The child hurts his knee: causes and treatment


2018-03-24 22:38:15




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From children can often hear complaints of knee pain. It can be a sign of a serious disease. In fact, in addition to SARS, and upset stomach, there are many other diseases. It is therefore important to monitor the expression of even the slightest symptoms which are bothering the child. Because they can be a sign of a more serious illness. Why is a child hurt your knees? This question clearly cannot be answered. Since the causes of pain in the knee joints, very much.

For most children, knee pain is not a symptom of the disease. With age it passes. But still there are inflammatory diseases of the knee joints or systemic arthritis in children. If early detection of the disease and consistently treated, success in therapy is guaranteed.

child hurt knee

Sometimes, the child may lack the attention of a parent. Therefore, complaining of pain in his knees, he may need parental participation. Often children feign pain because they lack parental affection, particularly is a constantly occurs in preschool age. If so, then usually the pain occurs when parents are busy with something and draw the child's attention. If he is playing or busy socializing with other children, the discomfort usually doesn't bother.

Rapid growth and disease Osgood-Schlatter

The child has a sore knee at night or before bedtime. Usually it affects older preschoolers or teenagers. This is due to the fact that in this period the child is growing rapidly, and, therefore, his bones are also growing. In such cases, the pain affects not only the knee, but the Shin. Disease Osgood-Schlatter manifested similar symptoms when inflammation in the joint no and several months later, she disappears.


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Causes of pain?

There are different factors that provoke knee pain. We will now consider:

- Increased activity during the day.

how to treat your knees

- the intensity of the movements, especially during sports activities can also lead to knee pain. In obese children it happens more often. Because the higher the load on the joints.

- When there is an overload of the knee joints, the pain will remain for the next day.

- After a fall or injury, possible fracture or crack in the knee joint. The knee swells and swells, from the child complain of strong pain, there is the inability to move my leg.

- If elastic cartilage has shifted or is damaged, the movement will be restricted permanently.

- in tumors, osteomyelitis, and other pathologies of the joints, too, the child has sore knees. What to do in such cases, I will only say the doctor. In this case also may require examination and control.

Other causes of pain

The Most common reason for why the child hurts his knee, an injury. Even the most simple can lead to serious consequences. Because children's joints and bones are very fragile.

child hurt knee what to do

If there is inflammation or lesions of the knee joint, the child will also feel pain. This can be the initial stage of arthritis, which occurred after the fall or injury. When the baby falls, it may hit a hard surface, and this blow is enough to cause inflammation or injury of the knee joint. The trigger for arthritis can be an infectious disease, such as angina (tonsillitis).


If the red lap of a child and there was swelling in their area, it is the first manifestation of acute arthritis. Juvenile arthritis can be dangerous because the symptoms of this disease do not manifest immediately. And the obvious inflammation may not be.

how to treat pain in the knees

It can start with the fact that the child hurts his knee when he wakes up in the morning or climbing stairs. To diagnose the disease only after x-rays, and blood donation on several types of analyses. You can then assign the appropriate treatment.

The disease can occur when immunity is weakened, and has not investigated its causes. But it is believed, however, nothing confirmed, that the development of the disease can trigger preventive vaccination.

Congenital abnormalities and neuritis

If abnormalities of joints - congenital, the pain in them when driving may become permanent. When ligaments slowly develops, it hinders the walking, and the child hurts his knee constantly. So you need to consult with a traumatologist and surgeon. Also cause pain can be neuritis, that is, when the nerve is trapped or inflamed. If this happens, then you need to consult a neurologist.

Rubbing and massage

How to treat pain in the knees? More experienced parents who have been through this, know what the night complaining of pain in the knees will help rubbing and warming cream. Suitable, for example, "Star" or "Dr. mom". You can also do massage with warm hands. It will bring relief and will help the child to sleep.

A Fall or blow can result in a tear or sprain that will be characterized by pain. How to heal the knees after such accidents? The knee is fixed with elastic bandage. You also needto contact the fracture clinic for consultation to the trauma.

How to treat pain in the knees? When the physical activity in teenager pain behind the knee may start suddenly and without reason. It can be a manifestation of a disease Osgood-Shlatter, it will help a little massage.

Treatment of arthritis

If the child hurts his knee, and, in addition, caused swelling, redness and high temperature, this suggests that this shows inflammation, and have to visit a doctor.

after the fall

Treatment of acute arthritis should begin immediately. Usually prescribe medications that will reduce inflammation, and compresses with ‘security systems». Child needs rest, vitamins and drinking. The joint must be controlled. You also need to record any manifestations of arthritis.

Knee: causes of pain in it

To determine why the child hurts his knee, you must know how to construct the joint itself. Between the upper and lower bones of the knee are two discs (meniscus). They share these bones. Ligaments, tendons and muscles hold together the bones of the femur and tibia. While the cartilage covers the surface of the bones inside the knee joint. She needs to absorb shock and provide a sliding surface to the motion was not pain.

So why can hurt the child's knee? Due to the fact that there was an injury or infection has spread to this area. But the sprain can heal without medical intervention over a period of time.

It Can damage the knee structure (cartilage, tendons, periarticular bags). And this will cause knee pain. Also this discomfort will be present, if damaged to various knee structures.

Pay attention to complaints

Often solve their problems parents do not pay attention to the complaints of the child, which may lead to such a dangerous disease like chronic arthritis. It may cause damage to the joints, heart, eyes and lungs. Therefore, timely treatment to the doctor will not only cure the child, but save his life.

red lap child

Today, such diseases as osteoarthritis, is often detected already at the age of 20, and low back pain in 30. Therefore, any complaint of a child can frighten parents even more. Especially if they do not show visible reasons.


So why you may feel pain in your knee? If was a long walk or very intense classes in PE, it is possible that there was an excessive load on the body, particularly the joints. In the area where the pain appeared, it is necessary to wind an elastic bandage.

why is a child hurt knee

If these symptoms recur, you need to carefully select load for a child. This should take into account all the factors: overweight, flat feet, etc.

Ligament Injury

How to treat knees with the trauma and strain of joints and ligaments? First you need to pay a visit to the traumatologist, who after x-ray will determine the severity of damage to the knee joint. To do this, fix the leg that it had as a smaller load.

Wrapping up

Now you know for what reasons can a child be a pain in the knee region. As you can see, it can be a serious disease. Therefore, when the first complaints of the child to take him to the doctor to make a diagnosis in order to exclude the presence of serious pathology. After the initial stage is easier to cure a particular disease.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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