"Nolicin": instructions for use, reviews and analogues


2018-04-02 04:04:22




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This article will be presented instruction on application to “Nolicin” 400 mg.

It is the trading name of “Norfloxacin” - an antibacterial drug from the category of fluoroquinolones. This medication has a tablet form, it produces the Slovenian pharmaceutical company KRKA. The active substance norfloxacin in a single tablet is 0.4 grams. The cost of packaging ranges from two hundred to three hundred and seventy rubles. Manual on application to “Nolicin” very detailed.

nolicin usage instructions

Pharmacological action of drugs

“Nolicin” represents the antimicrobial drug from the category of fluoroquinolones, it has a broad spectrum of effects. First of all, the ‘Nolicin” may have a bactericidal effect on the organism. This drug affects the bacterial enzymes providing sverzellati, so this medication contributes to the stability of DNA of the bacteria. The duration of antimicrobial exposure is approximately twelve hours.

The Pharmacokinetics of a drug

According to the instructions on application to “Nolicin”, the medication its active substance norfloxacin fast enough, but not fully absorbed from the digestive system. The highest concentration is observed after two hours. The ingestion of food can slow the absorption of the drug.

Due to the low magnitude of norfloxacin binding to plasma proteins and high solubility in lipids the drug penetrates well into the organs. The drug is excreted by the kidneys through glomerular filtration and, in addition, due to tubular secretion. Within twenty-four hours after the use of thirty-two percent of the dosage is excreted by the kidneys in unchanged form. Eight percent goes as metabolites. Together with bile secreted approximately thirty percent of the dose.


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nolicin 400 mg instruction manual

Is the ‘Nolicin" of the antibiotic?

As indicated by the instructions for use to the pills, “Nolicin” acts as an antibiotic, which belongs to the category of fluoroquinolones second generation. Its active component is norfloxacin. The difference of this drug from other generation fluoroquinolone antibiotics is that it can create significant antibacterial concentrations only in the digestive system and the urogenital tract.

Form release medication

Presents the drug is available in form of tablets that are film-coated. The content of the antibiotic in the tablet is set to 400 milligrams. The original form of the drug is available in packs of ten and also twenty tablets.

Indications for use medication

In accordance with instructions for use ‘Nolicin”, usually ordered by doctors in the presence of infectious and inflammatory diseases that are caused by pathogens that are sensitive to the main component of this drug. Thus, the medication is assigned in the following cases:

  • The Presence of acute and chronic infectious diseases of the urinary tract. Thus, the purpose of this drug is appropriate for urethritis, cystitis and pyelonephritis.
  • The Occurrence of infections of the genital organs in the cervicitis, endometritis and chronic bacterial prostatitis.
  • Development of uncomplicated gonorrhea.
  • The Development of bacterial gastroenteritis, for example, when salmonellosis or shigellosis.
  • Prevention of recurrence of certain infections of the urinary system.
  • Prevention of sepsis in patients with neutropenia.
  • Prevention of diarrhea in travelers.
    nolicin instructions for use in cystitis reviews


According to the instructions for use to the pills, “Nolicin” has a small list of contraindications. This drug is not suitable for use in the background of the following factors:

  • The patients with the deficiency of glutathioneperoxidase.
  • Pregnancy or breastfeeding the baby.
  • Patients in childhood or adolescence before the age of eighteen.
  • The Presence of hypersensitivity to norfloxacin and other drugs from the category of fluoroquinolones.

Be wary appoint this tool in the presence of atherosclerosis of brain vessels, circulatory disorders, and, moreover, against the background of such diseases as epilepsy and renal failure. It is not recommended in case of allergic reactions to acetylsalicylic acid.

As stated in the instructions for use.

Reviews of “Salicine” cystitis presented at the end of the article.

Dosing medicine

Take the tool inside, is it always on an empty stomach, no less than an hour before a meal. The medicine washed down with plenty of water. Are recommended dose is 400 milligrams twice a day. The duration of therapy should be from seven days to two weeks. In case of need is a more extended treatment.This confirms the instruction on application to “Nolicin”.

With the development of chronic bacterial prostatitis take 400 milligrams twice a day for six weeks or longer. In the presence of uncomplicated gonorrhea requires a single medication at a dose of 1200 milligrams or 400 milligrams twice a day during the week. With the development of bacterial gastroenteritis patients take 400 milligrams twice a day. The treatment in this case is five days.

As part of the prevention of diarrhea in travelers, it is advisable to take 400 milligrams a day before the trip. Further drug taking for the entire trip of 400 milligrams a day, and then a couple of days after its completion. But in this case it must be stressed that this medication should not be consumed more than twenty-one days.

nolicin instructions for use pills 400

As part of the prevention of sepsis remedy is taken in 400 milligrams for eight weeks. In the presence of acute uncomplicated cystitis it is used 400 milligrams twice a day for five days.

As indicated by the instructions for use, the ‘Nolicin” cystitis is also assigned. To conduct prevention of uncomplicated recurrent infections of the genitourinary system, in case of frequent exacerbations (more than three cases per year) take 200 milligrams once at night. The treatment will be long and will be from six months to several years. Patients with renal failure in activities adjustment of the dosage regimen is not needed.

Also, according to the instructions for use, the ‘Nolicin” pyelonephritis administered twice a day (the pills 12 hours) at the 400 mg course up to two weeks. When expressed positive dynamics with normalization of urine drug intake sometimes limit ten days.

This information is contained in the instructions for use. Reviews “Salicine” 400 mg are available in large quantity.

Side effects on the background

The part of the digestive system in patients on the background of the use of “Nolicin” may be a reduction in appetite along with a bitter taste in the mouth, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, diarrhea, and pseudomembranous enterocolitis (which occurs, as a rule, on the background of the prolonged use). Do not increase liver transaminases. This is confirmed by the instructions for use and reviews of the tablets “Nolicin”.

Malfunction of the urinary system is usually accompanied by crystalluria, glomerulonephritis, dysuria, polyuria, albuminuria, urethral bleeding, increased urea, and, in addition, creatinine of blood plasma. On the part of the nervous system in patients unable to fixate headaches along with dizziness, unconscious States, sleep deprivation and hallucinations. The elderly may support well-being fatigue, drowsiness, anxiety, irritability, fear, depression and tinnitus.

The work of the heart and blood vessels may be accompanied by tachycardia, arrhythmia, reduction of pressure and vasculitis. Bony and muscular system can react arthralgia, tendinitis, tendon rupture. The hematopoietic system responds with eosinophilia, leukopenia, and a decrease in hematocrit. Not excluded, and allergic reactions in the form of rash, pruritus, urticaria, edema, malignant exudative erythema and so on.

nolicin 400 mg usage instructions reviews

This is also confirmed by instruction and feedback to “Nolicin”.

Overdose medicine

With the appearance of Symptoms of overdose usually manifest as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and in more severe situations, you may experience dizziness along with drowsiness, the emergence of cold sweat, cramps, and a puffy face without changing the basic hemodynamic readings.

The Treatment for this situation must inevitably be gastric lavage, along with adequate hydration treatment with forced diuresis and symptomatic therapy. In addition to this required examination of the patient and monitoring it in the hospital for several days. The specific antidote for this drug is missing.

What's more, the instruction on application to “Nolicin” 400 mg?

Drug interactions

Amid the simultaneous application of theophylline with norfloxacin should monitor the concentration of the latter in plasma. In addition, the adjustment of the dose, since norfloxacin may decrease the clearance of theophylline by twenty five percent. In this regard, can develop appropriate unwanted side effects. The main component of the drug - norfloxacin may also reduce the effect of nitrofurans.

nolicin 400 usage instructions reviews

Substance norfloxacin enhances the therapeutic effects of such drugs as “Flare” and “Warfarin". In some situations, the application of norfloxacin with these drugs increased concentration of creatinine, therefore, such patients requires control of this indicator.

The Simultaneous use ofnorfloxacin with antacids that contain aluminum hydroxide or magnesium, and also parallel the prescribing, which include iron and zinc, may reduce the absorption of the main component of the medication. Directly the interval between their use shall be not less than two hours.

The Simultaneous use of the drug “Nolicin” with drugs that lower seizure threshold may lead to epileptic seizures. Concurrent use with glucocorticoids may cause increased risk tendinitis, however, and cases of tendon rupture. “Nolicin” is able to enhance the therapeutic effects of hypoglycemic drugs that are sulfonylureas.

Simultaneous reception of ‘Nolicin” with drugs that possess the potential ability to reduce pressure, can cause a sharp drop in this indicator. In this regard, in similar situations, and, in addition, while input barbiturates, and other means for General anesthesia is necessary to control the pressure and indicators of the electrocardiogram of the heart.

It is written in the instructions for use to tablets the ‘Nolicin” 400 mg.

Work with alcohol

Antibacterial medicine from generation fluoroquinolone series are categorically not compatible with alcohol. This combination can lead to severe consequences and depression of the nervous system. This state can be completed even coma. In addition, given that the drug is excreted primarily by the kidneys, “Nolicin” of alcohol while taking can be the cause of severe intoxications related to violation of process of disposal of metabolic products.

Patients suffering from kidney disease and having problems with the nervous system, combining the drug with alcohol also increases the risk of seizures. It should be noted that the use of alcohol completely eliminates the effectiveness of this antibiotic. In this respect, such a combination can be dangerous not only side effects, but the factor that makes the treatment with antibiotic is absolutely useless.

Against the background of combined use with alcohol likely further progression of the primary infectious diseases along with the development of purulent complications. The combination of “Nolicin” with alcohol can also lead to toxic hepatitis and increased risk of pseudomembranous colitis.

nolicin usage instructions reviews

Special instructions

During treatment, ‘Elicina” patients need to get enough water. During therapy may increase prothrombin values. Within the surgical interventions it is important to control the state of the system of blood clotting. On the background of treatment with this medicine, patients should avoid direct sunlight.

In case of pain in the joints or at the first signs of tenosynovitis are advised to stop the drug. In addition during treatment are advised to avoid strenuous exercise. Also use caution while driving.

This is described in the instructions for use.

Counterparts “Nolicin”

This drug has structural analogues in the form of such medications as “Glurenorm” along with ‘Normacol’, ‘Depresion’, ‘Norredam’, ‘Normalnom’, ‘Monoroom’, ‘Somazina’, ‘Nonoxinol, ‘Ciproxina” and ‘Renor”.

What is better "Nolicin” or “Monaural”?

It is Impossible to answer this question. Before selecting a medication for the treatment of cystitis, it is primarily necessary to take into account many different factors, for example, such as patient age, the presence of certain contraindications, frequency of relapses, the presence of sensitivity and complications.

Usually the primary drug of choice of specialists within the treatment of uncomplicated cystitis is ‘MONORAL”. This medication is unique in its kind, as the therapeutic course is a maximum of two days. “Monaural” easily tolerated by patients, almost without causing side effects during treatment and after it.

In Addition, “Monaural” can be used to treat children under the age of five, he and pregnant women. Directly advantage the ‘Nolicin” is that it can be used for a long courses in the prevention of exacerbations.

Instruction on application to “Nolicin” 400 mg confirms this.

Feedback about the preparation

Among the opinions about “Salicine” are very different comments. In the positive the high efficiency of a drug. People write that the use of this improved health comes a day later from the start of therapy. Many buyers in the role of noted benefits and relatively low price of the drug, which is especially important when the need for a prolonged course of treatment.

The Negative reviews are mostly common side-effects of medication, especially from the digestive organs and nervous system. Some people do not like overly large tablets. Also people are writing that this drugthe drug causes a bitter taste in the mouth. And finally, discourages patients from using the medicine that “Nolicin” is an antibiotic, and, therefore, entails undesirable consequences associated with the violation of the intestinal microflora.

We have reviewed the application instructions and feedback to “Nolicin” 400 mg.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/health/2510-nolicin.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/zdaro-e/4416-nolicin-nstrukcyya-pa-zhyvann-vodguk-analag.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/gesundheit/4415-nolicin-gebrauchsanweisungen-bewertungen-und-analoga.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-salud/4420-nolicin-instrucciones-de-uso-los-clientes-y-los-an-logos-de-la.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/health/2511-nolicin-analogues.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/health/2510-nolicin.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/densauly/4418-nolicin-oldanu-zh-n-ndeg-n-s-auly-p-k-rler-men-sasty-tary.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/zdrowie/4420-nolicin-instrukcja-obs-ugi-opinie-i-odpowiedniki.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/sa-de/4417-nolicin-instru-es-de-utiliza-o-coment-rios-e-equivalentes.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/sa-l-k/4423-nolicin-kullan-m-talimatlar-yorumlar-ve-analoglar.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zdorov-ya/4420-nolicin-nstrukc-ya-z-zastosuvannya-v-dguki-analogi.html

ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/health/2667-nolicin.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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