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All of the vital organs and systems of the child are formed during the first trimester of pregnancy, but this period almost every second of the expectant mother is accompanied by toxemia. Many consider morning sickness in pregnancy, vomiting and sensitivity to smells normal condition, but in fact this pathology.
The Exact causes of morning sickness in pregnant women and modern science has not been established, but there are several hypotheses. The most reasonable and popular in the medical community — neuro-reflex. According to this theory, an important role in the development of the pathology is played by disorders of the interaction of the CNS and the internal organs of the future mother.
During pregnancy, many women become tearful, irritable and Moody. This is due to the activation of the subcortical brain structures that form protective reflexes. So nature naturally protects the pregnancy. In the same structures of the brain is the vomiting center, olfactory area and cells, “control” salivary glands, heart, blood vessels, lungs and the stomach. Therefore, bouts of morning sickness in the early stages may be preceded by deeper breathing and increased heart rate, salivation, pallor.
Another theory explaining the appearance of signs of toxicity, — the immune. From the first days of fetal life the embryo is different in antigenic composition from the mother's body. Because of this a pregnant woman can begin to produce antibodies that trigger morning sickness. In addition, the unfavorable condition of the expectant mother in the early stages, some doctors explain a significant hormonal changes. The body is formed a new organ-the placenta-producing hormones. On this internal organs of the female and the nervous system react by symptoms of toxemia. A similar conclusion can be drawn from the fact that some pregnant women have the beginning of morning sickness coincides with the peak content of HCG.
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Some gynecologists and therapists working with pregnant women, is of the opinion that morning sickness in early pregnancy can be caused by negative emotions the expectant mother, the process of understanding his new condition, unrest, fear of child birth. For this reason, can start strong morning sickness in the third trimester. Also important is the role of self-hypnosis, because almost all of a woman learn about her pregnancy, inadvertently setting yourself up themselves that this condition in the overwhelming majority accompanied by nausea and vomiting.
The Cause of toxemia in early pregnancy is the age of the expectant mother. After 30-35 years, the pregnancy can be dangerous, especially if this is the first conception or in the past had numerous abortions. Toxicosis in women who become pregnant at a more Mature age, may be more intense than young mothers. Affects status and multiple pregnancy. With twins morning sickness in the early stages appears much more frequently than in singletons.
We can confidently say that a healthy woman is exposed to the symptoms of morning sickness where, to a lesser extent than the expectant mother who has a chronic disease, untreated infection and bad habits. Often nausea and vomiting accompany the first trimeter pregnancy in women with diseases of the thyroid gland, gastrointestinal tract, liver and reproductive organs. Predispose to toxemia in pregnant women frequent stress, poor nutrition, asthenic type of Constitution of the expectant mother, waiting for two or more kids.
The Most common manifestation of toxemia of pregnancy in the early stages — vomiting. The urge may occur at a different frequency, it depends on the severity of the condition of the woman. In the easiest case, vomiting is not more than five times per day, may be accompanied by long and short term sickness. Vomiting can be caused by eating, unpleasant smell, often occurs and on an empty stomach. The woman loses weight or loses weight only slightly — by 1-3 kg, or up to 5% of body weight. This condition is easily treatable.
In more severe vomiting may occur 10-20 times per day, accompanied by increased salivation, weakness, apathy, and General deterioration of health. Frequent vomiting is dehydration, reduced blood pressure, quickens the pulse, decreases the amount of urine, may increase the temperature. The loss of body weight — up to 10% of the original (up to 8-10 kg). With such a strong toxicosis in the early stages disrupted the flow of nutrients to the fetus.
Other signs of toxicity include nausea, increased salivation. As a rule, the symptoms are heaviest in the morning. However, may be evening and morning sickness during pregnancy in the early stages. Another unpleasant manifestation — skin rash and itching, which can lead to depression, sleep disturbance, and irritability.
When the morning sickness in the first trimester? Generally to 12 weeks of pregnancy all the symptoms of toxicosis are retreating. In some cases nausea and vomiting can last more thanlong term or to characterize the later stages of carrying a child, appearing again or for the first time in the third trimester.
In addition to the separation according to severity, morning sickness in pregnancy can be of the following types:
When morning sickness starts? Doctors put the next time frame. Early morning sickness can begin in the first days of menstruation or at the 5-6 week. The earliest date when can appear symptoms — is one to two weeks after implantation of the ovum in the uterus. It is important to know that between the implantation and sexual intercourse, in which there was fertilization, it is impossible to put equality sign. Between these events usually takes 3-7 days. Nausea and vomiting cease to bother the future mother by the age of 13-14 weeks, and sometimes much sooner, as each case is individual.
Even with minor manifestations of toxicity, the doctor will refer the mother for tests. As a rule, you need to pass urine analysis, biochemistry and General analysis of blood. It is necessary to determine the severity of the pathology and appropriate treatment of morning sickness in the early stages. Frequent retching and poor condition females in General shows the observation in the hospital. A slight degree of toxemia, pervasive, can be treated at home under the supervision of a physician. Diagnosis the doctor may sometimes only on the basis of questioning the patient.
How to relieve morning sickness in the early stages? There are many therapies and unpleasant, but not all are equally safe for the mother and a normal pregnancy. Among the methods applied conservative therapy, i.e. medication, immunochemotherapy, homeopathic remedies, aromatherapy, acupuncture, psychotherapy (helps if the symptoms of reproduces the nervous system of the pregnant woman). The doctor will recommend the expectant mother to adhere to a special diet and a slight change of lifestyle to effectively deal with early morning sickness in the early stages. How to do it? Recommendations about diet and folk remedies and methods offered by conventional medicine, take a closer look at next.
Majority of drugs are contraindicated in expectant mothers, but there are pills for morning sickness in early pregnancy. Apply harmless Valerian, "Pepto" and trace elements. Sometimes to alleviate the condition helps the designation of an appropriate vitamin-mineral complex. Therapy should be comprehensive, therefore, shown such means from morning sickness in the early stages, as “Reglan”, “Remedy”, “Essentiale” and others. In some cases it is necessary to use more serious drugs that potentially threaten the pregnancy. If in the absence of therapy can be a miscarriage, doctors prescribe such treatment.
How to deal with early morning sickness in the early stages? You need to pay attention not only to the products that the expectant mother eats, but also to review your food habits. Food toxicity in the early stages needs to be frequent, but small portions. Menu need to do a variety. Vomiting provokes too hot or cold food, so should eat meals in the form of heat. Better to drink mint tea and mineral water.
If nausea and vomiting occur in the morning, it is recommended to try to eat Breakfast, without getting out of bed. Enough to drink a Cup of warm tea, eat a few crackers or crackers, some fruit, a few slices of lemon. Nausea in the afternoon is likely to cause stress and fatigue. In thisyou can always drink infusions of Valerian and motherwort, soothing fees. With increased flow of saliva, it is desirable to rinse your mouth with infusions of chamomile, sage, mint.
In the last trimester when morning sickness you need to give up pickles and smoked products, pickles. But in the early stages pickles and fish are even useful, but only in moderate amounts and not for women suffering from kidney diseases. In the later stages you need to use as less salt, to abandon herring and cucumbers. It is recommended to add to the diet meat diet (boiled or steamed), cheese, boiled fish.
At any time the food must be balanced. Even if toxicity is not fully give up food, this could further harm the status of both the pregnant woman and the harmonious development of the fetus. You need to eat slowly and those foods that do not cause rejection. Allowed lean meats (e.g. boiled fillet, steamed chicken or beef), fresh vegetables and fruit.
Here are a few popular and very effective and natural remedies that you can use to eliminate the symptoms of morning sickness:
Interestingly, from a toxicity very effective “Coca Cola”. Consumption of this drink in excessive quantities is harmful, but SIP “coke” can save the mother from sickness.
What helps with morning sickness in the early stages? Aromatherapy has a beneficial effect on the health of the pregnant woman. Acute toxicity will help a few drops of peppermint essential oil or ginger. You need to apply oil on palm, RUB and hold up to nose and inhale deeply several times. Retching well eliminate steam inhalation. Used in the treatment of morning sickness in early pregnancy and herbal medicine.
This exercise from Chinese medicine helps to cope with bouts of nausea and vomiting, digestive disorders. In standing, sitting or lying on the back should be actively rubbing their hands together to charge them with energy. Then the palm to attach to the lower abdomen on either side of the navel, close your mouth and take a deep breath through the nose. Need to exhale slowly, as if lifting the hands to the stomach. Next, you slowly inhale, but now bulging stomach. The exercise should be repeated 2-3 times, and eventually you can increase the number of repetitions up to 12 times.
Some pregnant women Have no symptoms of toxicity in normal times, but they begin to appear in transport. To avoid nausea and vomiting, you must only travel in the front seat (in the front of the bus), on the road it is advisable to look through the windshield. Nausea will increase if you lean back to look in the side Windows or ago. For half an hour before traveling, it is desirable to dissolve three to five tablets a homeopathic medicinal product "Air-sea». This tool helps motion sickness, can be used during pregnancy.
If the doctor finds adverse effects in the analyses, and the woman will deteriorate, may be recommended hospitalization. This will allow doctors to monitor the health of the expectant mother and child. Doctors will carry out the restoration of lost fluid, salts and proteins, the woman put on a drip to all the necessary substances received into the blood stream. To suppress nausea and vomiting usedspecial tools that block the gag reflex. Also woman prescribed sedatives, and when excessive salivation — medicines that suppress the activity of the salivary glands. To reduce the amount of drugs will help drug-free methods of influence, namely, phyto - and aromatherapy, psychotherapy, acupuncture. As soon as normal pulse, blood pressure, amount of discharge of urine, fever and nausea and vomiting will not be so hard to manifest, a pregnant will be able to return home.
The deteriorating health of many women trying to determine pregnancy, but not always, nausea and vomiting indicate an interesting position, and sometimes the expectant mother may not feel these uncomfortable symptoms throughout the period. What is really there, its as some even try to find out the sex of the unborn child. Who is born, if a woman is experiencing severe morning sickness in the early stages? Boy or girl? So many expectant and experienced mothers believe that it is the harbinger of the birth of girls, while others argue that in this case, most likely, the woman is carrying an heir.
Scientists say that no link between the sex of a child and severity of manifestations of toxicity no. The study was conducted, during which experts were watching 4 thousand expectant mothers suffering from vomiting and nausea. In due time 44% gave birth to boys, 56% – girls, almost in half. So the morning sickness and the sex of a baby they are not interconnected. Of course, it is interesting to see who will be born, but the main thing — that's what a child is conceived, healthy, growing and developing in time.
Moms are so accustomed to the assertion that the morning sickness — this is absolutely normal condition of the pregnant woman that his absence makes you wonder about the health of the fetus. In fact, such suspicion is not completely baseless. If the expectant mother is healthy, the manifestations of toxicity may not be, and it's completely normal. This situation confirms that the body got adjusted to the new regime copes with the loads and adapted to his condition. The lack of toxicity to ensure that the fruit all necessary substances for healthy development and allows the mother to really enjoy their special status.
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Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
"Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."
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