operability.

Many of us if you have a headache head to the nearest pharmacy in the hope of acquiring the pills there, in an instant arose the discomfort resolves and returns the body to its former state. This can be used analgesics and other drugs, is able to somewhat mute the unpleasant symptom.

men are a headache

However, it is worth remembering that tablets can hardly be considered a panacea for all ills. To cope with the discomfort in most cases and without the help of drugs. For this you only need to choose a safe and effective folk remedies. Therapy of headaches will be possible after identifying the causes of the body's discomfort.

Types of ailments

Headache is caused by:

  1. Overvoltage. With this uncomfortable condition a person think that it compresses the head an invisible hula Hoop. Such feelings are often accompanied by severe depression, worsening of mood and unsubstantiated anxiety. Have these pains due to stress, severe fatigue, or in relation to vasospasm.
  2. Disease. The onset of pain contribute to head trauma, a tumor or concussion, low or high blood pressure. Severe discomfort is a sign of more serious diseases such as meningitis, stroke, encephalitis, HIV, etc.
  3. Migraines. This pathology causes headaches, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, and increased sensitivity to bright light and loud sounds. This condition sometimes lasts a very long time. It cause be failures in the functioning of the blood vessels of the brain. First, they are converging, contributing to the onset of spasms, and then abruptly expand. Such consequences often come from the use of certain beverages (wine), food, occurrence of stressful situations or serious violation of the regime.
  4. Cluster pain. In this case, discomfort encompass a person has only a certain part of the head, concentrating in the eyes. The reason for such pain often becomes abuse of alcohol or cigarettes.

The cause of ailments

Learn what caused the pain, can be judged by its location and character. So, when emotional overload and stress, fatigue and conflict discomfort, usually transient and is caused by narrowing of blood vessels.


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The abuse of alcohol and alcohol-the pain is usually dull, covering the whole head. It also manifests itself in the case of infectious and catarrhal diseases.

If the pain is bothering in the neck or forehead, then that person should go for a consultation with a neurologist. Such discomfort often causes cervical osteochondrosis.

Contribute to the onset of headaches and a great number of external factors. Among them:

  • Bright light;
  • Strong and unpleasant odors;
  • The uncomfortable position of the body during sleep or work;
  • Loud sound;
  • Stale and dry air;
  • Crush during a trip in public transport;
  • Great physical exertion;
  • Moving with the change of time zones;
  • Dehydration and overheating;
  • Strain eyes;
  • Violation of the diet.

Sometimes the headache is a result of taking the pills. When this symptom need to consult a physician. Sometimes the uncomfortable feeling is accompanied by poisoning or an allergic reaction.

If the obvious causes of such pain are not, but it suffers, very often, to self-medicate is not worth it. In this case, you need to see a doctor for diagnosis. After conducted a comprehensive survey specialist will be appointed, effective treatment to eliminate such unpleasant symptoms.

However, if special health problems a person has no and headaches it is disturbed only from time to time, you can try to use traditional methods.


How to get rid of a headache quickly folk remedies? In this case, it is recommended to try massage. This procedure a person can make himself or take the help of others. Manipulations are performed in the back, neck and head. With their help you can affect an extensive area, or only on a few spots on the back of the head, face, and hands. That massage is very effective in solving the question of how to relieve a headache folk remedies, even doctors say.

If you are uncomfortable for a person frequent companions, such procedures are recommended twice a week. They will relax tense muscles and to normalize the disturbed circulation.

Treatment of headache folk remedies at home with the help of massage can be performed using several types:

  1. Effect on the scalp an ordinary wooden comb. Such easy movements produce uspokaivayuschee effect on the blood vessels.
  2. Back Massage zones in the neck. This procedure relieves stress. While self-massage is performed in circularmovement of index fingers over the skin, starting from her temples. Further, the arms slightly up and down after reaching the cheeks. A person who chooses to spend the treatment of headache folk remedies, you should try this technique. With this massage of discomfort begin to subside after a couple of minutes. Great results can be obtained when exposed to a point located at the base of the skull. To the pain subsided, and as soon as possible, on your fingertips it is recommended to apply argan or coconut essential oil. If possible, you should use regular tennis balls. They are placed in a sock and lay it so that at the time when the person is lying on his back, a similar device was under his occipital bone (just below the skull base). First, such a procedure will cause pain. However, it is only good to relax, and to replace the unpleasant symptoms comes a welcome relief.
  3. Acupressure. How to quickly get rid of headache folk remedies? Eliminate discomfort is capable of acupressure. To achieve the desired effect in the case of a sequential exposure to five points. The first of them is located between the eyebrows. At this point you need to press with your thumb, which should be placed in such a way that the nail was pointing down. The second point to massage is at the top of the head. You can find her strictly in the middle, stepping on 1-1,5 cm up from the line, where your hair grows. The third point is on the hand. This is the area between your fingers (thumb and forefinger) at the point where the bone connection. It should be borne in mind that the pressure at this point brings painful feelings, and to massage it must be on the right and left hand. The fourth point is located in the temporal fossa. In this zone pressure simultaneously from both sides of the face middle fingers. And one last fifth point, is located directly behind the top of ear. To influence this area as well as on the temporal fossa.

Use of water

How to treat headache folk remedies? Discomfort can take ordinary water, which is brought to a certain temperature.

pack for my headache

Knowledge of this technique will help someone who wants to eliminate the headache folk remedies without drugs:

  1. Pulsating attack may be removed the cold compress placed on the forehead and temples. Severe discomfort in this case will require a similar tool, also in the neck area. Instead of a compress may be used ice cubes, which should be cleaned with whiskey.
  2. From the list of folk remedies for headaches with oppressive character, you can select a warm compress. He will save men from the discomfort if put on the neck from behind. Instead, it is recommended to use a hot water bottle, which sometimes replaces the just-boiled egg or a bag, which is a molten salt. There is another option such effects. People can open the crane with hot water and bent over to expose her neck under the stream. Another type of heat exposure is a shower. He must be hot. If a person has no abnormalities of the cardiovascular system, it is desirable that the shower was a contrast. The duration of this procedure should be 10 minutes.

The list of folk remedies for headaches, which very often disturbs a person, – hot foot baths.

foot bath

This procedure calming effect, while improving circulation. It is recommended to do daily before going to bed. No less effective are and baths for hands. In performing this procedure the brush is immersed in hot water for 10 minutes.


Knowing the causes of headaches, and treatment of folk remedies need to pick up their. To expand the blood vessels, to resolve discomfort, it is recommended that:

  • Rubbing the neck;
  • Wrapping the head in a woolen shawl;
  • Exercise (rotation of the shoulders and head).


What are folk remedies for a headache? In their huge list stand out essential oils.

essential oil

These substances are the real natural healers, endowed with many beneficial properties. If you use these natural products during the massage, they will exert their beneficial effect on the body, producing an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect to relax the muscles and eliminate discomfort. If you're having tension headaches, treatment of folk remedies can be carried out using such essential oils as:

  • Mint;
  • Coconut;
  • Eucalyptus;
  • Chamomile;
  • Rosemary;
  • Lavender;
  • Grapefruit;
  • Almond;
  • Lemon;
  • Nutmeg.

Ways to eliminate a headache with essential substances, there are many. For example, can be used in an oil burner. It saturates the oil molecules in the air in the roomwho inhales suffering from pain. Good health benefits will provide and adding just a few drops of the odorous liquid into a hot bath.

The Minerals, metals and stones

How to get rid of headache folk remedies? You have to put in the place of its localization, any copper objects (coins, mugs). This procedure takes 15 to 20 minutes the headache will then disappear.

copper coins

Eliminates discomfort and river sand. Take it in the amount of 2 cups and place in the freezer. After cooling, the sand wrapped in gauze and applied to the location of the pain. To keep the poultice should be similar to the moment until relieved. If the sand is hot, and the pain has not yet passed, it should be replaced by another portion, taken from the freezer.

The list of folk remedies for headaches is a composition made of clay. For its preparation you will need to take enamel container. It put a half Cup of clay, mixing it with hot water in the amount of 1/3 Cup. Further, after complete soaking of the powder in it pour in 1/2 Cup infusion of peppermint and mix all the ingredients until smooth. The slurry was placed in a gauze cloth and apply for 15 minutes to the sore area.

If you have symptoms of headache treatment and folk remedies (not just drugs) can be very effective. For example, it is believed that ailments can help to remove some of the stones, including:

  • Amazonite;
  • Aquamarine;
  • Amber.

Medicinal herbs

Currently, getting rid of headache with the use of popular recipes is becoming more and more popular. After all, medical drugs relieve an attack that can hurt the body because of the impressive list of contraindications and unwanted effects.

The pills had a negative impact on the gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. After rendering your effects they undergo a process of decay, delayed in the body and poison it. As for the popular recipes from the pain in the head, then they are safe and effective, tested by many generations.

chamomile tea

Treatment uncomfortable condition often carried out with the help of herbs. They are the basis of medicinal infusions, teas and decoctions. Of course, in order to prepare a natural remedy with no side effects, will take time. However, if one aims to eliminate the pain without the use of pills, this method is one of the most effective.

Folk medicine offers numerous recipes of medicinal products based on vegetable raw materials. Here are some of them that allow you to quickly and efficiently return the patient to a normal state of health.

  1. One tablespoon of herb St. John's wort pour into a glass of water. The mixture is brought to boiling and then on slow fire cook it at least 15 min After the drug has cooled, it should drain, and then take 3 times a day in a volume of 0.5 Cup.
  2. From the crushed leaves and flowers of oregano Cup of tea. Also dry the plant you can just smell it by placing in cloth bag. To prepare a medicinal drink, take 1 tbsp of powdered raw materials, and fill 0.5 liters of boiling water. Insist the drug within 30 minutes. The tea is consumed three times a day, ½ Cup.
  3. In the list of folk remedies from severe headache – ginger tea. This drug is effectively the anti-inflammatory properties of the herb and its relaxing effect on blood vessels. Regular consumption of tea with ginger is an excellent prevention of discomfort.
  4. Excellent folk remedy from pressure and headaches is the juice obtained from black currant and chokeberry. Take 2 tablespoons before eating. To drink the berry juice to three times a day. The course of treatment is 1 month.

Elimination of pain from stress

In most cases, people suffer from an uncomfortable condition that compresses the head outside. It's like bursting from the inside. Such a headache is called tension. To fix it recommended:

  1. Make a fresh Cup of tea (green or black), sweeten it with sugar or honey. Such a tool will help almost anyone who suffers from such discomfort. But at night, drinking mint tea, a person does not only get rid of a headache, but a good sleep.
  2. Applied to the temples lemon peel. This natural remedy is also very effective. If on vacation there is no time, the citrus peel can be attached to the temples with medical tape.
  3. Take coniferous-salt bath. For its preparation take 100 grams of sea salt and mix it with 2 tablespoon of pine extract. Therapy may be 10 days.

If the pain in the temples

This uncomfortable feeling is caused by pressure on the jaw or neck. What can be used folk remedies for headaches at the temples?

  1. A Glass of warm water. Its use relieves spasm of blood vessels in the temples. After performing this procedure, it is recommended to lie down and relax.
  2. Massage his temples. On painful area should be 10 times click your fingers, keeping eyes closed. Executionprocedures will have the maximum effect, if it is conducted in a room with dim light and a relaxed atmosphere.
  3. Chamomile tea. Instead from temporal pain, you can drink moderate amount of coffee or green tea with a small amount of chocolate.
  4. Cold or warm compress. He will need a towel and water to the required temperature.

Tips for pregnant women

For future moms, natural products are a great alternative to medical drugs. Folk remedies for headaches during pregnancy requires a woman quite often. Indeed, in this period, her body produces an intense production of hormones, gets tired quickly, in addition, there are other symptoms of this beautiful and interesting situation. All of them are the main reasons for the frequent occurrence of uncomfortable conditions.

green tea

What are folk remedies for headaches during pregnancy?

  1. Listen to some nice music in the ventilated room with a dim light. A similar tool allows you to remove moderate pain.
  2. Reception of decoction of soothing herbs. In the struggle with unpleasant symptoms will help the rose hips and mint, chamomile and Melissa. Methods of cooking herbs and their dosage you need to look on the packaging box.
  3. Smearing temples of grapefruit or orange essential oil. A similar tool allows you to eliminate the headaches associated with high blood pressure.
  4. Sleep on the pillow, which is Packed full of spruce and juniper wood shavings, lavender or Helichrysum.

From the pain in his head

This unpleasant symptom appears, usually after suffering a head injury due to bruising or at standstill of the CSF fluid. In this case, people's ways of getting rid of pain apply only to temporarily eliminate. After conducting appropriate procedures, the doctor's visit is considered mandatory. So, pain in the neck region may cease:

  1. After a Cup of strong tea or a warm bath, adopted at night and when on the back of the head of mustard.
  2. Use warm bandages that have to cover up eyebrows.
  3. Thanks to the hot compress is applied on the neck region. This method will be especially effective if simultaneously the patient will drink hot tea.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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