Asphyxia of the newborn: the severity, causes, treatment, implications


2018-03-23 07:05:19




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Asphyxia — dangerous pathological condition that develops in infants in the first minutes of life (primary) or within the first few days (secondary) after birth. The pathology is characterized by irregular breathing and development of respiratory failure. In medical practice it is customary to divide asphyxia and moderate to severe.

Causes of neonatal asphyxia at birth

The reasons for the development of the pathological state are directly dependent on the type of asphyxia in the child. So, the primary develops during childbirth. This condition is usually caused by acute or chronic intrauterine fetal hypoxia. In addition, the causes of neonatal asphyxia may be:

  • Intracranial injury in a child, which he received in the process of childbirth;
  • Malformations, providing a depressing effect on the respiratory system and making breathing difficult;
  • Immunological incompatibility between mother and child by group or RH factor of blood;
  • Blockage of the airway of the baby slime or copladii waters;
  • A woman has heart disease and blood vessels, diabetes, iron deficiency anemia;
  • Preeclampsia (late toxicosis) in the mother, which is accompanied by high blood pressure and severe swelling of the limbs;
  • Pathological structure of the umbilical cord or placenta, detachment, improper position of the head of the fetus, early discharge of amniotic fluid.

Secondary occurring within a few hours or even days after birth. Causes of asphyxia in the newborn in this case can be:

  • Circulatory disorders in the brain;
  • Central nervous system of the child;
  • Heart defects of varying severity;
  • Pneumopathy: hemorrhage in the lungs, airway obstruction with mucus, dysfunction of metabolic processes.

All these States can begin to develop in utero.


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effects of neonatal asphyxia in older age

Pathological state

In various degrees of asphyxia in newborns begins a pathological change in metabolic processes in the body. Symptoms, the severity and duration of these violations depend on the severity of asphyxia. If the condition develops during labor, there was also a decrease in the volume of blood, its thickening and viscosity. Possible swelling in the brain, kidney and liver, heart, frequent hemorrhages, which appear due to insufficient amount of oxygen. Pathology also leads to a reduction in blood pressure of the newborn, reducing the heart's contractions, disruption of urinary function.

Mild asphyxia: condition of the newborn

Primary asphyxia of the newborn occurs in the first minutes of life. The child is assessed by Apgar scale. In mild respiratory distress as the baby is estimated at 6-7 points. In the first minutes of life the newborn makes her own first breath, but then his breathing becomes irregular, weak. Muscle tone is usually reduced and the nasolabial triangle becomes bluish tint.

Signs of moderate asphyxia in newborns

The Symptoms of pathology (moderate manifestation, that is, the average shape of gravity) are lethargy, emotionless short Creek, frequent vomiting, spontaneous movements, weak reaction to irritants and inspection, cyanotic skin color, weak manifestation of physiological reflexes.

As a newborn in General is estimated as average weight, Apgar score — 4-5. The heart rate per minute is less than 100 (healthy children — 100 or more), there is some flexion of extremities (in children with grade 2 note active motion), shortness of breath, a grimace on the face (healthy children screaming, coughing, sneezing), pink body color, and bluish extremities.

Apgar score

Symptoms of severe asphyxia in children

Severe asphyxia of the newborn is manifested by such signs:

  • Severe or very severe condition at birth;
  • The almost complete absence of physiological reflexes;
  • Deaf heart tones when listening, systolic murmur;
  • Possible hemorrhagic shock, in which the child's eyes closed, spontaneous breathing and response to pain.

In the worst case, can cause disruption of the normal functioning of many organs and systems, the lack of reaction of pupils to light. Neonatologist with such symptoms give 1-3 points on a scale Apgar. Thus heart rate may be missing limbs, breathing, and reflexes, skin color pale, may be cyanosed.

Clinical death: 0 Apgar

The Most severe form of asphyxia characterized by the clinical death of the newborn. To save the life of the child in this case, the doctors immediately begin to carry out resuscitation.

Main features secondary to asphyxia

Secondary postnatal asphyxia develops a few hours after birth or within the first few days. The state reported the same symptoms. The child becomes lethargic, breathing weaken or disappear, muscle tone decreases, can notto respond to external stimuli. In this way the skin becomes bluish tint in the region of nasolabial triangle.

asphyxia of newborns effects

Early and late complications asphyxia

Early complications of respiratory failure (that is, those that are observed in the first days of life) include:

  • Pulmonary hypertension;
  • Necrosis of brain tissue;
  • Swelling of the brain;
  • Intracranial hemorrhage;
  • Acute renal necrosis;
  • Thrombosis of renal vessels;
  • Seizures;
  • Pathology of hematopoietic cells in the bone marrow.

The Complications that may arise in the course of the next few days in the absence of adequate and comprehensive treatment of neonatal asphyxia, are:

  • Meningitis-inflammation of meninges;
  • Sepsis — a General infection of pathogenic bacteria getting into the blood;
  • Pneumonia-inflammation of the lungs;
  • Hydrocephalic syndrome — excessive synthesis of cerebrospinal fluid.

Therapy of acute asphyxia in a child

Stages of resuscitation of asphyxia newborn was organized into a single algorithm of actions in the United States. Called the ABC system-steps. First, neonatologists must ensure that the airway of the newborn, and second, it should stimulate the natural process of breathing, thirdly, it is necessary to support the circulatory system.

asphyxia of newborns

When a child with symptoms of asphyxia born doctors injected him with a special probe into the nose and mouth. Often this action is done again with the appearance of the baby's head from the birth canal of a woman. Using a probe from the respiratory tract of the baby and remove the remains of mucus and amniotic fluid, which can interfere with normal breathing.

After extraction from the birth canal, the doctors cut the umbilical cord of a newborn. After that, it goes on the resuscitation table, where you will re-clear the contents of the nasopharynx. This time to cleanse and stomach. This is not to touch the back of the throat, so as not to cause excitation of the nervous system and bradycardia.

The Baby is transferred under infrared heater, his skin promatyvaya clean diaper. To provide maximum airway, the doctors spread of the newborn as follows: on the back, under the shoulder cushion, the head is moderately flattened. If breathing do not, spend stimulation: it's easy to pop the baby in the heel, sole, rubbing the skin along the spine.

Not asphyxia, to give the child in the face with a jet of oxygen, to pour or splash water on him, gripping the chest or slap on the buttocks.

The activities Described above should be performed very quickly, literally within twenty seconds. After conducting resuscitation of newborn with asphyxia, his condition again, appreciate paying attention to heart rate, breathing, and tone the skin.

If breathing is absent or inadequate, the child is carried out artificial lung ventilation. Help newborn asphyxia involves the injection of drugs. Among the medicinal means of resuscitation effective solution of epinephrine, which quickly administered intravenously. Also, introduce a solution of sodium chloride in the form of drip for 5-10 minutes. If necessary, 40-50 minutes of life planned infusion therapy.

resuscitation of newborn asphyxia

Care for the newborn after asphyxia

After such a severe condition as apnea, required special care for a child. It should provide complete rest. The head should be in a good condition. Often, neonatologists and pediatricians - prescribe such young patients oxygen therapy. The duration of this treatment varies in each case and depends on the condition of the child. After asphyxia of the newborn is placed in a chamber with high oxygen content.

Definitely need to watch the child who suffered respiratory failure during delivery. It is necessary to systematically measure body temperature, monitor urine output and bowel function. Often the child needed re-cleaning of the respiratory tract from foreign content.

The First feeding of a child with a mild or moderate form of respiratory failure is made sixteen hours after birth. If the condition of the baby was heavy, the first feeding is carried out only in a day and using a special probe. The starting time natural breastfeeding is determined for each case separately.

After discharge from the hospital the baby should be under the supervision of a pediatrician and neurologist. The main purpose of all therapeutic measures is to avoid (or to minimize if not completely eliminate the possibility) of complications in the nervous system.

Doctors and consequences of asphyxia

The Prognosis and the consequences of neonatal asphyxia depend on the degree of disease severity, adequacy of actions of doctors and timely initiation of therapy. Prognosis is directly dependent on the second assessment of his health Apgar. The second assessment isthe neonatologist five minutes after the appearance of the baby born. If the second rating is higher than the first, the forecast is likely favorable.

stages of resuscitation in asphyxia of the newborn

Any consequence of neonatal asphyxia in older age were rarely, if doctors were favorable. As a rule, if the child experienced respiratory distress during labor, but doctors managed to stabilise his condition and prevent complications, older age, no trace of threat status will not.

Main preventive measures

The effects of neonatal asphyxia severe enough, but they can try to avoid. There are preventive measures, which, of course, not all 100% likely to avoid respiratory distress in the fetus, but result in approximately 40 % of cases. One of the causes of asphyxia, for example, may be intrauterine fetal hypoxia. To avoid this, a pregnant woman needs to visit a dentist regularly.

Also risk factors that can trigger respiratory distress in the fetus, are:

  • Maternal age over 35 years;
  • The presence of harmful habits in pregnant women;
  • High stress during pregnancy;
  • Disorders of the endocrine system of the mother;
  • Hormonal changes women;
  • Infectious and other diseases have a negative impact on the fetus.

One of the causes of asphyxia is also the detachment of the placenta or pathology of development. In addressing this factor, it is important regular monitoring by a specialist. The doctor will be able to identify the dangerous condition and time to begin therapy to the life and health of the little man was not threatened.

severe birth asphyxia

Here are some General guidelines gynecologists, a pregnant woman, which will reduce the risk of failure of the respiratory system of the fetus.

  1. More to walk in the fresh air. A woman's body is saturated with the necessary amount of oxygen, which is then transferred to the fetus in need of this element.
  2. Take vitamins-appointed gynecologist. And the most pregnant, and the baby that is developing in close connection with the mother's body, need vitamins and nutrients.
  3. To Respect the day. Night, the expectant mother should sleep at least nine hours a day is also recommended to allocate a few hours for sleep and relaxation (not behind a computer screen).
  4. To Maintain peace of mind and a positive attitude. Pregnancy is a memorable period in the life of every women, but it is connected also with stress, anxiety. To the child's health and most women need to worry less, learn to calmly cope with life's collisions, to spend more time associating with positive people.

It is Worth saying that respiratory distress i.e. apnea is a serious pathology. But thanks to modern drugs and professional actions of the medical staff, the lives of most newborns save and eliminate the possible consequences of the disease.

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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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