Contraception is an important element of the relationship


2019-03-25 02:20:20




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Our society is based on close interaction of its subjects, that is, people. The closest contacts occur between persons of different sexes, which is caused by the nature of man. However, talking about such interactions as sexual acts, mention should be made of some unpleasant features – and the possibility of acquiring sexually transmitted diseases, and the occurrence of unwanted pregnancy. Talk about pregnancy, where comes to the aid of all known contraception. This is an important element of today a free man in society.

What is contraception

It's a medical Term, derived from neo-Latin words. Contraception – methods of protection from unintended pregnancy. In modern society there is a whole system of these methods, which suggests the impact on man, part - woman. Contraception is quite diverse – from national to medical. In General, all methods of contraception are divided into barrier, hormonal and natural. Here are the most famous.

contraception is a


A barrier method. In fact, the main use of condoms is not related to contraception. First of all, they are created to prevent and protect both partners from Contracting sexually transmitted disease, however, the known methods of contraception include this method of protection. Moreover, the use of condoms for contraceptive purposes is the most popular method. The principle of operation is very simple: the condom tightly against the penis, and therefore during ejaculation does not allow the seed to fall into the female genital organs, preventing pregnancy. Meanwhile, there are risks of condom breakage, it is slipping (if size is wrong), and the technical defect, as a consequence, the method does not give 100% results.


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Calendar method

Refers to the natural. One of the most ineffective methods, which includes natural contraception. This is due to the nature of the female body, because you can get pregnant anytime of the month a woman can't. There is a certain period of time, which is called the ovulation period when the probability of conception is highest. It is considered that the rest of the woman to conceive a child can not. Meanwhile, this method is extremely risky, because, first, to determine the date with precision incredibly difficult, and the female cycle has the ability to move, and secondly, sperm can live for a time in a woman's body, staying active.

Oral contraception

One of the most effective methods among hormonal, and among all others, according to the Pearl index. Involves taking a woman the tablets at a certain time of day, every day. These pills contain hormones (estrogen, progestin) that prevent unwanted pregnancy. Risk very little, mostly if the woman was unable to take the pill at the right time of day. Otherwise, it is mandatory to consult a gynecologist before using this method, because this contraception has many contraindications. This is essential to protecting women's health and prevent most common mistakes.

oral contraception

Coitus interruptus

A Natural method, according to which, just before ejaculation the man should discontinue sexual intercourse and immediately remove his penis from the vagina. Thus, the semen does not fall into female genitals and pregnancy will not occur. Risky, because a man can always control himself, interrupting the sexual act. It should also be understood that if a second coitus, part of the semen remains in the penis during sexual intercourse inevitably gets into the vagina.

Barrier methods of female contraception

Include Femidom, diaphragms and cervical caps. Unpopular, ineffective, require special skills from women, planning sex acts, and generally quite dangerous for your health. Can cause many complications, besides themselves are extremely difficult to use, which significantly reduces their free use. Not recommended.

Intrauterine device


This contraception – is the introduction into the uterus of a special device which is of a high enough result prevent pregnancy. The main advantage is very high efficiency, however, the introduction of a spiral - a rather difficult procedure. First, the woman must observe her condition within the cavity of the uterus. Second, the spiral can lead to many complications, especially if the woman observed severe menstruation or she has not yet given birth. Third, psychophysiological influences, after all, is a foreign object in the body, and therefore may experience severe depression, attempts of the body to reject the foreign object, the pain.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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