Allergic to hair dye symptoms and treatment


2018-04-01 06:16:21




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You can Experiment with its appearance in our age, full of temptations, would like every woman. Image change is often accompanied by a new hairdo and a new color of hair, only here the consequences of a new image can often be very distressing. Half the battle – deterioration of hair on the head, which already after the first painting to be well groomed, and if you are allergic to hair dye - it is bad. Many refer to dye my hair quite carelessly.

Allergy to hair dye

The first signs

It's No secret that hair dye is toxic and dangerous both for the strands and scalp. Every attempt to change the color can lead to irreversible consequences, illness, long trips to the doctor, and it begins to seemingly innocuous process: easy Allergy to hair dye. Symptoms, the time remaining undetected and later result in dermatological diseases, so it is important to be careful before the procedure.

Many are quite careless appear itching during application of the mixture. Others prefer “drive” brush dye to achieve the best result. Others, and does not disdain to leave on the skin careless strokes solidifying the slurry. But this is very dangerous.

An Allergic reaction can manifest itself immediately, but only the next day. Redness and itching say that the dyes contained in the ink in large quantity. Swelling of the face and blisters testify about the harmful effects of the individual components of paint, such as oxidants and strengthening agents.


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Allergy to hair dye symptoms

Truly terrible consequence colouring of the hair – anaphylactic shock leading to damage to mucous membranes and respiratory tract.

The So-called urticaria spreads all over the body and leads to nausea, swelling of the face, headaches.

The hardest part of the treatment – dermatitis, which is, if you're lucky, after two months of medication, but the treatment can last for years.

Harmful ingredients in the paint

Allergy to hair dye can often occur because of four main components comprising of all “household paint”, sold in shops and markets. Cause a severe reaction capable of the following substances:

  • The PPD, or PPD;
  • Satin – coloring matter;
  • P-Methylaminophenol (p-Methylaminophenol);
  • Hydroxyindole (hydroxyindole)

Remember that by itself, the paint-a mix of chemical compounds. Ammonia, the harmfulness of which is advertised everywhere, is not the only reason for the poor outcome of the procedure. The hydrogen peroxide contained in the ink in large quantities, also makes itself felt severe burns, and are most often allergic to hair dye due to the presence in its composition of perhydrol.

Allergy after hair dye

After seeking medical attention, a test of the skin, after which it turns out which component caused the body harm.

Actions in allergic reactions

A Slight burning sensation during application of paint, the redness of certain areas of the skin, constant itching on the head, skin peeling, blisters and other unpleasant consequences brings with it an Allergy to hair dye. What to do in this case - of course, it's no secret it's written in product instructions. If when applying the composition to the hair have any discomfort, immediately follows:

  • Rinse in a large amount of running water;
  • Treat the head with a decoction of chamomile (natural antiallergen);
  • On the damaged areas of the skin to apply "Fenistil gel" or its equivalent;
  • Drink antihistamines: "Suprastin", "Tavegil" or diphenhydramine;
  • To seek the assistance of a specialist if the symptoms have not disappeared within days.

Each person has an Allergy to hair dye can manifest itself in different ways due to the influence of certain components on the skin. Treatment, respectively, is different, too.

The Terrible consequences of the procedure

The Human body is constantly in the process of development, therefore at any moment it might have something to change. Inside us is constantly flowing chemical processes, which result in we cease to be susceptible to external factors. Allergies can manifest itself at any time – even after the hundredth use of the same paint. Even if all was well, a sudden itching, redness, scratching suggests that the body is more sensitive to such chemical exposure, and need to change something. Many people think the myth allergic to hair dye – the photo below is proof that she can still lead to dangerous consequences.

Allergy to hair dye treatment

This result is a surprise in most cases, so before each hair coloring should protect themselves and get medical first aid, to prepare a decoction, headache tablets and ointments.

Preventing allergies

Facial skin often seems capricious and problematic, but in fact, under the hair she is more tender and requires careful care. She quicklyclogged hair roots often settle and not sit as it should, there are different kinds of rashes and pimples, and not all shampoos help maintain hair in a healthy condition. Toxic mold in this case is another factor that worsens the condition of the head, that's why is necessary to perform an Allergy test hair dye. Most manufacturers recommend 48 hours prior to use apply a small amount of the contents of the tube on the particularly sensitive areas of the skin: this is the bend of the elbow, the skin behind the ear, neck. Hold the paint it is recommended that about half an hour, and then wait for the consequences. If not – take congratulations and safely experiment. Slight redness, itching, swelling suggests that the money on the packaging of the poison is thrown out and wasted. Don't worry, there's always henna and Basma, something they certainly genuine.

Allergy test hair dye

Treatment after a failed painting

During the day usually disappear symptoms of allergies. This suggests that medical care may not be required. If the redness does not go, and swelling only increased, especially on the eyelids, you should immediately contact your doctor and report the problem. It is desirable to show the packaging of paint, and indicate what has been done in the first place.

The hospital conducted a analysis of the skin and find out the cause of a disease, they find the substance by which pain and allergies from hair dyes. Treatment is highly individual: someone can help and simple dropper, someone is forced to sit on the "Suprastin" and other tablets for months, if not more.

Well will the treatment, if the right first aid: thoroughly wash off the paint, take medicine, the damaged areas of the skin grease with balm or ointment.

How to choose the right paint

Let's Say Allergy after dye hair is not very scary: beautiful be still want. But to cripple your health – not.

The First thing you should pay attention to the composition: it should be as less as possible harmful substances. Then check the expiration date, storage conditions of paint, the content of useful substances. By the way, not all supplements can be a good influence on hair. Each additional component in the paint, be it hair oil, Royal jelly extract, plants and more, needs a preliminary check on individual tolerance.

If the hair color you want to change not drastic, you can go for the tinted balms. Natural expensive paint usually have a temporary effect of staining and do not burn hair. Just right for those who like experiments and are not used to permanence.

The high Cost of paint - also not always an indicator of quality. Individual intolerance to the components can be started even on the most expensive and “professional” paint. Very sensitive skin, prone to redness, will definitely be the victim. Can be considered luck, good service in the beauty salon when a master can offer several tools to choose from and will select the composition that will cause the least harm.

the hair dye does not cause allergies

We should Not fall into dependence on the change of colour of hair: sooner or later this happiness will end, but allergic to hair dye, as we know, very tricky.

Tips on painting

To the colouring went as good as possible, you should get all the necessary tools: gloves, Cape, barrette, brush, bowl (not metal!). In addition, you can take any skin cream and carefully applied along the hairline. This small trick will help to avoid damage to the skin.

Apply the mixture from roots to ends, starting at the rear, the remains of the throw, the longer the time the hair don't to keep. Rinse with warm water gloves, carefully washing the scalp, and after painting be sure to use hair conditioner.

Coloring with food

Disappointed in the producers, many are trying to change the color with the help of many foods: cinnamon, coffee, decoction of onion skin mixture of lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide, tea I. for Example, if we combine the brewed instant coffee with a packet of henna, adding iodine, and apply the mixture on your head, there's a chance to get a nice brown hue.

Allergic to hair dye, in this case, of course, will not be felt, however homemade recipes is fraught with the fact that there is no controlling the dosage of those components, and they also may be allergic. The same cinnamon in the amount of three teaspoons may be even worse than burning your scalp paint, as in itself is not worse. Lemon juice and hydrogen peroxide to lighten hair generally is a very big risk, the second component in pure form leads to extensive burns.

Allergy to hair dye photo

To Eliminate the need to constantly touch up can help hair spray conditioners that are gentle on the hair and gradually reduce on “no” colors.

Summing up

Deaths from hair coloring are only rarely, but neatly. Is there a hair dye that does not cause allergies? Definitely not in forceindividual intolerance of individual components. Completely change the color of hair or color gray without the use of chemicals is impossible, and therefore, all that remains – to be careful. Traditional recipes can be useful if you need low impact, but for a radical change of image without consequences will still have to pay and sometimes the price of the issue is not just about Finance.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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