Geranium: useful properties and contraindications


2019-03-19 01:20:32




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The geranium Family, which includes numerous varieties of plants from Asia and Europe, pelargonium from Africa, has long attracted the attention of the people. Popular not only decorative potted geraniums, the beneficial properties of flowers with lace or shaped lobed foliage and flowers of various shapes and colors, fragrant and odorless was known even in Ancient Greece.

In those days many types of geraniums was considered a medicinal cultures. From their stems, roots, flowers did decoctions, tinctures, received oil. Different types of geraniums grown in suburban areas and in the home. Today we will talk about the beneficial properties of geranium room. The photos posted in this article will help you to appreciate the beauty of this low-maintenance plants. In addition, you will learn how to prepare drugs based on it.

Geranium room: description

More recently, these beautiful flowering bushes can be seen in almost every home. Then pushed them a luxurious, exotic plants (orchids, unusual cacti, palm trees). And only the true connoisseurs of geranium continue to grow it on their windowsills. All types of potted plants are divided into two groups:

  • Flowering, having very beautiful flowers;
  • Fragrant, from which the inconspicuous flowers, and the leaves exude a pleasant aroma.

The root of the geranium, usually branched only in some species it is pivotal. The stem can be creeping (basket plant) or erect. Leaves often lobed, rarely pinnate, covered with small thin hairs. Colour may be different – plain, area. Color-shades of green of different intensities, with red, grayish or blue tint.


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geranium room

Flowers make up inflorescences, each consisting of five rounded petals of white, pink, red, purple shades. For some species, they have bright contrast spots. Blooms geranium with proper care almost all year round. This requires that the plant receives plenty of light and nutrients.

Types of geranium

Today it is known to botanists for nearly 400 species of wild representatives of geraniaceae. The habitat of these plants is quite wide: from the Pacific to the Atlantic, from India to Northern Europe. Rich biochemical composition have almost all types, including hybrids and potted pelargonium. A few indigenous varieties of the plant are used in folk medicine.

Most popular types of potted geranium

  • Geranium zonal. The most common type, consisting of nearly 70 thousand varieties. Leaves entire, with dark circles of different intensity. Flowers bright pink or white, are simple, Terry or semi-double.
  • Plusliga. This species has long lashes, which are adorned with smooth leaves, hanging down. The flower looks great in hanging pots.
  • Royal. Shrub, reaching a height of half a meter. The leaves can be as plain or with dark spots or stripes. Flowers large, simple or double. The colors are very diverse: solid color, with colored spots, edges.
geranium Royal
  • Geranium scented. Low shrubs with inconspicuous flowers. The leaves emit a smell of pine needles, ginger, lemon balm, pineapple, lemon and other plants. Flowers usually pink or purple. The Bush should be regularly pinch to form a beautiful crown.

Lemon species related to the fragrant geraniums, you need to focus your attention, because many growers would like to see this plant in your collection. It is a branched shrub that has well-developed nodal rhizome. The leaves are palmately lobed shape, carved. They are covered with thin hairs that exude scent when touched.

Flowers are collected in small umbrellas pink and white color. In addition to flavor and beautiful shape herbalists well-known beneficial properties of lemon geranium. It significantly eases the symptoms of many diseases:

  • Otitis media;
  • Epilepsy;
  • Acute respiratory diseases;
  • Inflammation of the nasopharynx;
  • Headaches.

Lemon geranium is antiseptic, has wound-healing and hemostatic properties. In addition, it is used as an excellent deodorizing agent. Geranium lemon is used in cooking. For example, in the preparation of various drinks, sweets, sweet syrups.

lemon geranium

Active study of beneficial properties and contraindications of geranium began in the late nineteenth century. Scientists interested in the popularity of this plant from the poor who used the plant for medicinal purposes. Today, traditional healers and homeopaths appreciate the healing properties of geranium, and its high activity to pathogenic flora, regenerating and anti-inflammatory properties.

Chemical composition

For the preparation of medicines on the basis of the use geranium plant roots and aerial part. In them, a huge amount of nutrients. The main value of this plantis geraniol – an aromatic alcohol which is a part of geranium oil. In addition, the members of the plant included:

  • Fructose and glucose;
  • Saponins;
  • Flavonoids;
  • Tannin, the content of which reaches 4 %;
  • Catechins;
  • Compounds with antiviral and antibacterial properties;
  • Vitamins K and C;
  • Carotene;
  • Alkaloids;
  • Macro - and micronutrients;
  • Anthocyanins.

In medical applications most often used geranium scented, blood-red and meadow.

Flower geranium: useful properties

Geranium has a powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiviral, and hemostatic properties. Drugs based on this plant can soothe, affect human performance, increase resistance to stress, fight with insomnia.

The therapeutic properties of geranium include:

  • Prevention of swelling;
  • Reduction in pain and heat;
  • A beneficial effect on inflammatory processes in the mucous membranes and the skin;
  • Lowering blood pressure.

The Plant normalizes the heart and blood vessels, gastrointestinal tract and liver, and urogenital. Traditional healers use plants to treat sciatica and degenerative disc disease.

Geranium Oil

The Beneficial properties of geranium oil are appreciated by dermatologists and cosmetologists. This substance has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerating properties. Thanks to them, the geranium oil is successfully used for pustular skin diseases, acne treatment, cellulite and many other beauty problems. Mild disinfectant action and the ability of geranium to influence the regeneration of cells allow the use of a plant for the treatment of such serious diseases as psoriasis.

Today, geranium oil is used in the treatment of eczema, difficult therapy, severe burns, effects of frostbite. Geranium oil effective for migraines, menstrual irregularities. On assistance provided by geranium women, let's talk more.

geranium oil

Geranium for women

Beauticians believe that it is a female plant-geranium. The beneficial properties of plants help to eliminate age-related changes. The easiest and effective way to improve the color and skin tone, get rid of wrinkles – every morning to wipe the face with a piece of ice from the juice of the leaves of geranium.

No less useful in pelargonium and to improve the structure of hair, eliminating dandruff and itching, prevent their loss. A decoction of the geranium makes the strands supple and shiny. For cooking 50 g dried minced raw, pour 500 ml of water and simmer on a slow fire for five minutes. After that, leave the broth for an hour in a sealed container. Use it three times in a week to rinse the hair. The course of treatment is three weeks.

flowers geranium

Mask for aging skin

Mix up 20 drops of geranium oil with the pulp of peach (1 piece) and cream (25 ml). Evenly spread the mixture on the face and the décolleté. After half an hour rinse with water. The procedure must be repeated twice a week.


To combat pimples should make a mask of 15 drops geranium oil, 20 drops of tincture of calendula and 20 g of green clay. Apply the mass in a thin layer on the skin steamed.

Useful properties of geranium for home

Experts believe that it is a beautiful, low maintenance indoor plant has a powerful positive energy that helps to strengthen family relationships, lonely people find their soul mate.

Plusline geranium cleans the air, destroys staph bacteria, germs, eliminates odors. The aroma of geranium is not transmitted by mosquitoes, flies, moths.

geranium in traditional medicine

It is believed that rose geranium is a symbol of happy and strong marriage. Esoteric use geranium as a powerful talisman against omens. White geranium helps couples to get rid of infertility, it is necessary to put in the bedroom. Pelargonium blood-red protects the inhabitants of the house from quarrels and scandals. Its aroma relieves stress, helps to relax, relieves irritability and fatigue. The aroma of geranium are attracted to building financial well-being: to do this, choose plants with red flowers. But in this case it is necessary to take care of flower – if he is sick or wither, you can not avoid financial collapse. Can essential oils of geranium lubricate the purse or carry it in dried leaves.


We talked about the fact that the beneficial properties of geranium improves the condition of patients with many diseases. An interesting fact you may not know. At the first sign of a cold wrap with fresh leaves of geranium large toes. Leave this compress on the night. In the morning you will feel a surge of strength, the disease will retreat.

Juice of geranium

Three times a day bury in each nostril three drops of the juice of the flowers of geranium. The same tool is used in conjunctivitis, but in this case, each eye instill 1 drop. Using juice effectively at various bleedings-nasal,hemorrhoidal, uterine.

juice geranium

Fresh leaves

The Beneficial properties of geranium are successfully used in the treatment of hypertension, disruptions of the heart rhythm, poor blood flow. It happens pretty unusual way – lock on the wrist of the fresh leaf of the plant for half an hour. In powdered form should be attached to the back with radiculitis and osteochondrosis. If otitis media is enough to put in a sore ear leaf geranium.


With nervous and heart diseases, insomnia can be taken in 3 ml of alcohol tincture morning and evening, diluting their previously small amount of water. For preparation of this drug need to grind 30 grams of buds and geranium leaves, put them in a jar of dark glass and pour the alcohol (100 ml). The composition is infused for three days.


The Decoction of the roots of geranium, according to herbalists, helps to remove kidney stones, reduce high blood pressure. To prepare it you will need:

  • 6 grams of crushed dried roots;
  • 250 ml of water.

A Quarter of an hour simmer this composition on slow fire. Leave the medicine with the lid closed for an hour, strain, add to the initial volume of boiled water. Received a portion of funds divided into four equal portions and taken throughout the day before eating.


Analgesic poultice is easy to prepare. Chop 15 leaves of fresh geranium, add camphor alcohol (50 ml) and rye flour (50 g). Distribute the weight of the affected area, insulate and leave overnight.


Has many useful properties geranium. Contraindications to its use in therapeutic purposes a little. Nevertheless, these should be taken into account, especially if you have a predisposition to allergic reactions or it comes to treating kids.

Allergic reaction to geranium oil and its scent, some people manifest respiratory symptoms: runny nose, pain in the eyes, sore throat, cough. The beneficial properties of geranium will not have the expected effect, if the condition gets worse because of allergies.

With regard to the treatment of children, then by all means, on the basis of geranium that are meant for use inside, must be taken only with the permission of the pediatrician. External use, as a rule, is restricted to individual intolerance. These requirements include:

  • For patients with problems of the gastrointestinal tract in the period of exacerbation;
  • Pregnant or nursing moms;
  • Elderly people;
  • In case of thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.

We introduced a common indoor flower-geranium. Useful properties of this plant will have a positive effect in the treatment only in case of compliance of formulations and dosages.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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