Causes of heartburn and how to get rid of it


2018-03-25 21:07:19




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The article will look at the main causes of heartburn and how to get rid of it. What is the pathology, you know almost everything. Heartburn is an unpleasant burning sensation in the lower esophagus. The nature of this phenomenon - getting into the area of gastric juice, resulting in parts of the esophagus become irritated, which leads to the above unpleasant symptoms. At a glance, innocuous and familiar to many as sometimes leads to very serious consequences, for example, to erosion or cancerous tumors of the esophagus.

heartburn pregnant

Causes of heartburn

The Main cause of this disease is to increase the level of acidity of the stomach. In rare cases it can appear at high sensitivity of the mucous layer of the esophagus, with low acidity.

Could it be heartburn nervous?

Very often the illness is accompanied by some additional pathological processes occur either due to severe neurological disorders after a meal.

The Aggravation this problem can occur when the wrong lifestyle and diet.

The Main causes of heartburn are:

  1. Excessive consumption of alcoholic and carbonated beverages.
  2. Smoking.
  3. Abuse of spicy dishes, smoked meats, pickles. All this affects the esophageal mucosa irritating, which in turn increases the acidity in the stomach. After that there is a weakening of its valve through which the contents of the cavity is kept inside. What is heartburn?
  4. Another provocateur heartburn can be eating large amounts of citrus fruits, tomatoes, bread, baked and sweet baked goods and fried foods.
  5. Acid Secretion in large quantities can also occur when overeating when the stomach wall begins to stretch, and it begins to function at a higher rhythm. Causes of heartburn does not stop there.
  6. Certain medications can also increase the acidity of the stomach. These drugs are “Aspirin”, “Ibuprofen" and others.
  7. Very strong and prolonged stress, depression, a constant feeling of anxiety can be a cause of severe heartburn.
  8. Pregnancy. Heartburn in pregnant women is very often.
  9. Avoid eating before bedtime.
  10. Long wearing tight belts, heavy lifting, pregnancy, problems with excess weight also seriously affect the production of hydrochloric acid in the stomach, which can be expressed the phenomenon of heartburn.

Causes of heartburn a doctor must determine.


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causes of heartburn and how to get rid of her


This phenomenon is very difficult to confuse with any other. It is a strong burning sensation in the abdomen, which sometimes reaches the esophagus. When moving it is usually amplified and can trigger regurgitation of acid, during which the mouth there is a characteristic bitter-sour taste.

Many wonder at what acidity is heartburn.

These attributes are “classic”, however, there is another symptoms, which is considered a reason to consult a doctor. For example, if it occurs regularly and is accompanied with this loss of appetite and bouts of chronic fatigue, we can talk about serious diseases of the digestive system that requires immediate treatment.

In cases where the heartburn after eating is accompanied by dark a chair, especially with the presence of blood, and vomiting which may contain blood – this is the reason for the ambulance call. Symptoms of dangerous diseases can also be these symptoms in combination with severe pain in the chest or back.

causes of heartburn

Nausea and heartburn

Heartburn, which is accompanied by the phenomenon of nausea, does not constitute a danger to human health, but in this case it is necessary to identify the nature of the origin of these phenomena, especially when they are regular.

Is heartburn in pregnant women. This phenomenon is considered quite normal because the body of the expectant mother is a serious hormonal changes. However, if these phenomena are observed not during pregnancy, such as heartburn can be a prerequisite for the emergence of any disease, which can be a stomach ulcer, gastritis, inflammation of the gallbladder, pancreas, hepatitis, etc. Each of these abnormalities carries a certain danger for the whole organism, so to ignore painful symptoms is not necessary.

Constant heartburn

If a similar phenomenon occurs not often, and only from time to time, it typically should be considered the result of improper diet. Such heartburn not attach much importance. However, if the unpleasant sensation persists, for example after a meal, then a similar process should be discussed as a separate issue. There is a high probability that the cause of heartburn is the presence of a certain disease. It can manifest itself this way.

So what happensheartburn?

Diseases causing heartburn

Thus, the list of pathologies that can cause heartburn

  1. A stomach Ulcer.
  2. Duodenal Ulcer.
  3. Hernia, localized in the food hole. In this case part of the stomach, and sometimes bowel loops are moved through the food hole in the lower area of the esophagus. If the inferiority of the obturator function of the system after a meal the person begins to experience a feeling of heartburn.
  4. Chronic gastritis cause usually sustained heartburn after eating.
  5. Cholecystitis (inflammatory process that occurs in the gallbladder).
  6. Obesity. Large fat localized in the stomach, can put pressure on him, especially with overeating. This situation leads to the fact that food from the stomach getting into the esophagus and irritate it, causing heartburn.
  7. Inflammation of the duodenum.
  8. Disease GERD when there is a malfunction of the lower esophageal sphincter.
  9. Constant occurrence of heartburn may be the consequence of surgical interventions, associated with the stomach, duodenum, liver or gall bladder.
  10. Pregnancy, which is characterized by increased pressure on the stomach.
  11. Angina, particularly pain, which a person can perceive as heartburn.

In any case, with the constant occurrence of heartburn you need to find out the cause of this condition.

home remedy for heartburn

Foods that cause heartburn

A Prerequisite for the occurrence of heartburn may be the products that had eaten. Almost all acidic foods (including fruits and vegetables) can cause such a burning sensation in the stomach. Despite the fact that they are very useful, their excessive use can cause increase acidity and hence dyspepsia. This list also includes natural juices that contain in their composition the acid, such as orange or Apple.

Alcohol stimulates the production of gastric juices, which also causes heartburn. Among all alcoholic beverages these include primarily beer and wine.

Various mousses, puddings and sweet desserts consisting of chocolate, significantly relax the muscles of the esophagus that enables the acid from the stomach. The same principle applies caffeine and black tea. Does heartburn from coffee? Of course, very often.

Fatty food too a long time to digest, which can cause some disorders in the digestive system. Therefore, foods rich in carbohydrates and fats, can trigger heartburn. These include, first and foremost, bacon, sausages, smoked products, sausage. However, to completely abandon such food possible, you just need to watch how much these meals are used.

Sharp products occupy almost the first place among all that can cause disorders in the stomach. It is hell, red pepper, hot sauce, etc. of Course, not everyone of them causes the body harm, so it is best to first eliminate all spicy foods and spices. Then you can begin to gradually introduce them into diet the piece and observe how the body reacts.

With the increased tendency to the appearance of heartburn nutritionists recommend to exclude completely from the diet sodas, because they are strongly stretched muscles of the stomach, causing a slosh of hydrochloric acid in the esophageal lumen.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy women often complain of the occurrence of such unpleasant phenomena as heartburn. This is due primarily to the fact that a woman's body there are serious fluctuations in hormonal levels, which can affect the secretion of gastric juice. The second cause of heartburn during pregnancy can be a large fruit, which presses on the stomach, resulting in reflux of gastric juice into the esophagus. The same thing happens in the later stages of pregnancy. During this period, the appearance of heartburn, especially in the morning complaining, almost all pregnant women.

could it be heartburn nervous

How to avoid heartburn?

Most heartburn makes itself felt after a meal, so it's important to eat foods that are not able to provoke the problem.

With regard to medicines to treat heartburn, there are a large number, however before use it is necessary to consult the doctor.

A Few tips that help you avoid heartburn:

  1. Drinking tea with the addition of natural mint leaf.
  2. You Must avoid overeating.
  3. To be eaten often, but gradually.
  4. Chew your food thoroughly.
  5. Eliminate bad habits (Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption).
  6. Eat light foods rich in fiber.

To what doctor to address with heartburn? Initially go on reception to the therapist, which may then be sent for consultation to a gastroenterologist.

Cure of heartburn

To Treat this pathological phenomenon is possible as a traditional medicine and medication. However, it is advisable to initially understand what exactly isthe reasons for its occurrence. Need to treat directly the disease (if any) that the heartburn provoked.

One of the most effective methods of combating heartburn is to adjust the diet. It's not necessary to stick to any strict diets and complicated food regimens. Just enough not to overeat and to eliminate too much fatty and spicy dishes.

Home remedy for heartburn also can be effective. At the end of the article.

All medications for helping heartburn, divided into several major groups depending on the principle of their action. These include:

  1. Antacid medicines that can neutralize the excess hydrochloric acid, the basis of gastric juice. These medicines come in the intake and not the intake. The first is made on the basis of baking soda. Today, however, experts advise not to use these medicines, since they have a huge variety of side, effecta. Modern antacids are made in the form of complex drugs, which not only neutralize the acid of the stomach, but also have an absorbent, cytoprotective and enveloping properties. In addition, these substances stimulate certain processes for the recovery of the epithelial cells lining the stomach wall, development of certain substances that help to normalize digestion.
  2. Alginates are substances derived from a special species of brown algae, has enveloping properties. They protect the gastric mucosa from irritation, have a hemostatic quality, which is so important in the development of ulcerative process in the stomach.
  3. Proton pump Inhibitors are antisecretory specific substances which contribute to the blockage of the proton movement through the cell membrane. Thanks to this activity it is possible to achieve a significant reduction in the amount of produced in the stomach hydrochloric acid.
what is heartburn

All of the above drugs from heartburn have a particular mechanism of action. The list of the most common medication that is used to eliminate this discomfort, include:

  • ‘aluminium phosphate gel”;
  • ‘Rotated”;
  • “Vikair”;
  • ‘Gastracid”;
  • "Racer";
  • "Renny".

Popular recipes

Home remedies for heartburn include the following:

heartburn after meals
  1. In a glass of warm milk add a small amount of almonds it pre-chopped, stir and drink.
  2. At the first sign of heartburn helps grated carrots.
  3. The Good effect can be achieved by eating heartburn jelly, which has enveloping properties and prevents the escape of acid from the stomach.
  4. Plant-based oils (fasting) in the amount of one teaspoon.

We examined the causes of heartburn and how to get rid of it.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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