Pills "Simvastol": instruction manual, reviews, analogs


2019-03-31 06:20:39




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If you have problems with blood pressure and cholesterol in the bloodstream, the doctor may recommend tablets “Simvastol”. The reputation of the drug is good, the user reviews on the world wide web also inspire confidence. Let us examine the statement that to understand, based on what the medication is, how it works, what limits its use is known at the moment.

What pharmacies?

The statement “Simvastol” contains an accurate description of the filling of the pack. When discrepancies in the accompanying documentation and must contact the pharmacy for replacement packaging. Normally, the drug is colored pink (10 mg) or yellow (20 mg) color. Each instance coated, made in the form of a circle. The product is homogeneous, the edge – solid. If you cut a drug, you can see two layers: the core is white, the edge – the thin, pink or yellow (depending on the dosage of the active component).

Instruction ‘Simvastol” mentions the names belonging to the group of lipid-lowering. The tool is manufactured synthetically, is a product of fermentation Aspergillus terreus.

simvastol feedback on the application

How to use correctly?

The Manufacturer notes that “Simvastol" (reviews confirm this) early use may cause increased concentrations of liver enzymes. Gradually condition yourself to be corrected, no specific provisions are required, to cancel the drug is also no need. In the General case, portability of the drug is good, but the disturbing effects are rare, although possible.


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In the very beginning of the application “Simvastol” and subsequently it is important to be tested regularly for quality control of the liver. The first three months of treatment the test is carried out on enzymes every 6 weeks, then increase the period by another two weeks, maintaining this throughout the year. Under normal tolerance and continuation of use of the medication as the liver function should be checked once a year.


As stated in the reviews, “Simvastol” may affect the liver, if the doctor recommends adjustments to the dosage of the drug. If your doctor has prescribed large quantities of medication, have to regularly come to the clinic for the testing activity of the liver. If the dose is 80 mg, as recommended for tests with three-month intervals. If the studies identify persistent activity more than normal liver transaminases, a therapeutic course is completed. The indication for this will be in excess of three times the normal indicators identified in the study of the health of the body. However, as noted by patients admitted “Simvastol" of the need to cancel arises infrequently. Even with increasing daily doses the drug is quite well tolerated by the body and does not cause negative feedback.

simvastol usage instructions reviews analogues

Require Special caution

Tablets “Simvastol" (the counterparts belonging to the category HMG-COA reductase, also) is not intended for use, if increased likelihood of rhabdomyolysis, failure of kidney function. Often this state is accompanied with acute infection, hypotension, trauma. You should not use “Simvastol" if there are major metabolic disorders, assumes a major operation in a short time.

In testimony to the use of “Simvastol” there is mention of primary hypercholesterolemia. If therapy with the use of the described formulation was sufficiently long, the abolition of the drug due to pregnancy does not lead to tangible impact on the condition of the patient.

“Interesting” position

Reviews on the use of “Simvastol" contain information on the urgent advice of doctors not to take remedy during the period of gestation. Blocking the activity of HMG-COA reductase compounds lead to slowing the formation of cholesterol in the tissues of the body, but this compound, as well as other substances produced in the processes of synthesis required for the normal development of the embryo. The use of “Simvastol” can impair production of cell membranes, and steroids. If “Simvastol” imposed on women in a period when the possibility of pregnancy, it is necessary to take measures for protection until completion of the therapeutic course. If during the period of treatment revealed conception, “Simvastol” canceled, and the patient informed of all the risks associated with such circumstances of pregnancy.

Instructions for use “Simvastol" contains recommendations to refrain from treatment this means, if the patient is of reproductive age do not use contraceptives.

Important features: to use wisely

Instructions for use “Simvastol" contains instructions for the treatment of some patients. If diagnosed hypothyroidism, revealed nephrotic syndrome, discovered other kidney disease, you should not immediately assign “Simvastol” as soon as the tests showed high cholesterol in the blood. The best approach – responsible treatment of the disease, provoked thiseffect, and only to the extent of its elimination can resort to “Simvastol” to adjust the patient's status.

Specific conditions instructions for use “Simvastol” has on persons suffering from alcohol dependence. It is important to regularly check the vital indicators of the organism to prevent the negative response of domestic systems. Special care require different liver diseases suffered by the patient, mentioned in the history of the disease. In either case the treatment is necessarily accompanied by a specially chosen diet with minimized cholesterol.

simvastol indications

The Dangers and rules of admission

Instructions for use “Simvastol” is not recommended during treatment with the drug to eat grapefruit juice as it can provoke more pronounced side effects. Special attention also deserve the person suffering from myalgia, myasthenia. In the General case, the use of “Simvastol” in such a situation is prohibited. Should stop the treatment with medication, if manifested increased sensitivity to CPK. You should not use the tool if the patient had hypertriglyceridemia first, fourth, fifth type.

As analogues, substitutes drug, “Simvastol” may cause allergic response. There is a possibility of myopathy causing rhabdomyolysis, the lack of functioning kidneys. The probability of such developments is higher if the patient uses to describe the name at the same time with fibrates, anti-microbial means of the groups of macrolides, cyclosporine, and nefazodone. Certain dangers are associated with the simultaneous intake of “Simvastol” and azolovy antifungals, HIV protease inhibitors. Myopathy is more likely to disturb a receiving “Simvastol” patients with insufficiency of kidney function in severe form.

Know and understand

Recommendations for “Simvastol”, analogues belonging to the same category of medications, as well as in situations when you need an increase in dosage, in the area of responsibility of the doctor – to warn the patient about the likelihood of myopathy. The expert drew attention that unexplained pain syndrome, which appeared shortly after beginning treatment or increasing the dosage, as well as pain, weakness muscle, weakness – a reason to immediately seek qualified help. It is especially important to visit the hospital if the condition bothers or feverish malaise. In this situation, the receiving means immediately stop. The cancellation takes place equally when diagnosed with myopathies, and with the assumption that.

When using “Simvastol”, substitute the funds selected by the doctor, have to regularly visit the clinic for tests to control CPK. This allows you to prevent myopathy. It is known that the process of the use of funds may be accompanied by increase in CPK in the serum. If felt sternum pain, a doctor takes this into account. Cancel the drug if CPK exceeds the standard by ten times and more.

How to use?

As mentioned in the reviews, the instructions for use, “Simvastol” and effective as a sole drug for the treatment of the patient, as an element of complex therapy. Good results shows the combination of “Simvastol” and bile acid resins. The manufacturer recommends omitting the next dose as soon as possible to take the missed amount, but not to double the dose if missed discovered up to the moment when you need to make the next batch. In case of insufficiency of kidney function in severe “Simvastol” prescribed only at the possibility of permanent control of functioning of this body. The duration of the therapeutic course is always determined by the doctor, universal recipes on this point. The doctor evaluates the patient's condition, diagnosis, comorbidities, response to treatment, based on what formulates how long the course is optimal.

simvastol instruction manual counterparts

Currently there is no information about what “Simvastol” could adversely affect the patient's ability to concentrate. There is no impact on the rate of reaction. No adjustment to the lifestyle, refraining from driving when therapy is not required.

Technical issues

As instructed, “Simvastol” represents the inactive lactone. Getting into the human body, the substance enters into the hydrolysis reaction, the product which has the activity of inhibiting HMG-COA. The effectiveness of the medication due to the fact of preventing the conversion of HMG-COA to mevalonate, and this reaction is – an early stage in the formation of cholesterol. “Simvastol” does not cause accumulation of sterols in the tissues of the body, which is estimated by experts as a very positive thing – compounds belong to the class of potentially toxic. HMG-COA is converted to acetyl-COA, element, involved in various reactions in the human body.

As shownspecific tests, the active compound is adsorbed with a high degree of efficiency of the process. The maximum concentration in the bloodstream means reaches only half an hour from the receipt of the food (sometimes the period is extended to 150 minutes), 90% of the parameter decreases later half of the day. Up to 95% enter into stable relationships with plasma. The half-life of the organism with activity of the reaction products of metabolism – less than two hours. More than half of the compounds excreted in the feces, of the order of 10-15% - by the kidneys, form – inactive.

What happens in the body?

When used correctly the medication according to the instructions in the plasma lowers the concentration of LDL, VLDL, triglyceride fractions of cholesterol in General. This makes the drug effective in mixed forms of disease, non-family, familial heterozygous, that is, situations when increased concentration of cholesterol is the main pointing to the danger factor. HDL in the circulatory system increases, and the ratio of LDL and the PAW is reduced. Decreases the ratio of total cholesterol and HDL amounts. A strong effect was observed after two weeks from the beginning of the therapeutic course, the maximum achievable pronounced by the fifth week of treatment (sometimes a little earlier or a little later). The duration of the action – the whole therapeutic course. Upon completion of receiving the medication the cholesterol levels slowly return to baseline values.

When given

As the reviews, the instructions for use, “Simvastol" (similar too) recommended for persons who are diagnosed with hypercholesterolemia primary type, while diet did not show significant improvement, even if very precise control of the flow of cholesterol in the body. The drug is the recommended if you have tried other measures to reduce the concentration of cholesterol, but they showed the inefficiency even under the condition of reducing weight, increasing physical activity. “Simvastol” is prescribed only in a situation when the chances of coronary atherosclerosis assessed as above the average. You can use if you have hypercholesterolemia, increased concentration of triglycerides combined type. The condition is the same – the ineffectiveness of diet, physical activity, drug-free methods other plan.

simvastol analogs and substitutes of the drug

“Simvastol” is prescribed for cardiac ischemia as a prophylactic to prevent heart attack, reduce the risk of death during ischemia. The correct use of funds allows to reduce the probability of violations of the functioning of the heart, and vascular system. Special efficiency the tool shows a higher risk of transistor ischemic attacks, stroke. If diagnosed with atherosclerosis, the use of “Simvastol” helps to slow the progress of the disease, reduce the risk of revascularization.

When not?

“Simvastol” is not intended to treat persons, whose organism has heightened sensitivity to active compound, other substances used in the manufacture of a medicament. A complete list of ingredients, refer to the official documentation, put into the packaging of pills. You cannot use ‘Simvastol” if the patient does not tolerate funds statinovogo series. Before the appointment of the drug is important to study in detail the case history of the client.

“Simvastol” is not designed for treatment of persons suffering from liver diseases in the form of an exacerbation and when stable activity of liver enzymes above normal, if the etiology of this problem was not detected. You can not use the tool if installed porphyria, myopathy. The drug is not intended for treatment of a minor, no information about the effectiveness of this therapy, security, “Simvastol” for the patient.

Attentive – security Deposit

“Simvastol” with great care be used by people with addiction to alcoholic beverages. Only under constant supervision of the doctor can use the medication, if you have recently moved organ transplantation. A specific approach require people undergoing depress the immune system of medicines because of the possibility of rabdomioliza, failure of kidney function. Special relationships require a person whose status allows to assume high probability of formation failure of the kidneys. In particular, disorders in the endocrine glands, metabolism, infectious disease, severe acute, hypotension.

“Simvastol” to use caution if patient has been a surgical procedure, including dentistry. Specific approach is necessary if the identified water-electrolytic balance disorders, trauma, inadequate muscle tone in the skeleton, and the reason for this state can't figure out. “Simvastol” is valid, but only under supervision of a doctor if the patient is ill with epilepsy.

substitute for simvastol

How to use correctly?

Therapies ‘Simvastol” is preceded by a diet with reduced concentration of cholesterol. This nutrition program comply with and periodthe use of the funds. Tablets designed for daily use in the evening, one capsule. The medication is abundantly washed down with water, if swallowed without compromising the integrity of the shell. There is no need to tie the period of receiving medication and a meal, but reasonable daily use of the drug at the same time. The dosage varies within the boundaries of 10-80 mg. Begin treatment with 10 mg daily, gradually, slowly increasing the number of patients the tools to achieve defined therapeutic effect. Unacceptable to day to eat more than 80 mg.

Adjustment of dosage is recommended no more than once per month. As can be seen from the medical statistics, in most cases, the optimal dose – 20 mg, although there may be individual variations in large and smaller side. If the set family hypercholesterolemia, homozygous, “Simvastol”, it is recommended to use every evening in the amount of 40 mg Sometimes dose is 80 mg taken three approaches – 20 mg in the morning, the same day twice – before the night's rest.

A Lot or a little?

Currently for one package of the considered tools in pharmacies are asking about 300 rubles. A specific value is determined by the dosage of the active compounds in capsules pricing policy of pharmaceutical enterprise. Counterparts “Simvastol” is presented as more expensive and some cheaper. Generally described, the name belongs to the available funds of its category. If necessary, the selection of substitute doctors often recommend the resort to names:

  • ‘Actalipid”.
  • “Zocor Forte”.
pills simvastol

Among the reliable counterparts “Simvastol” include “Aterostat”, “Singer”, “Simplecar”. To choose the replacement yourself is not recommended, it may cause lack of therapeutic effect, side effects, including myopathy. The use of any medication, replacing it with the counterparts should be agreed with the doctor that issued the tool.

Article in other languages:

AR: https://tostpost.com/ar/health/15198-simvastol.html

BE: https://tostpost.com/be/zdaro-e/27293-tabletk-simvastol-nstrukcyya-pa-zhyvann-vodguk-analag.html

DE: https://tostpost.com/de/gesundheit/27331-tabletten-simwastol-gebrauchsanweisungen-bewertungen-analoga.html

ES: https://tostpost.com/es/la-salud/27370-la-p-ldora-simvastol-instrucciones-de-uso-los-clientes-los-an-logos-de.html

HI: https://tostpost.com/hi/health/15326-simvastol-analogs.html

JA: https://tostpost.com/ja/health/15821-simvastol.html

KK: https://tostpost.com/kk/densauly/27258-tabletkalar-simvastol-oldanu-zh-n-ndeg-n-s-auly-p-k-rler-analogtary.html

PL: https://tostpost.com/pl/zdrowie/27006-tabletki-simwastol-instrukcja-obs-ugi-opinie-analogi.html

PT: https://tostpost.com/pt/sa-de/27013-a-p-lula-simvastol-instru-es-de-utiliza-o-coment-rios-equivalentes.html

TR: https://tostpost.com/tr/sa-l-k/28111-hap-simwastol-kullan-m-talimatlar-yorumlar-analoglar.html

UK: https://tostpost.com/uk/zdorov-ya/27102-tabletki-simvastol-nstrukc-ya-z-zastosuvannya-v-dguki-analogi.html

ZH: https://tostpost.com/zh/health/253-simvastol.html

Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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