Angiography of vessels of lower extremities: how is?


2018-03-23 18:33:14




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Disease of blood vessels often diagnosed adult population. This is especially true of elderly people. Also, there are vascular disease, which belong to congenital diseases and the develop in children. As you know, arteries and veins needed for the Deposit and dissemination of blood throughout the body. If this function is not carried out, there is oxygen deprivation and ischemia. Most often affects the blood vessels of the heart, brain and lower extremities. In most cases, there is circulatory disorders in several organs. Pathology of the vessels of the lower extremities are quite common among the female population. Usually occurs varicose veins. If you suspect a violation of blood flow in arteries or veins is performed angiography of vessels of lower extremities. This diagnostic procedure is necessary to determine the extent of damage and its prevalence.

angiography of vessels of lower extremities

Angiography of vessels of lower extremities – what is it?

To find out how damaged arteries or veins, you need to conduct some research. One of them is the angiography of vessels of lower extremities. It refers to a radiopaque diagnostic procedures. Thanks to this method of research can be judged on where is the site of the lesion, whether there are blood clots and stenosis of arteries and veins. Angiography is considered an invasive procedure, as for its implementation it is necessary to enter in the bloodstream a contrast agent. For this purpose carry out a puncture of the artery or vein. For this reason, the study should be carried out in stationary conditions. Since x-ray radiation is harmful to health, angiography has a number of contraindications. However, this method enables to examine the vascular system and to detect pathological processes. Currently, a similar study improved, often in combination with CT and magnetic resonance imaging.


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angiography of vessels of lower extremities how to conduct

Angiography of vessels of lower extremities: indications for

Despite the fact that angiography is considered a reliable diagnostic test, it is conducted not for everyone. Given the radiological burden on the body and the invasiveness of the procedure, it should be resorted to only in cases of urgent need. There are the following indications for angiography:

  1. Blockage of cholesterol plaques. In this case, there is narrowing of the arteries and veins. Blockage is observed in atherosclerotic lesions of blood vessels. This disease is common in people suffering from metabolic syndrome, obesity. Pathology is often diagnosed in the elderly. In addition to the vessels of the lower extremities, when atherosclerosis affects arteries of the head and neck, heart and other organs.
  2. Systemic vascular pathology. These include occlusive disease, Leriche's syndrome. In such diseases there is a narrowing of blood vessels due to stenosis. In severe cases, these abnormalities may lead to impaired patency of the arteries.
  3. Different types of embolism, thrombosis. These disorders develop due to contact with the vessel lumen of a blood clot, cholesterol plaque and other foreign substances (adipose tissue, air bubbles).
  4. Anomalies of the veins or arteries. These include diverticula of the vessels, the aneurysm, the presence of pathological anastomoses.
  5. Varicose veins of the lower extremities. It is characterized by abnormal tortuosity of the vessels, the appearance of sections of the expansion and contraction of the lumen.
  6. Complications of diabetes. This disease is often accompanied by lesions of the arteries and veins of the lower extremities. In severe cases, it leads to the development of gangrene.

Angiography of vessels of lower extremities is required when symptoms such as sudden pain in the course of the arteries and veins, their swelling or thickening. In these cases, the research needs to be completed as quickly as possible. If you suspect a chronic disease (atherosclerosis, complications of diabetes, varicose veins), which is not accompanied by severe clinical manifestations, this procedure is recommended routinely in the absence of contraindications.

angiography of vessels of lower extremities what is it

When is angiography of the vessels of the legs according to the ICD?

All the disease have a specific code in the international classification of diseases (ICD). Thus, doctors from any country, to determine which diagnosis was the patient. No exception and pathology of arteries and veins. Thanks to a special code the doctor finds out whether there are indications for such a research method as angiography of vessels of lower extremities. Code according to ICD-10 is put after writing the diagnosis. Examples are the following pathology:

  1. Atherosclerosis of arteries of the extremities. I70.2
  2. Deep vein Thrombosis. I80
  3. Angiopathy of lower extremities in diabetes. E10.5

With regard to the study it is necessary to specify not only the diagnosis, but the code in ICD-10. This classification is accepted worldwide.

angiography of vessels of lower extremities reviews

Contraindications to angiography

As with all invasive diagnostic techniques, angiography is performed in the presence of special indications. In some cases, the study cannot be performed even if the patient has the above pathology. This is due to the high risk complications that can develop due to radiation exposure or administration of contrast material. Then it is recommended to replace the survey method. So, who should not undergo such a study as angiography of vessels of lower extremities? Contraindications the following:

  1. Acute pathology of the heart. These include unstable angina and myocardial infarction.
  2. Chronic heart failure severe.
  3. Pregnancy and lactation.
  4. Children under 2 years of age.
  5. Heavy diseases of internal organs. This group includes renal, respiratory and liver failure.
  6. Allergic reactions to iodine (as this substance is included in a contrast agent).
  7. Diseases of the blood. This is especially true of pathologies, which affect clotting. An example is hemophilia, hemorrhagic vasculitis, thrombocytopenia.

Varieties angiography of vessels of lower extremities

There are 2 variants of angiography. In the first case study aims at the visualization of the veins of the lower extremities. It is called venography. The contrast is introduced only in the venous system, and then make a series of radiographic images.

Another option of the study – arteriography. The principle of visualization of the vessels is the same. In rare cases it is necessary to visualize the vein and arteries of the lower extremities. In addition, the study can be conducted not only under the control of the x-ray, but with the use of CT and MRI machines. In these cases, is a more accurate (detailed) angiography of vessels of lower extremities. Photo (images) made x-ray machine, are slightly different from the images taken with CT and MRI.angiography of vessels of lower extremities evidence

Preparation for angiography of the lower extremities

Given that the procedure involves invasive methods, the patient should be prepared for this study. Before angiography need to pass a series of laboratory tests. Among them: KLA, OAM, coagulogram, biochemical blood analysis. It is also important to explain to the person why the need for this procedure and what are the risks. Before conducting the angiogram, you must cancel antiplatelet therapy (a few days before the study). Preparation for the examination includes:

  1. Limiting the intake of fluids.
  2. Refusal of food for several hours before the study. It is advisable not to eat the night before a diagnostic procedure and in the morning.
  3. Introduction of antihistamines in individuals with a predisposition to allergic reactions.
  4. Receiving sedatives before the test is recommended if you have emotional lability of the patient.

The Technique of angiography of the lower extremities

To visualize the changes in the veins or arteries of the legs required angiography of vessels of lower extremities. How is this procedure? The first thing you need to treat the skin of the examined vessel with an antiseptic solution. Thereafter, the puncture of the artery or vein. The vessel Introducer sheath is introduced – the special device, through which the blood flows in the opposite direction. Then inside the studied artery or vein catheter is placed. It falls into a vessel a contrast agent. After this is radiography or computed tomography of the investigated sections of the artery (veins).angiography of lower extremity vessels code ICD 10

Reading the results of angiography

The Result of angiography are presented x-ray, which shows the vessels, subjected to contrast enhancement. The conclusion makes the surgeon or the doctor of radiation diagnosis. The x-ray images to evaluate the course of the arteries or veins, the presence or absence of thrombus, the degree of narrowing of the lumen, as well as precise localization of the damaged area. Normally, the contours of the vessel is smooth and equal on both legs.

Possible complications of angiography

As with any invasive procedure, angiography of vessels of lower extremities dangerous complications. They are observed in rare cases (less than 5 %). Complications include:

  1. Bleeding from the puncture site of the vessel.
  2. Wound Infection.
  3. Swelling and bruising.
  4. In rare cases may develop acute heart or kidney failure.

angiography of vessels of lower extremities contraindications

Reviews of doctors about the procedure

If you suspect a acute circulatory disorders in the arteries or veins of the legs and the absence of contraindications shown angiography of vessels of lower extremities. Reviews of doctors about this procedure positive. The doctor noted the quality and effectiveness of angiography in the diagnosis of thrombosis and stenosis of blood vessels of the lower extremities. The advantages of this procedure include the rapidity of its execution (about 15 minutes) and small risk of complications.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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