Description, prevention and treatment of gonorrhea


2018-03-21 10:54:07




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Gonorrhea ("the clap") — the disease is infectious. The predominant route of transmission-sexual. Pathogen-gonococcus, unstable outside the body, quickly lost during drying. However, moist environment extends their life to a day. Therefore, towels and sponges can also be a source (cause) of infection.

The Gonococci are killed already at 39°, but at high temperature, while in the body, their vitality is weakened only temporarily and is resumed with the normalization of body temperature. The poison produced during the decay of Neisseria gonorrhoeae, a depressing effect on the nervous system.

The Flow of gonorrhea in men and women is different.

In men symptoms such as painful urination can appear on the second day. The urine becomes cloudy, it is distinguishable flakes and "threads". Becomes painful erection. Visible pus. Treatment of gonorrhea should be started at this time, otherwise the disease will become chronic. This, in turn, can lead to the development of inflammation of the seminal gland, seed tubercle, of the epididymis, etc. One of the common complications — prostatitis.

In women, the disease is not always recognizable as symptoms or not, or their "blamed" for other diseases (cystitis, thrush). As with men, quickens urination (too painful) appear atypical yellowish discharge. The lack of treatment in these terms allows you to move through the genital tract, involve a comorbidities: dysmenorrhea (violation of the cycle, purulent discharge, severe pain) and oophoritis (inflammation of the appendages, adhesions are formed). In the end — infertility.


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Gonorrhea can cause proctitis (inflamed rectum appear constipation, pain, itching, burning) and gonococcal pharyngitis (inflamed throat, increased lymph nodes, tonsils and posterior wall of the larynx is formed purulent film). Mostly sick homosexuals.

If the treatment of gonorrhea has not begun and at this stage, the peritoneum is inflamed, infected blood. The infection affects the liver, kidneys, brain.

The Treatment of gonorrhea at home is unacceptable, because "drives" the infection inside, complicating the diagnosis and oiling the picture of the disease. For the diagnosis it is necessary to conduct direct microscopic analysis, smears for gonorrhea, immunofluorescence analysis. In identifying possible co-infections (syphilis, hepatitis, chlamydia, AIDS) treatment is adjusted.

Treatment depends on the stage of flowing of the disease, from an infected sex, the presence (or absence) of certain diseases and complications.

With gonorrhea at the initial stage, usually lacking a single dose of a strong antibiotic. Granted, as a rule, spectinomycin or ciprofloxacin.

When forms are shown asymptomatic treatment complex: UHF, darsonvalization, antibiotics, laser therapy, balms, compresses, diathermy, antibiotics.

Treatment of chronic gonorrhoea (running form) suggests simptomele the influence (taking Immunostimulants, gonococcal vaccines, vitamins with minerals). Then assigned to physiotherapy and individual course of antibiotics.

Sex at all stages of the disease and treatment are explicitly excluded.

Antibiotics destructive effect on the liver, provokes dysbacteriosis development, inhibits the work of the immune system. In addition, there are also individual intolerance to certain drugs. The treatment of gonorrhea appoint a doctor. Do not self medicate.

Treatment Time (weeks to months or more) depend on the individual patient and the stage of the disease.

After treatment, laboratory testing should be performed again. The patient is observed for another six months. At relapse regimen change.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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