Adrenal hormones and their role in the human body


2019-08-29 15:20:25




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Adrenal Hormones are very important for the normal functioning of the human body as it regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates and proteins, as well as the Central nervous and cardiovascular systems. But before you find out what hormones are produced in the adrenal glands, need to be familiar with their structure.

Brief information about the adrenal glands

The Adrenal glands — is a small, paired gland yellowish color, which are located directly above the kidneys. Each gland consists of two parts, which differ in their functions, morphological and physiological characteristics.

At the Top is the so-called cortical substance, which, in turn, consists of three different balls: located outside the glomerular area, followed by beam and mesh the plot adjoins directly to the inner portion of the adrenal gland — a brain ball.

The Role of the adrenal glands is very important for the body. This fact is experimentally proved. For example, when removal of both glands, the animal died immediately.

Hormones of the adrenal cortex

Cortical layer of these glands produces a number of steroid hormones that are called corticosteroids. The primary substance for the synthesis of such hormones is cholesterol, which enters the body with food. The synthesis of these hormonal substances is carried out in the mitochondria of cells.

In the mesh and fascicular area of the adrenal glands produces the so-called glucocorticoids, while the glomerular globe is responsible for the formation of mineralocorticoids. In addition, in the mesh area formed a small amount of androgens-the sex hormones of the human body.

Corticosteroids — this is a very important hormone-like substances, whose importance to the organism is difficult to overestimate. For example, these hormones regulate the activity of enzymes that control glucose metabolism. Artificial introduction into the body of glucocorticoids increases the amount of glycogen in the liver and increases glucose in the blood. Along with this, under the action of these hormones is observed stop protein synthesis. In case of strong violations and reduction of these hormones atrophy of muscles is observed.

In addition, glucocorticoids are important for the brain, since their lack a person loses the ability to distinguish odors and tastes. When the hormonal background of deteriorating processes of processing information.

Proven and the influence of glucocorticoids on the immune system, since the reduction in their number is observed swollen lymph nodes and thymus.

Mineralocorticoids — the adrenal hormones, which are responsible for water and salt balance in the human body. They control the exchange processes of ions, in particular potassium and sodium. It is thus governed by the volume of blood and fluid output by the kidneys. In addition, these adrenal hormones regulate the heart muscle.

Androgens — sex hormone of the adrenal glands, which only reinforce the influence of the substances secreted sexual glands. In addition, due to androgens, the muscles grow and increase in volume. It should be noted that in males the level of these hormonal substances are much higher. Increase their level in a woman's blood causes the development of secondary male sex characteristics.

Hormones of medulla of adrenal gland

This part of the gland produces the so-called “stress hormone”, collected under the title of catecholamines. These adrenal hormones is adrenaline, dopamine and norepinephrine. These substances begin to intensely stand out in the blood when strong emotions, nervous tension, joy, pleasure, fear, etc. Under their influence will speed up the heartbeat, breathing, increased blood pressure, significantly accelerates the metabolism, and in particular — glycogen breakdown to monomers. By the way, all the catecholamines produced by the body, scientists learned how to synthesize in the environment.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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