Guidance to parents on the development and education of children


2018-03-26 11:41:25




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The Role of parents, their education children – the most important mechanism in the development of any individual. That family is a small model of society, where to live in the future. The family formed the first Outlook on life, development, determines the choice of profession, relationship and social activity. It is impossible to overestimate the role of parenting. Young moms and dads don't always understand their child, unable to explain his behavior and actions. Consider the main recommendations to parents that will help in the upbringing of the young generation.

recommendations to parents of children of preschool age

The Responsibility of parents for the upbringing of children

Any activity in life can match the difficulties of raising a child. It knows no holidays, weekends, not looking to your mood or feeling. The process of education requires enormous understanding and patience. Well, if a child grows up in an intact family. In this case, he gets the necessary experience not only living in society, and studying communication between genders. In addition, the child easier to survive a conflict situation with one parent, knowing that he will be able to find support for the second. Traditional education usually for misconduct punishes dad, he shows the severity. The mother always regret and consolation.

Guidance for parents on education include this impact on the child moms and dads are different. Father helps daughter or son's strong character, teaches to achieve goals and to defend their opinion. In his example he shows how to overcome various life obstacles and to protect themselves in the outside world. Mother teaches adaptation to living conditions. She instills the basics of hygiene, self-care, teaches the rules of communication and independence.


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When raising a child it is worth considering astrology. It has been proved that birth year affects character baby. For example, recommendations to parents of children year of the Tiger suggests that it is necessary to consider that the Tiger – a true idealist. He is full of enthusiasm, talented, interested in everything new, inquisitive and curious. Parents will not need to solve the causes of his offense, he'll post himself. Baby-Bull is very bright, we need to encourage and support that his talent was revealed. But the Horse doesn't listen, a very difficult sign. But at the same time, children of this sign are very intelligent and quickly learn the material. Raising kids, listen to the recommendations of astrologers, it will ease the process.

guidance to parents on child development

Recommendations for health preschoolers

Guidance to parents on parenting indicate that you need from early childhood to instill in your child the desire to be strong and healthy. You must cultivate the foundations of a healthy lifestyle. The child must learn that strength and health are inextricably linked, he needs to learn to take care of their health, and take it seriously. In this issue recommendations to children and parents is simple: let your baby know that health, both physical and mental-is a priceless gift and a treasure that needs to be strengthened. Parents should pay special attention in the preschool years to the following:

  • Mental health (the family must be a favorable environment are eliminated in a stressful situation).
  • Be Sure to set the mode of a preschooler. At school age it will be difficult to get used to the regime, if he lived without any rules.
  • School age can not be a long stay in a static posture due to poorly developed muscles. Baby should always be active, in motion. Otherwise, the diagnosis of "physical inactivity" is inevitable.
  • Encourage your child from an early age that hygiene-this is the main basis of health. He must always comply with its rules.

The Main advantage of preschool is the age. It was during this period, you can easily learn the fact that harder to learn at a later age. For example, if six people had not learned to speak, every year the chances of that are reduced. The older the child, the harder it will be to teach some basic skills. Use the preschool years increasingly, in these years, the baby absorbs everything like a sponge. Invest in more tools in the future he can use for further learning at school.

recommendations to parents on education

Basic guidelines in education

Parents often face problems in relationships with their maturing children, you should not be afraid. In such cases it is necessary to listen to what advice to parents give experienced teachers and psychologists. Here are some of them:

  • Do Not go to extremes in parenting. In some families there is an authoritarian way of parenting when the baby is literally surrounded by various taboos and prohibitions. In other cases, on the contrary, parents (mostly women) turn a blind eye to the whims and pranks of the child. Both of these options relationships – a blunder. Respect the child feel his needs, but at the same time set clear limits on what is possible and what is not.
  • Less abuse of children. If anything, they have not obtained, one need not be surprised, because the kid just learns everything. Recommendations to parentsthe development of various skills as follows: do not to focus on mistakes, don't repeat phrases such as “All you have not…”, “Forever you can't…” and the like. Such statements can cause a variety of venues in the future. More often encourage your toddler, praise him for his successes, and encourage new action.
  • Listen to your child. Often busy mom in the kitchen doesn't find 10-15 minutes to listen to the excited speech of the kid, and sends him to play. So you know that each time your child will be less for you to resort to something to share. Growing up, it will close in on itself, and then you don't learn from him even what would like.
  • Nurture confidence from an early age. Don't scare of height, water, spiders. The child needs to be confident in their abilities and nature from an early age. So he will be able to quickly adapt to society and will achieve incredible success, going through life. Emphasize the best traits of their child, this applies not only appearance, but also character.

Tips for parents of preschoolers

tips for parents of preschoolers

A Crucial age in child development – preschool period. The baby at this time is more than the rest of my life. The knowledge acquired in this period – the basis of all later life. To prepare the child for school, useful are the following tips for parents of preschoolers.

Teach your baby best in the form of a game. At this age it is necessary to develop logic, verbal skills, thinking. To use for this educational games: sculpting, puzzles, coloring, music, drawing. In the future these skills will be useful for the child. Of course, in the kindergarten the child will learn a lot. But know that education and training – a two-way process, it is parents and educators work together. Do not blame the educational function on the shoulders of the teachers themselves more practice.

Methods of training and learning something new must have shape. Learn like playing with the baby. Don't tell him the phrase “should”, “need”. Let the training he used from the position of “interesting”. You can instill a craving for learning, find this form of the game to the kid himself constantly sought her to play.

Pay attention to speech

Do Not stay quietly in development, if the child clearly spoke. Pay attention to his speech, compare adult. Recommendations to children and parents from a speech therapists point to the fact that vocabulary the child must always be replenished. He needs to learn how to form their thoughts. Play such games that require imagination, introduce new words, use developing the child's speech techniques. Don't stop once the child has learned the basic words introduce new concepts, increase your vocabulary. Do not think that at school he'll learn it himself. Remember how many people are unable to Express their thoughts, have poor vocabulary. Do not leave this task to the school.

The recommendation of the speech therapist parents:

  • At an early age explore the formation of the vocal apparatus in the child. There are times that children need to cut the frenulum of the tongue. The speech therapist examines the articulating apparatus and give advice.
  • Do Not forget to carry out articulation exercises.
  • With the child need only speak the right thing. You shouldn't use in his speech “baby”. The child, hearing from you various incorrect expressions, on the contrary, most of them repeats.
  • Children, hearing the babble from adults have speech problems and difficulty thinking. The better, clearer the speech, the better the future will be a letter.

the advice of the speech therapist parents

Recommendations of parents to nurture the sense of responsibility

From an early age to cultivate children's sense of responsibility. For this grant the child the right to vote, in particularly important cases, let's the right choice. In matters that it is capable of solving itself, the choice is up to him. But where we are talking about his welfare, he is entitled only to the voice, the choice here is for adults. We decide for him, but at the same time show that it is inevitable.

The recommendation of parents of preschool children indicate the need for early years to allow the child to answer for their actions. Teach him that going to school, he will do the homework assignments, the responsibility for this will lie on it. When a baby starts to attend school, do not berate his homework. Don't enforce, and then check the finished job. If the first days you will sit at the lessons, the burden will fall on your shoulders forever. Children often use this as a weapon against parents to blackmail, exploit parents in the performance of tasks.

You will avoid many troubles if you're not interested in the smallest details, and will clearly understand that this responsibility is fully on the child. There is no dispute that to help necessary, but a child learns to do it himself! Let him from an early age, responsible for his actions and their consequences. But don't forget to praise for the results achieved. This helps the baby to establish themselves in self-importance.

Responsibility infamily

The recommendation of the parents to nurture a sense of responsibility (they give those who have extensive experience in foster care):

- Encourage initiative. The child wants to wash the dishes? Place next to the stool and wash together! There is a desire to clean the house? Hands him a vacuum cleaner. Naturally, the process will be delayed, but let the child feel like an adult, proud of its achievements. Let him feel the responsibility for order in the house.

- it is Important that instructions are workable, otherwise the result will be tears. Better than many words-a personal example. Accustomed to responsibility, control their actions, behavior and words, because the kid would copy. You will not be able to be close with your child, but to explain how to act in a given situation, it is possible.

- the advice of parents on the topic of responsibility affect the relationship with the senior. Not to scream because mom is sleeping, be quiet, because my grandmother had a headache. It is important that the child understand that not only should be taken care of, he also needs to give your love to friends and associates.

- Every act let's get an explanation. “You're scattered, you got”, “Broke? Very sorry, but more we will not be able to buy such a toy”.

- Explain to your child that their promises should be approached very responsibly. Don't forget, is to confirm their own examples.

- Always give alternative choices in a given situation. Offer something or other: cereal or with cream cheese for Breakfast, slacks or jeans on the street… the Truth is simple: the responsibility is formed by examples, and the solutions that the child must answer for himself. Through years of practice will grow up a responsible person who will be able to answer for their actions.

recommendations to parents development

Adaptation to school

A Turning point in the life of every child is to enter school. The school process radically changes the way of life: it is necessary hard and systematically to work, to obey all rules, respect the day, to run errands for the teacher. Each first grader, along with a sense of delight about his growing up, experiencing more, and the confusion, anxiety and tension. At this time there is adaptation. Recommendations parents received from experienced teachers and psychologists will help your child not to get lost in the adult world of school and they get used to the environment. Adaptation – a long process, and if for some people it lasts a month, some getting used to the lifestyle change during the first class. Difficulties in this period have not only children but also parents, teachers. We must act together to facilitate this process.

Adults should support the child in the desire to communicate with classmates, learn something new, to create a comfortable environment for classes. Parents can do a lot that the kid loved to go to school. This applies above all to the requirements. Forget about the authoritarian methods, but this period can be for a toddler friend. Don't ask from the doorway, where he received. To start ask what new and interesting things he learned today, who became friends, what he did in the classroom. If children can not immediately give sensible answers, no need to get upset and scold them. Do not show your irritation. Kid psychologically rebuilt from kindergarten to school. Basic guidelines for parents in the autumn: watch out for the health of the baby, more him walk, because the day abruptly begins to wane, and the lack of sun also affects brain activity. Never allow to sit for lessons, until the child is completely get a break from school. Must pass at least 3-4 hours after the class.

Fear there is no place

The Main recommendations of the psychologist parents:

  • The Kid should not be afraid of mistakes. This fear may discourage completely desire for learning.
  • Let the opportunity to make mistakes and help us fix bugs. Teach that everyone makes mistakes, but through hard work, to achieve results.
  • The Feeling of fear suppresses the initiative in everything: not only to learn but also just to enjoy life. Remind your child of a well known proverb “learn from mistakes”, “do Not mistake the one who does nothing”.
  • Never compare with others. Praise for personal achievements. Let the child be himself. And love him such what it is. So he will be sure of your support in any life situation.
  • Recommendations to teachers, parents point out that you should never compare boys and girls. It's two completely different worlds, which feel, perceive information in different ways. Girls tend to be older than the biological age-their peers-boys.
  • Remember that your child is – it's not your copy. He will not learn in the same way as you once. Take it for granted. Do not scold and do not call insulting words for the inability of something to do.
  • Give more attention to the child. Rejoice with him even the smallest success, not uchityvaya for failure. Be around each other. And then, even the hidden kid will trust you and not friends in the yard.

psychologist's advice to parents

Recommendations for every day

The following recommendations to parents on child development will be useful for every day:

  • If you suddenly have to chastise the child fora misdemeanor, never use expressions such as “do You”, “you Always”, “Always you". Tell him that he is always good, but today he did something wrong.
  • Never leave in a quarrel, angry after a conflict. Make peace first, and then go about their business.
  • Foster a child's love for home. He is always happy to return home. Don't forget to say, having come from somewhere: ‘How can we have good, warm and comfortable”.
  • For the enrichment of the spiritual often read along with the children books aloud, even with teenagers. A good book will pull you together even more.
  • In disputes with children sometimes give in to them. The child should know that sometimes he is right. So in the future he will learn to give to others, to accept defeat and mistakes.
  • Remember to always admire and cheer. Confidence is born in cases when you often say “I believe in you”, “you get” “Amazing! You've achieved”. But do not forget about the criticism. Sometimes it should be combined with praise.
  • The Most important life qualities that parents must instill in your child, it's resourcefulness, responsibility, respect.

Strong, tough personality helps to bring all these recommendations to parents. School kid will give a lot of strength and support, help parents to be it is simply necessary. Finally we present a few basic parenting tips:

  • When dealing with a child, do not undermine the authority in which he believes. It's his choice.
  • Always Be consistent in their decisions. It is not necessary to forbid to do things that were previously allowed.
  • Do Not ask what the baby can not run. If in any school subject difficulties, help to understand, and at the slightest achievements, do not forget to praise.
  • More Often use affectionate bodily contact, hug, kiss their child.
  • Be around him as an example.
  • Less make comments.
  • Do Not humiliate child punishment, use it only in extreme cases.

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    Alin Trodden - author of the article, editor
    "Hi, I'm Alin Trodden. I write texts, read books, and look for impressions. And I'm not bad at telling you about it. I am always happy to participate in interesting projects."

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